Sunflowers held a special place in Tang Mian’s mother’s heart. In his previous life, during her stay at the sanatorium, Tang Mian would often bring sunflowers along when visiting her. Sometimes, in his haste to reach her side, he’d forget the flowers, only to find them miraculously fresh on the table later.

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In a later conversation with his mother, Tang Mian discovered that these sunflowers had actually been sent by Fu Shizhao.

Tsk, how hypocritical.

Fu Shizhao would send flowers, arrange cute duck lamps, and make visits to Tang Mian’s mother – all because his company had acquired the sanatorium where she was staying. It was all for show, a facade that anyone could put on.

If only Tang Mian had known about the impending acquisition… He never would have chosen that sanatorium for his mother.

However, by that time, Fu Shizhao had already consolidated control over the Fu family business. Utilizing the family’s influence, he climbed higher and higher, nearly gaining absolute power. Short of leaving the city, there was no escaping his pervasive reach.

The recent car accident occurred because Tang Mian coincidentally bumped into Fu Shizhao while en route to the sanatorium. Tang Mian’s car developed some issues, forcing him to accept a ride in Fu Shizhao’s vehicle.

Tang Mian hadn’t anticipated the accident would be so severe.

Thankfully, he now had a second chance at life.

He couldn’t help but wonder how the other version of him and Fu Shizhao were faring in that world…

Lost in his thoughts, Tang Mian turned his gaze toward Fu Shizhao, who sat obediently by his side. To his surprise, he found that Fu Shizhao had been watching him all along, his gaze locking onto Tang Mian’s round, light brown eyes.

Unable to resist the urge, Tang Mian reached out and gently pinched Fu Shizhao’s cheek.

The area he had pinched earlier still held a faint reddish mark, though it had faded a bit.

Although the wound on his arm was a bit large in size, fortunately, it wasn’t too deep. Afraid that the child might accidentally bump into the wound, the doctor had bandaged it for him. He would have to change the dressing regularly once he went back.

This rebirth indeed brought quite a bit of suffering to Young Fu Shizhao.

If there was anyone to blame, it would be his previous self.

In this lifetime… he would do his best to raise him well.

At least he didn’t want to see Fu Shizhao gradually drift away from the Tang family once again.

“Big brother,” Fu Shizhao took the opportunity to nuzzle the hand that hadn’t been withdrawn yet, his voice incredibly sweet.

“Yeah?” Tang Mian couldn’t resist pinching his little face again, openly indulging in his role as the elder brother of this little one.

“It hurts, can big brother make it better with a magic spell?” With those words, Fu Shizhao extended his arm wrapped in bandages toward Tang Mian, looking at him with a pitiful expression.

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Tang Mian: “…”

Tang Mian pursed his lips.

Magic spells to make pain go away? How childish.

Such a childish thing…


Tang Mian put on a serious expression and blew gently on the area where Fu Shizhao’s bandages were wrapped, “Pain-pain fly away.”

After all, it was because of him that Fu Shizhao had sustained such a serious injury… It wouldn’t be right for him, as the older brother, to not fulfill such a small request.

Fu Shizhao saw the slight puffiness of Tang Mian’s cheeks caused by blowing, and his eyes curved into crescents.

Truly adorable.

Tang Minghuai, observing the interaction between the two little ones, couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The decision for Zhao Zhao and Mian Mian to live together was indeed the right one.

Fu Yu was an honest man, and Fu Shizhao was a well-behaved child. They got along very well with Tang Mian.

Among all the children in the extended family, Tang Mian was the youngest. The eldest son, Tang Sheng, had just entered junior high school and was going through his rebellious phase. He didn’t want to play with the little “carrot” Tang Mian.

Tang Mian happened to be seven days older than Fu Shizhao. This was a rare chance for him to be an older brother and, in the process, help develop his own abilities.

Quite good.

After a few turns, the car slowly stopped in front of a flower shop.

Without a second word, Tang Minghuai carried Tang Mian out of the car. The maid who was sitting in the passenger seat also got out with them. The flowers at home were usually taken care of by her and another maid, providing advice on flower selection.

Fu Shizhao’s arm was injured and inconvenient, so he stayed in the car with Fu Yu.

As soon as they entered the flower shop, Tang Mian quickly located the area with sunflowers. Holding his father’s hand, he enthusiastically dashed over and carefully picked out the flowers.

“Do you know why Mom likes sunflowers so much?” Tang Minghuai squatted down, watching him select sunflowers, and asked.

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Tang Mian naturally knew the reason.

Because the language of sunflowers symbolizes loyalty and adoration.

Back in the day, Tang Mian’s dad was rather reserved. He was focused on studying, work, and playing sports. Tang Mian’s mom was a bit of a “shy” person herself. They spent their entire college years secretly admiring each other from afar before finally getting together.

On the day they united their hearts, Tang Mian’s dad bought a bag of sunflower seeds for Tang Mian’s mom. She teased him relentlessly about it afterward.

“Who gives a girl flower seeds instead of actual flowers?” she would playfully ask.

But each time Tang Mian’s mom recounted the memory, an extra happy smile would grace her face.

As time passed, those seeds grew into beautiful sunflowers. Generations of sunflowers flourished under her care. The sunflowers that bloomed in the family garden were, in a way, the living “descendants” of the sunflower seeds that Tang Mian’s dad had gifted her back then.

Truly, the two of them were a match made in heaven – both talented and good-looking, with personalities that harmonized effortlessly. They obtained their marriage certificate soon after graduating.

Even after having two children, their love remained as strong as ever.

