Tang Minghuai hadn’t informed his wife, fearing she’d worry. Instead, he hurriedly made his way to the hospital accompanied by the family driver, Fu Yu.

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After all, while it was their own son shedding tears, it was Fu Yu’s son who was injured.

Upon arriving at the pediatric department of the hospital, Tang Minghuai saw his youngest son standing beside Fu Shizhao in his animal-themed pajamas, wearing a light jacket over them. He was obediently watching the doctor treat the wound on his arm.

Fu Shizhao was also dressed in a similar set of animal-themed pajamas, with his featuring a little dog while Tang Mian’s had a little cat. These were purchased not too long ago by his wife, Shen Siwan, and the small bibs around their necks were a matching set.

It seemed they hadn’t even had time to change into proper outdoor clothes due to the hurried departure.

Thankfully, it was spring, and the temperature had risen somewhat, so it wasn’t cold.

One of the maids from their home was standing by their side, communicating with the doctor.

Recalling the sound of Tang Mian’s crying on the phone earlier, Tang Minghuai quickened his pace.

He faintly saw Fu Yu, who was anxiously waiting, and he rushed even faster.

Tang Mian keenly sensed his father’s and Uncle Fu’s approach. As soon as he recognized them, his eyes instantly lit up, and he dashed straight toward them.

The pediatric department was relatively quiet at this hour, so Tang Mian was almost effortlessly scooped into his father’s arms.

At this moment, his father was merely in his thirties, still young and untouched by the weariness that had come to the Tang family after their fortunes had changed. With a single hand, he effortlessly lifted his young son of that age. He was dressed in a business suit, clearly rushing over from the company.

“Daddy…” Nestled in Tang Minghuai’s embrace, Tang Mian curled up into a pitiable little ball. His small hand clung tightly to the fabric on his father’s chest.

Feeling his father’s heartbeat against his chest, Tang Mian’s already slightly reddened eyes grew even redder. Tears welled up and instantly streamed down his cheeks. Biting his lower lip tightly, his tears drenched Tang Minghuai’s clothes, turning the fabric into dark splotches.

Tang Minghuai was both heartbroken and anxious.

One of the maids nearby hurriedly approached with a pack of baby tissues, handing them to Tang Minghuai.

—Children had delicate skin. Since arriving at the Tang household, she had kept baby tissues on her at all times.

Tang Minghuai gently wiped away Tang Mian’s tears, softly comforting him.

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Xiao Mian was always well-behaved, partly due to his hearing impairment in one ear. He had been quiet from a young age and seldom indulged in crying fits. His family cherished him dearly and treated him with the utmost care.

 For him to cry so sorrowfully… something serious must have happened, something that deeply affected him.

He had learned the details from the maid. Apparently, when the two kids hadn’t yet woken up from their nap, Tang Wei sneaked into the small bedroom on the second floor. Somehow, he managed to push Fu Shizhao, causing him to fall and sustain a significant cut on his arm.

Tang Mian must have been frightened.

is wife had always worried about Tang Mian’s young age, hesitating to send him to kindergarten. After all, he needed to wear a hearing aid and his situation was different from that of normal children.

Yet, his wife was also concerned that Tang Mian might miss out on interactions with other kids if he stayed at home all the time, which could potentially affect his personality. That’s why they had decided to keep Fu Shizhao and Tang Mian together, providing Tang Mian with a companion.

She also granted Tang Wei, who had a more lively personality, the “permission” to freely visit the Tang household to play with Tang Mian.

This is why situations like Chen Junyu bringing Tang Wei to the Tang residence in the afternoon occurred.

Tang Minghuai had never harbored strong feelings towards this distant relative who seemed to know when to advance and when to retreat. He neither particularly liked nor disliked them.

While he was aware that they were seeking his assistance, if the proper etiquette was observed, he didn’t mind extending a helping hand.. After all, Chen Junyu often cheered up his wife, Tang Wei got along well with their son, and Tang Caihua, while having a tendency to gamble, was quite sharp and smooth in his actions.

But today, something like this happened…

Though he didn’t know the exact cause of the friction between the two kids, Tang Minghuai couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable. In the future, he decided not to allow the maids to let anyone in without permission, even if they were children. If someone wanted to come over and play, they should call ahead and choose a time when either he or his wife would be at home.

While it was inevitable that accidents would happen even when they were at home, children couldn’t grow up in a completely “sterile” environment. But at least they could ensure that if Tang Mian was frightened, they would be by his side immediately.

Finally managing to calm his tears, as usual, Tang Minghuai lightly brushed his son’s cheek with his slightly prickly chin, a maneuver he often used to make Tang Mian laugh. Each time, Tang Mian would giggle when “pricked” by his father’s chin.

However, this time, something unexpected happened—right after he rubbed his son’s face, who he had just managed to console, the tears started flowing again.


Tang Minghuai: “!!!”

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Had he rubbed too forcefully?

Or had his beard grown back? He was certain he had shaved every day…

Tang Minghuai quickly wiped away Tang Mian’s tears once more and continued his childish attempt to comfort him, saying, “Daddy will shave when he gets back, so the bad beard won’t prick Mian Mian.”

Listening to the voice of his father soothing him, Tang Mian, who was sobbing intermittently, suddenly felt a sense of relief for having been reborn to the age of three. At least now he could cry freely because of sentimental triggers.

