At last, the wound on Fu Shizhao’s right arm had been properly attended to. The two maidservants’ attention then shifted towards Tang Wei, who stood nearby.

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At some point, Tang Wei’s mother, Chen Junyu, had also arrived on the second floor. She was currently standing beside Tang Wei, coldly observing everything inside the room.

The woman was around thirty years old, wearing an expensive and luxurious overcoat. The overcoat, which should have been draped for a better look, was forcefully buttoned up by her, and her overall demeanor couldn’t support the outfit.

Tang Mian knew—by now, their family’s company had already incurred debts, all due to Tang Wei’s father, Tang Caihua’s gambling habits. Currently, they urgently needed the Tang family’s assistance to secure a project in order to overcome their difficulties.

It was precisely for this project that they had gradually infiltrated the Tang family enterprise under the pretext of distant relatives, turning into leeches on the Tang family’s resources.

If his hunch was right… Chen Junyu’s choice of outerwear was likely a gift from his mother.

His mother was a devout follower of Buddhism, kind-hearted, and generous—a renowned do-gooder with a soft spot for flattery. Chen Junyu often used sweet words to amuse Mom and gain certain advantages from her.

If it was just about pleasing Mom for some benefits, it might have been forgivable. After all, it’s hard to put a price on her happiness. But this whole family’s mindset is far from simple. Instead of following the right path, they always seem to focus on exploiting others, repaying kindness with resentment.

Even in his past life, Tang Caihua couldn’t quit gambling until the end. Later, by a fortunate twist of fate, he stumbled upon evidence of criminal activities, which led to their downfall as a family.

But their family would never be whole again.

Tang Mian didn’t dare to think further. He hurriedly lowered his eyelashes, afraid he might lose control and rush over to bite that woman.

Unexpectedly, the finger of Fu Shizhao, intertwined with his own, moved lightly, tickling his palm a bit. Tang Mian regained his composure, lifted his small head, and loudly declared to the two maids, “I want to take Shizhao to the hospital.”

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The maids were momentarily stunned upon hearing this. They quickly explained, “Shizhao’s wound has already been treated. He’s fine, no need to worry. Just a few days of rest and he’ll be okay.”

Tang Mian appeared highly anxious as he continued to hold Fu Shizhao’s small hand, leading him toward the entrance. He persisted, “Shizhao is in pain, his arm might be broken. I need to take Shizhao to the hospital.”

Naturally, Fu Shizhao grasped Tang Mian’s intention and obediently let himself be led.

Intentionally injuring himself had been done solely to provide Tang Mian with an opportunity.

Though this young master could be a bit naive at times, he was quite clever most of the time.

Observing that Tang Mian was genuinely set on taking the servant’s child to the hospital, Chen Junyu also feared the matter escalating. She quickly stepped forward, trying to placate, “Shizhao is truly fine. Let him rest alone in the room. We won’t disturb his rest. Aunt Chen will take you and Xiao Wei to the small garden downstairs to play, alright?”

However, Tang Mian completely ignored her, steadfastly holding onto Fu Shizhao’s small hand and guiding him outward with a single-minded purpose.

Chen Junyu couldn’t help but furrow her brows.

She understood Tang Mian’s personality quite well. He was gentle, obedient, and far from being as sturdy as her own son. Every time he used to see her, he’d politely address her as “Aunt Chen.”

What had happened today?

Was it because of this servant family’s child?

Wasn’t it just a simple fall, a bit of blood? What was all the fuss about?

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Yet, it had been said that Lady Tang was taking care of this servant’s child alongside Tang Mian, the two residing in the same bedroom. Tang Mian’s concern wasn’t entirely unreasonable.

Even if it were a little puppy that got hurt, it would make sense to take it to the hospital.

However, she absolutely couldn’t allow them to go to the hospital now; it would surely alert Mr. and Mrs. Tang. After all, it was her own son who had inexplicably pushed the servant’s child. If things escalated, it would certainly be their fault.

