After brushing their teeth obediently, Shen Siwan combed through their messy hair one by one. She gazed at the slightly long bangs of the two little ones and said, “We’ll also go to the barber shop to get your hair cut while we’re at it.”

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Tang Mian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although his mom enjoyed having fun with them, she was quite conscious about nurturing their gender awareness. She wouldn’t let them keep long hair or tie cute little ponytails on a regular basis. At most, she would satisfy her own desires by letting them wear dresses or wigs during photoshoots.

After washing their faces with their small towels, the two little ones followed Shen Siwan downstairs to the dining room.

Breakfast was ready, but the maids had put it in the kitchen to keep it warm. After all, Tang Mian and Fu Shizhao usually woke up late, and without insulation, the food would get cold. It was still early spring, and the temperature hadn’t risen much yet.

Their fathers and older brother had already left, and they didn’t bump into their older brother this morning.

The maids were probably tending to the flowers and plants Shen Siwan grew in the garden and were not present here.

The dining room was empty at the moment.

Seeing the two little heads obediently take a seat, Shen Siwan gave each of them a familiar pale-yellow bib and then walked straight into the kitchen to bring their breakfast.

Tang Mian’s gaze fell upon a familiar milk bottle.

The bottle was placed inside the milk warmer, which had a built-in insulation function, so it hadn’t been taken into the kitchen.

The bottle was currently filled with milk, at just the right temperature.

This time, Tang Mian didn’t snatch Fu Shizhao’s bottle to drink.

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After all, Fu Shizhao was quite thin at this point and needed some extra nutrition.

Though Tang Mian had some hearing problems in one ear since birth, he had been nurtured since childhood and was generally in good health.

Although… he still cared about the prospect of Fu Shizhao eventually growing taller than him.

However, when it came down to the choice between Fu Shizhao’s physical health and a height comparison, Tang Mian compromised.

When they were younger, if Fu Shizhao’s health wasn’t properly taken care of, he wouldn’t be able to ‘assist’ him later on.

Tang Mian reasoned with himself in his heart. But then he noticed a small hand holding a familiar milk bottle being extended toward him, and a gentle voice saying, “Brother, you go first.”

Tang Mian couldn’t help but pause for a moment.

Even though everyone in the Tang family now knew that Fu Shizhao “didn’t like” drinking milk, Tang Mian had no recollection of it. After all, in his previous life, he was only three years old at this time, and his memories had blurred into indistinct shapes.

If he had known that Fu Shizhao “didn’t like” drinking milk at this time, he wouldn’t have just snatched Fu Shizhao’s milk bottle yesterday and gulped down the entire content in one go. He would have probably made Fu Shizhao drink the entire bottle of milk in front of him.

So, when Fu Shizhao handed him the milk bottle, it triggered a deep thought within Tang Mian.

Fu Shizhao actually let him drink first…

This time, he was determined to raise Fu Shizhao into a well-behaved little brother.

Tang Mian obediently took the milk bottle from him, took a symbolic sip, and then handed it back to Fu Shizhao. Mimicking the mannerisms of an adult, he patted Fu Shizhao’s shoulder and said, “Zhao Zhao, drink more milk to grow taller.”

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When Shen Siwan brought out breakfast from the kitchen, she saw this scene, and her eyes filled with a smile.

‘Mian Mian is becoming more and more like a good older brother.

However, it seemed that Zhao Zhao didn’t quite like drinking milk. I suppose…’

Shen Siwan’s thoughts hadn’t even finished when she saw Fu Shizhao obediently start sipping from the small milk bottle.

Shen Siwan: “…”

Holding the tray of breakfast, she stood there stunned for quite a while.

The housemaid had informed her several times that Zhao Zhao didn’t like to drink milk and always held the milk bottle without wanting to drink from it. Later on, she had paid attention and confirmed this was indeed the case.

But now…

Could it be that Zhao Zhao listens to Mian Mian?

If Zhao Zhao was willing to listen to Mian Mian, that would be great too, as it would save them quite a bit of trouble.

Zhao Zhao was really too thin; he needed proper nourishment. The Tang family could certainly afford a bottle of milk.

After placing the breakfast in front of the two little ones, Fu Shizhao’s milk bottle was empty. Shen Siwan praised him happily, took the bottle from his hand, and then handed small spoons to both him and Tang Mian.

“Thank you, Auntie,” Fu Shizhao’s eyes curved into crescent moons as he looked up at Shen Siwan with a grateful smile.

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In his previous life, he had foolishly left the milk for his adoptive father to drink. By evening, the milk had completely cooled down and developed a slightly off smell. His adoptive father had advised him repeatedly, but he hadn’t listened, being quite stubborn.

In this life, he decided to first take care of his own health. Only when he was in good health would his father feel more at ease.

He had wanted to say “Thank you, Auntie” for a while now. Finally, he found the opportunity.

He was genuinely grateful to her, just like his other mother who had always cared for him. Unfortunately, in his previous life, he had been disobedient and disappointed her.

But not this time.

Tang Mian also noticed his series of reactions and tightened his grip on the small spoon.

In this life… it would be best if he always treated his mother this way.

Fu Shizhao mustn’t let his mother down like he did in his previous life.

Shen Siwan was delighted by his sweet tone and playfully kissed both Fu Shizhao and Tang Mian on their foreheads, coaxing, “Good children, eat up your breakfast, and then you can watch cartoons.”

Tang Mian’s mood brightened even further upon hearing this, and he squeezed his cheeks with the small spoon, making them puff up.

Finally, after finishing the last bite of food, Tang Mian extended his little hand and pulled out a baby wipe to clean his mouth. His gaze then shifted to Fu Shizhao, who was eating breakfast slowly beside him. His small eyebrows couldn’t help but crease slightly.

Why was Fu Shizhao eating so slowly?

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He wanted to watch cartoons as soon as possible.

Shen Siwan had been sitting across from them, watching them eat. Seeing their interaction, she explained, “Zhao Zhao’s arm is injured, so he’s eating slowly. Mian Mian, please wait for him.”

Tang Mian also gradually realized what was happening.

Last night, Fu Yu had fed Fu Shizhao dinner. But today morning, Fu Yu had gone out to drop off his father and brother, so Fu Shizhao had to eat on his own.

Earlier, his mother seemed to have asked Fu Shizhao if she should feed him, and he seemed to have declined. But Tang Mian had been engrossed in his own baby food at the time, lost in thought and hadn’t paid much attention.

Hearing Shen Siwan’s words, Fu Shizhao, holding the small spoon, lifted his eyes and glanced at Tang Mian, his eyes glistening.

Observing the interaction between the two kids, and recalling how her youngest had successfully convinced Fu Shizhao to drink milk, Shen Siwan, driven by an inexplicable impulse, spoke up, “Mian Mian, do you want to feed Zhao Zhao? Finish the meal early and watch cartoons.”

Fu Shizhao was indeed eating too slowly, probably due to the pain in his arm. However, he was a particularly considerate child who didn’t want to trouble others, especially since Fu Yu wasn’t around.

Who knows, maybe Tang Mian could help?

Upon hearing this, Tang Mian pursed his lips and tentatively asked, “Should I feed you?”

He wasn’t averse to feeding Fu Shizhao, and considering the injury on his arm was indirectly caused due to him, he felt a bit guilty.

Of course – he also wanted Fu Shizhao to finish eating quickly and watch cartoons sooner.

“Okay.” Fu Shizhao blinked and smiled innocently; his eyes full of gratitude.

“Thank you, big brother.”

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