Seemingly sensing Tang Mian’s change in mood, Fu Shizhao took the initiative to hold Tang Mian’s small hand that hung by his side. He curved a simple and innocent smile, whispering softly, “It doesn’t hurt anymore… Brother, don’t worry.”

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Seeing this, Tang Mian responded with a subdued “Mhm,” and held onto his small hand in return.

His eyes and nose were both reddened significantly. He had cried quite a bit today, and his eyes were a little swollen. Ironically, he seemed more like the one who was hurt, compared to Fu Shizhao.

Tang Minghuai, who was watching, silently sighed to himself.

His wife would worry again when they got back later…

Just at that moment, Chen Junyu suddenly appeared, walking alongside Tang Wei and the maid who had gone to pay the bill and get the medicine.

Unlike when they were seen earlier, the hand that had been bitten had been wrapped up like a mummy.

Tang Mian couldn’t help but sneer inwardly.

Such a good actor.

Anyone who didn’t know would think her hand was broken.

Her son pushed Fu Shizhao. The wound he left on Fu Shizhao’s arm was so much longer than the bite mark she received. It was far from being enough.

Tang Minghuai and Fu Yu’s gazes also fell on Chen Junyu and her son.

Although Fu Yu felt uneasy deep down, he didn’t say anything given Tang Minghuai’s presence.

Tang Minghuai quickly assessed Tang Wei and, finding no apparent issues, directly inquired, “Xiao Wei, what happened back then? Why did you push Zhao Zhao so hard that he fell?”

Despite Tang Minghuai’s usual cautious and flustered demeanor around Tang Mian, he exuded an aura of authority and calmness when facing others, dressed sharply in a suit.

Tang Wei had already been advised and coached by his own mother beforehand on how to respond, but he still felt nervous in front of Tang Minghuai. He stammered, “I didn’t control my strength well when I pushed the door open, I’m sorry…”

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Tang Wei’s words were interrupted by a pouting Tang Mian sitting in the baby chair nearby. He huffed, “I saw you push Zhao Zhao!”

Now, everyone’s attention was focused on him.

Chen Junyu hastily continued his words, “Mian Mian must have misunderstood, Xiao Wei probably didn’t pay enough attention when pushing the door… and bumped into him? It’s all because Xiao Wei was too eager to play with Mian Mian. He keeps insisting on coming over to play with Mian Mian every day. How’s zhao zhao? Is he alright?”

Tang Minghuai’s gaze lingered on his pouting son for a moment, then nodded to Chen Junyu without expressing agreement or disagreement. He turned to Tang Wei, who was standing nearby, and said, “Go apologize to Zhao Zhao.”

A fleeting trace of disgust crossed Chen Junyu’s eyes upon hearing this. To think that he would make her son apologize to the child of a servant… Tang Minghuai was really not giving her face.

However, she concealed her emotions well and appeared to casually use her bitten hand to push Tang Wei, but then stopped abruptly and quickly switched to her other hand. She softly said, “Go and apologize to Zhao Zhao.”

Tang Minghuai noticed her actions and saw her hand wrapped in bandages. He realized she had been bitten, yet he didn’t intend for their son to come and apologize to her.

The maid had mentioned that it was because of Chen Junyu’s interference that Tang Mian couldn’t take Zhao Zhao to the hospital. She had even tried to forcefully take Zhao Zhao away, causing his arm injury to worsen. It was in this panic that Tang Mian accidentally bit her hand. Later, he had tearfully called her in fear.

Tang Minghuai didn’t approve of Chen Junyu’s behavior, especially considering she had been the one to initiate physical contact. He had no intention of having his son apologize.

Though Tang Wei was somewhat reluctant, his own mother had just admonished him upstairs in the hospital to listen to Uncle Tang’s words later on. He absolutely couldn’t upset Uncle Tang. Despite his unwillingness, he had no choice but to obediently go apologize to Fu Shizhao.

“I’m sorry,” Tang Wei muttered, keeping his head down and his gaze scattered, offering a very perfunctory apology.

Fu Shizhao sat quietly in the baby chair and almost immediately replied, “It’s okay.”

He seemed particularly timid.

Then, as if summoning all his courage, he added, “Next time… next time, remember to knock on the door after I wake up, okay?”

His considerateness was truly heartwarming. Even though he was the one injured, he cared about Tang Mian.

Tang Mian’s dissatisfaction reached its peak at this moment.

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What did he mean by not controlling his strength when pushing the door? Clearly, he had intentionally pushed Fu Shizhao. Chen Junyu was really teaching their son to “practice Tai Chi.”

It was also because of Tang Wei that Fu Shizhao had been awakened from his nap and had to get out of bed to open the door.

It was truly an unnecessary calamity…

Moreover, what kind of apology was this from Tang Wei? And how could Fu Shizhao just accept his apology so easily?

Why was the young Fu Shizhao so easy to be taken advantage of? Couldn’t he show a bit of temper??

Although Tang Mian was somewhat frustrated by Fu Shizhao’s forgiving nature, he also understood that Fu Shizhao had grown up in that kind of environment, which had shaped his character to be cautious and gentle.

In his previous life, he had wondered why Fu Shizhao had turned out the way he did.

Could it have been related to his childhood experiences?