The best approach was to temporarily deceive Tang Mian, and later in the evening, when Mr. and Mrs. Tang returned, she would personally scold her own son first. She would attribute it to a minor accident that occurred during children’s play.

She knew the servant’s child was timid and wouldn’t dare to speak out.

Having finally ingratiated herself with the Tang family, she was counting on leveraging this connection to rescue her own company. She couldn’t afford any mishaps.

She briskly caught up with the two youngsters, reaching out to pick up one of them and separate them. She signaled to the maid, intending to take Tang Wei away while entrusting Tang Mian to the maid’s care. Her plan was to have Tang Wei taken downstairs and to have the servant’s child rest in the room.

However, she unexpectedly encountered resistance.

It was that very servant’s child.

At this moment, Fu Shizhao was tightly holding Tang Mian’s small hand, preventing him from pulling Tang Mian into his arms. Even the other injured hand also clenched onto Tang Mian’s clothes, but due to exerting too much force, the wound started bleeding again.

Chen Junyu glared at him fiercely.

Had the servant’s child suddenly grown a lion’s courage? He dared to challenge her.

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However, before Chen Junyu could react, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her wrist.


The pain caused Chen Junyu to release her grip on Tang Mian, and as she lowered her head, she discovered a bloody bite mark that had seemingly appeared out of thin air on her hand.

“Ugh.” As he noticed the loss of pressure on his body, Tang Mian quickly took Fu Shizhao’s hand and retreated further. He furrowed his brows tightly, wishing he could rush to the bathroom to brush his teeth and rinse his mouth right away.

However, there was no time for that now.

Tang Mian’s gaze fell on the wound that had split open on Fu Shizhao, and he raised his small head to call out to the two maidservants, “Sisters, quickly take Shizhao to the hospital.”

Tang Mian had naturally sensed Fu Shizhao’s firm grip when Chen Junyu tried to carry him.

… He’s a thoughtful little guy.

He wondered how he had ended up so crooked in his previous life.

The two maids weren’t foolish either; they knew they needed to contact the master to handle the situation.

One of them quickly dialed Tang Mian’s father’s phone number and informed him of the situation.

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Another maid brought out another set of medical supplies. She applied some to the wound on Chen Junyu’s arm, where Tang Mian had left a bloody bite mark. The remaining supplies were used as she crouched down to continue tending to Fu Shizhao’s injuries. In the midst of it all, she didn’t forget to comfort their own young master, Tang Mian. Following his words, she said, “We’ll go to the hospital soon.”

Tang Mian knew that the other maid was on the phone with his father. He pinched himself hard, causing a slight reddening of his eyes from the pain, and tremblingly exclaimed, “Let’s go to the hospital now! Shizhao’s arm might break, wuu…”

Fu Shizhao witnessed Tang Mian’s somewhat amateurish acting, barely resisting the urge to pinch his little face.

… Truly adorable.

“Alright, alright, we’ll go to the hospital,” the maid who was currently on the phone with Mr. Tang hastened to step forward. She put the phone on speaker mode and conveyed something to Mr. Tang.

Suddenly, Tang Mian heard a voice that seemed like a distant memory but was undeniably familiar, “Good boy, let the sister take you to the hospital first. Mom and Dad will be there shortly. Shizhao will be fine.”

It was his father.

Always busy with work, but still managing to squeeze in time to be with them.

The voice sounded much younger than he remembered.

In his previous life, he had cherished them until his very last moment.

He missed him so much.

Tang Mian’s nose tingled, and his tears flowed uncontrollably, as if a dam had burst. With a soft sob, he cried out, “Daddy…”

On the other end of the phone, Mr. Tang was overcome with urgency. He swiftly delegated the remaining tasks to his secretary while soothing his youngest son over the phone. Simultaneously, he rushed out as quickly as he could.

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