It had been a long time since his father had used his chin to nuzzle his face like that.

His memories were still frozen in the emergency room, cold and lifeless, the last sight he had seen being his father’s bloodied and battered face.

This is great…

Everything could start anew.

Tang Mian raised his little hand and rubbed his eyes, trying to suppress the tears.

If he didn’t hold back, the man in his thirties dressed in formal attire and holding baby wipes might just go buy a razor on the spot and perform an impromptu shaving session.

Although he didn’t purposely stage this, the tears were all because he couldn’t control his emotional response triggered by the memories. Nevertheless, the effect had already been achieved.

Daddy knew he had been scared by Tang Wei.

When there was no one around later, he would subtly exaggerate things to Mommy and Daddy. That way, they wouldn’t have any further dealings with that family.

He had confidence in influencing his parents’ decisions.

Confidence came from being unconditionally loved.

Seeing his son’s tears finally stop, Tang Minghuai quickly brought him over to Fu Shizhao’s side.

Their son had a good relationship with Shizhao. He was frightened because he was afraid that something might happen to Shizhao. Once he saw that Shizhao’s wound had been treated and he was fine, he probably wouldn’t continue crying.

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Even before Tang Minghuai had comforted Tang Mian in his arms, Fu Yu had walked briskly to Fu Shizhao’s side. When he saw the wound on his arm, his brow furrowed deeply.

Although he wasn’t skilled at taking care of children and hadn’t looked after Fu Shizhao very well, he had always tried to provide the best he could. Fu Shizhao had grown up without suffering such a severe injury before.

He’s so young…

Would it leave a scar?

There were already many scars on his own body from his time in the military. He didn’t want Fu Shizhao to end up like him.

Zhao Zhao was very well-behaved, and he surely wouldn’t provoke Tang Wei on his own. Even if he were bullied, he would likely just back down.

There was a time when he came back looking distressed, and no matter how much he asked, he refused to say anything. Despite his young age, he was sensible and didn’t want to implicate him.

Young Master’s personality was very good. He wouldn’t bully Zhao Zhao. The only possibility was that Tang Wei.

That Tang Wei…

He was a relative of the employer’s family.

Master and mistress were very kind to both him and Zhao Zhao. He couldn’t allow them to be embarrassed.

But he was really unwilling to swallow this frustration.

Fortunately, Young Master was frightened as well. They doted on Young Master the most; this matter probably wouldn’t be easily dismissed.

Fu Shizhao gently held his foster father’s hand and softly called him “Dad.”

Compared to Tang Mian, he had much better emotional control. Although he also wanted to throw himself into his foster father’s arms and cry his heart out, he managed to restrain himself. Just like in his previous life at this age—timid, patient, and cautious.

Tang Minghuai also saw that the wound on Fu Shizhao’s arm had been carefully treated. He frowned and asked, “Will it leave a scar? Please prescribe the best scar removal ointment for the child.”

The doctor nodded, turned to the computer, and started typing. As he answered, he said, “Whether it will scar or not depends on individual constitution, and I can’t guarantee it completely. The most effective scar removal ointment… may be a bit expensive. Is that acceptable?”

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The doctor listed several ointments on the computer and showed them the prices.

ang Minghuai merely glanced at the computer screen as if he was just going through the motions and said, “That’s fine, prescribe them all.”

Then his gaze fell on Fu Yu, who was standing nearby, and he continued, “It was our relative’s child who hurt Shao Shao. Don’t refuse if I offer to cover the medical expenses.”

Fu Yu nodded heavily before he could say anything. While he was grateful, he also felt a bit unworthy.

Such relatives weren’t worth continuing to interact with and weren’t worthy of associating with good people like them. However, he wasn’t emotionally unintelligent enough to interfere in his employer’s family matters.

He was also well aware that sometimes, even if relatives had poor character, they were still relatives. The wealthier the family, the more they emphasized these surface harmonies.

Tang Minghuai gave a subtle nod to the household maid, and she swiftly handled the payment and collected the medication.

Seizing the moment, Tang Minghuai placed his young son on a chair next to Fu Shizhao and continued to console, “Zhao Zhao is fine now. It’s just a minor injury; his arm won’t break.”

Tang Mian’s eyes and nose were still red, and his gaze shifted to Fu Shizhao’s arm, which was beside him. He obediently nodded.

Of course, he knew that Fu Shizhao’s arm wasn’t a big issue and was unlikely to leave a scar.

In his previous life, after Fu Shizhao was brought back by the Fu family, he became extremely unruly, and his temper deteriorated. There was an incident where he had a clash with someone that led him to hospitalize a friend he knew.

Though, he wasn’t in a great condition himself, with multiple abrasions on his body, including his face. During a visit to that friend, he had accidentally seen him and received a cold gaze in return.

But in the end, no scars had been left behind.

But… compared to the initial condition, Fu Shizhao’s wound on his arm seemed to have worsened a bit.

When that woman had tried to take him away forcefully, Fu Shizhao had tightly held onto him, worsening the wound by pulling on it. It was to… protect him.

With these thoughts, Tang Mian lightly swung his feet, feeling a complex mixture of emotions.

This time, he definitely couldn’t let Fu Shizhao go astray again.

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