But Tang Mian still pretended to be puzzled and tilted his little head, asking, “Why?”

Tang Minghuai smiled and repeated the story he had heard countless times in his previous life.

In his previous life, he had grown somewhat indifferent to the story after hearing it so many times. However, this time, he listened with an unusual earnestness, genuine emotions stirring in his eyes.

It’s really heartwarming…

There’s still a chance to see them grow old together.

In the car, Fu Yu moved to the back seat and leaned in close to Fu Shizhao. His rough hand gently stroked his son’s head, his face expressing concern as he asked, “Still hurting?”

With only the two of them in the car for the moment, they could speak quietly without worrying about being overheard.

Feeling the warmth transmitted through the large hand on his head, Fu Shizhao shook his head and nestled into his father’s embrace. “It’s better now, not hurting much.”

In his previous life, he had been discovered and brought back to the Fu family the year his adoptive father passed away.

Terminal cancer was rapidly eating away at him, leaving only a little more than a decade.

Like Tang Mian, he also wanted to change things in this new life.

Recalling what Tang Mian had said earlier, Fu Yu carefully chose his words, saying, “Mr. Tang is right. All people are equal. We are only respectful and humble towards the Tang family because we work for them. Mr. and Mrs. Tang treat us well, so it’s only natural to show respect and politeness to them. It’s basic courtesy, but it doesn’t mean we’re inferior.”

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“If you’re ever mistreated, make sure to tell Dad or… tell Mian Mian, your big brother. He genuinely treats you as his little brother and will protect you.”

“Also, you must treat Mian Mian well. People should know how to repay kindness.”

He wasn’t a cultured person, nor was he particularly eloquent. He wasn’t sure if a three or four-year-old child could understand… but these were his heartfelt words.

Fu Shizhao obediently nodded.

In his previous life, his adoptive father had also said many similar things to him. However, he had a stubborn personality and preferred to silently endure whatever came his way.

Back then, all he wanted was to not cause trouble for his adoptive father and the Tang family. This even included the time when he was taken back by the Fu family. Due to the complicated internal dynamics of the Fu family, he gradually distanced himself from the Tang family.

He didn’t expect that this distance would last a lifetime.

Not this time.

This time… Little Young Master would protect him, and he would stay by Little Young Master’s side.

Fu Shizhao lunged into his adoptive father’s embrace, hiding the growing smile on his face.

Fu Yu, afraid of accidentally touching his wound, awkwardly held onto his other side, his eyes filled with tenderness.

Soon, with the fresh sunflowers in hand, Tang Mian led Tang Minghuai back to the car.

Fu Yu quickly and deftly returned to the driver’s seat, locked all the car doors, lightly pressed on the gas pedal, and drove towards home.

Inside the car, Tang Mian excitedly showed Fu Shizhao the sunflowers he had bought, wiggling his small feet with enthusiasm.

Though there were only three sunflowers, each one was fresh and beautiful. The store clerk had meticulously packaged them into a small bouquet.

His Mom would surely love them.

When they were packaging the bouquet earlier, She had called in a hurry. Her voice sounded anxious, asking about their current situation. She must have already learned about the series of events that happened today from the other maid at home.

He couldn’t wait to see his mom at this age.

Fu Shizhao naturally understood the excitement in his heart. His own feelings at this moment were the same.

In his previous life, Uncle and Aunt treated him just like their own son, especially Tang Mian’s mom.

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Even after he was taken back to the Fu family, they still contacted him frequently, asking about his well-being. They were afraid that he might be treated unfairly over there. He had always used his heavy workload as an excuse to brush them off, and later, he had even stopped using his phone card altogether. This was because all his calls were being monitored by the Fu family.

The Fu family needed a puppet to manipulate on the frontlines, and they probably hadn’t expected this puppet to turn against them in the end.

Just as Fu Shizhao was staring blankly at the sunflowers in Tang Mian’s hand, something was suddenly placed over his ears.

Fu Shizhao looked at Tang Mian, who had a mischievous expression on his face, and then lifted the unharmed hand to remove the object.

It was a small flower.

The flower was tiny, with a short stem, likely something that had been accidentally snipped and then gifted from the flower shop.

In the next moment, the little flower was handed back to Fu Shizhao and placed on his ear again by Tang Mian.

“Put it on.”

Immediately, a few “click” sounds followed. Tang Mian, who had somehow taken Tang Minghuai’s phone, had taken several pictures of Fu Shizhao wearing the flower.

Tang Mian satisfiedly selected a few of the clearer photos and said to Tang Minghuai, “Dad, please print out all the pictures of Zhao Zhao for me.”

Heh heh, he is going to accumulate some of Fu Shizhao’s “embarrassing moments” in photos. When he grows up, he’ll show them to him one by one.

Tang Minghuai naturally agreed.

But the very next moment, another flower was placed on Tang Mian’s ear.

Tang Minghuai, wearing a mischievous grin, lifted his phone again and took several more pictures of the two youngsters with flowers on their ears, their heads close together

They were both wearing matching pale yellow bibs, with similar flowers, and their slightly bewildered expressions. Sitting side by side, they looked incredibly adorable.

The elder son, Tang Sheng, always had a serious expression on his face and seldom spoke. When he was younger, he never got to experience the fun of playing with little ones.

Finally, he could experience it through his younger son.

“Dad will get the photos printed out for you tomorrow and hang them on the photo wall in your room,” Tang Minghuai said in a very good mood as he put his phone away.

Tang Mian: (·ω·。)?

Can I still keep such a mischievous dad?

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