While Fu Shizhao had grown up with him when they were kids, he had always treated himself as a child of the servants, enduring grievances in silence and feeling somewhat inferior. After being brought back to the Fu family, his status and environment suddenly improved, and such disparities could easily lead to significant changes in one’s character.

In this lifetime, he was determined to help Fu Shizhao overcome his inferiority complex from a young age and not tolerate any mistreatment.

His little brother—no one was allowed to bully him.

On the bright side, Tang Minghuai suddenly remembered something due to Fu Shizhao’s words. His eyes darkened as he said to Chen Junyu, “Next time when you come to visit, please call ahead. We’ll come over when both Wanwan(Shen Siwan) and I are home. Our child is still very young and needs plenty of rest. I’m not at ease leaving him alone.”

After hearing Tang Minghuai’s words, Chen Junyu’s heart skipped a beat. Although she wanted to retort, she knew that today’s incident had already upset Tang Minghuai to some extent. Besides, it was Tang Wei who had disturbed their nap in the first place. She couldn’t rush things too much.

So, she could only nod in a very cooperative manner and continue with polite words, “Alright, I’ve always felt that I’ve been bothering you… It’s all because Wei Wei likes Mian Mian so much.”

She had worked hard to establish a relationship with the Tang family, allowing her and Tang Wei to enter and exit the Tang family villa freely, even taking a few things secretly… Yet, all of her efforts were wasted due to this small incident. 

Chen Junyu clenched her teeth in frustration, but she could only swallow her anger.

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Just then, a soft voice suddenly sounded, “Daddy.”

“What’s the matter?” Tang Minghuai smiled and looked at his son.

Tang Mian came to his side, holding Fu Shizhao’s hand. He tilted his small head back and said, “Let’s go home.”

With the matter resolved, there was no need to stay here and watch this mother and son’s performance any longer.

“Alright.” Tang Minghuai patted his little head. He had originally intended to lift him up, but when he saw their two little hands tightly clasped together, he abandoned that idea.

Together with Fu Yu and the maids, all of them left the hospital.

Chen Junyu walked behind with Tang Wei, unable to find an opportunity to interject throughout the entire time. After watching them get into the car and leave, she suddenly realized something and stomped her foot in frustration. She hailed a taxi and took Tang Wei back home.

Tonight, she had originally planned to wait for Tang Mian’s mother, Shen Siwan, to come back and subtly bring up the topic of the company. Now, all her plans had gone down the drain.

Inside the car, Fu Yu was driving, while Tang Minghuai sat in the back seat with the two kids, trying to find topics to make them happy.

Seeing an opportune moment, Tang Mian suddenly spoke up with an innocent expression, “Daddy, Tang Wei always says that Zhao Zhao is a servant’s child and tells me not to play with him. But I really like playing with Zhao Zhao…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Tang Mian felt Fu Shizhao’s hand holding his tighten nervously.

He didn’t want to say such things in front of Fu Shizhao, but he had to make his stance clear in his presence—regardless of their backgrounds or what Tang Wei said, he wanted to play with Fu Shizhao.

The atmosphere inside the car instantly grew somewhat tense.

Just as they reached a crossroads, the traffic light turned red. Fu Yu smoothly stopped the car in front of the pedestrian crossing. His fingers clenched the steering wheel, and the veins on the back of his hand slightly protruded.

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There was no way these were the words that a child of Tang Wei’s age could come up with on their own; it was clearly influenced by the parents…

Tang Minghuai’s gaze darkened slightly as he touched his son’s head and said, “Everyone is equal. What Tang Wei said is not right. Mian Mian can play with whoever he wants, and he doesn’t have to play with anyone he doesn’t want to.”

Tang Mian nodded thoughtfully and summarized, “I want to play with Zhao Zhao and don’t want to play with Tang Wei. Tang Wei bullies Zhao Zhao.”

A hint of a smile flickered in Fu Shizhao’s eyes.

If it weren’t for his injured arm, he would have already been close to Tang Mian.

“Alright, then play with Zhao Zhao and not with Tang Wei,” Tang Minghuai ruffled his son’s hair again, secretly thinking that he needed to discuss this matter with his wife when she returned tonight.

That family… it might be best to cut ties with them.

They put up a facade on the surface while acting differently behind the scenes. Their performance was really convincing.

If this continued for a long time, Mian Mian would undoubtedly be affected. 

No one would doubt the authenticity of these words, after all, they came from the mouth of a three-year-old child. It wouldn’t occur to anyone that a three-year-old child would fabricate such a lie.

Though Tang Wei hadn’t said these exact words in front of him, their family’s true feelings were probably not far from what was expressed.

As the traffic light turned from red to green, Fu Yu loosened his grip on the steering wheel, much like the heart that had been suspended in tension. The foot that had been on the brake gently shifted to the gas pedal.

Having a friend like young master is truly like a blessing for Zhao Zhao.

Tang Mian swung his little feet and glanced at the pale-yellow bib tied around Fu Shizhao’s neck. Suddenly, he said, “Uncle Fu, could we go to a flower shop? I want to buy a bunch of sunflowers for Mommy.”

Fu Yu: “Sure thing!”

The car pulled away as the green light lit up, carrying them towards the flower shop.

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