Royal Road

Chapter 110

Ch110 - Accepting an Appointment

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When he saw Duan Qin subtly shaking his head in the corner of his eye, Liang Feng knew at once that his hunch was correct.

If everything was well in Lu City, the grand administrator’s only concern would be the movement of Sima Teng’s army. Why would he think to come up with such a disgusting appointment? If something in Lu City had gone wrong, what was the cause? And why was he being appointed to a position in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion? 

But in a flash, a faint smile surfaced on Liang Feng’s face, “I didn’t expect to earn His Excellency’s recognition. I will attempt to put what meager talents I possess to use.”

The other visibly lurched at his response, as if his answer had caught him off guard. However, he quickly regained his senses and coughed, “I didn’t expect you to accept, Liang-lang; how fortunate His Excellency is!”



Wasn’t it only normal that someone delivering an order of appointment to him would hope for him to accept? Liang Feng sighed, “Before, I truly was too sickly – and it was the general staff’s appointment offer – I did not wish to leave home. Now, since His Excellency regards me highly, it is only natural that I should serve him.”

He said, as if he wasn’t quite willing to leave Shangdang for Jinyang, with the implication that it was because of his dislike of the Duke of Dongying that he refused his order of appointment. The one who’d come to deliver the order of appointment was one of Yan Ji’s closest subordinates – naturally, he would scheme for his master’s sake. He felt a surge of glee at his response. Could it be that the reason he was opposed to taking office on the general staff was that he, too, had a grudge against Sima Teng? If that was the case, then wouldn’t it be perfect for him to follow the Prince of Chengdu instead? 

Those were only his inner thoughts, though. What he said was, “In that case, I will not have failed His Excellency. Might I ask, when will you depart, Adjutant Liang?”


“Would tomorrow do? Your journey must have been tiring, Staff Officer Sun; you should take a day to rest. Tomorrow, I will travel with you to Lu City,” Liang Feng answered warmly, seemingly unbothered by his impatient urging.

Seeing how cooperative he was, was there any reason for Staff Officer Sun to refuse? He was happily escorted from the room. After he left, Duan Qin, who was broiling with anxiety, burst, “My lord, this is a trap! In this time of war, the grand administrator wouldn’t suddenly decide to issue an appointment. Moreover, as Sima Teng’s close subordinate, how could he dare appoint you as an adjutant? Something is amiss in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion; my lord, would it not be dangerous for you to go?!”

Liang Feng raised his hand, cutting him off, “It is precisely because something has gone amiss in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion that I must go. Shangdang is the gateway of Bing Province, as well as the rear of the Duke of Dongying’s army. A mishap here will impact the frontline. If Lu City is lost, then the nearby Taihang Pass, Liang Estate, and Gaodu will be endangered as well. Of course I must go and find out what is going on!”


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Duan Qin hadn’t thought his lord had thought things through so clearly already. But as his advisor, there were some things he needed to say, “If there is unrest, it most likely has something to do with the war, and it will be one that concerns the fate of Bing Province. It is simply too dangerous for you to go alone, my lord!”

“Would staying in the estate allow me to hide from it?” Liang Feng smiled, “It’s nothing more than a bit of danger. Instead of sitting around, waiting, let us make the first strike!”

It was because he knew it was dangerous that he had to go. It was apparent, from the envoy’s attitude, that there were other options. But if he didn’t go, not only would he give others reason to criticize him, he would fall into a situation where he could only passively react to new developments. So what if he managed to save the Liang Estate and Gaodu? Everything would be over if Shangdang was lost!


This time, Duan Qin was speechless. He knew well that though his lord’s appearance was beautiful, his temperament was firm and resolute as his way of playing Go; all the better to catch his opponent unawares and attack them where they were weakest. And, that the Grand Administrator’s Mansion had sent an order of appointment instead of an army meant they weren’t able to do so. They had revealed a hint of weakness. Thus, accepting the grand administrator’s appointment and going to Lu City was indeed a way to use offense ad defense. If this trouble could be resolved, then, regardless of who won the battle, it wouldn’t disadvantage the Liang Estate. 

Duan Qin began to hesitate. Liang Feng continued, “Siruo, have you forgotten that conjecture from earlier?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Duan Qin caught on immediately, “My lord, are you referring to the possibility that the Prince of Chengdu might use the Xiongnu?”

“Ugfmlrfis. Po atf Wlbcuce tjv j tjcv lc atf ajxfbnfg bo atf Xgjcv Cvwlclragjabg’r Zjcrlbc, kf wera ajxf la fnfc wbgf rfglberis. ” Oljcu Mfcu’r fzqgfrrlbc vjgxfcfv. Cc beagluta eqglrlcu kbeiv’nf yffc rlwqifg ab vfji klat. Pa kjr ifaalcu atf Wlbcuce vlgfmais ajxf bnfg Vtjcuvjcu atja jyrbieafis mbeivc’a yf jiibkfv. Rb wjaafg tbk ecilxfis atf qbrrlylilas, tf kbeiv rceoo la bea.

At this point, there was no way for Duan Qin to convince him against this course of action, “If that is the case, my lord, it would be best to bring some more people with you, just in case.” 

“Bringing too many would likely arouse their suspicion. I will have Boyuan and fifty elites accompany me. In urban warfare, each one of them is worth a hundred. The rest, I will leave to you, Siruo.”

The militia had always been undergoing special forces training. A few tens of people led by Yi Yan, and some smuggled gunpowder, should be enough for self-protection. On the contrary, he was more worried about the security of the Liang Estate and the two passes nearby.

Duan Qin gathered his sleeves and bowed, “Be assured, my lord, I will look after the estate!”


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The next day, the Liang Estate’s carriage train, all packed and put in order, was ready to set off.

His retinue, however, gave Staff Officer Sun quite a shock, “Hm? Why is Adjutant Liang surrounded by Jie barbarians?”


It wasn’t strange to use barbarians, but so many? Even his personal attendant was a strange-looking Jie man.

Liang Feng smiled, “They are all pious men. I’ve grown accustomed to using them; pardon me, Staff Officer Sun.” 

Staff Officer Sun immediately understood; it must be because he worshipped Buddha that he used barbarians then? No wonder he would be in disagreement with the Duke of Dongying. As far as he knew, the Duke of Dongying despised barbarians. Largely reassured, Staff Officer Sun swaggered onto his ox-drawn carriage, which was followed by five large carriages of the Liang Estate. 

Five did seem somewhat excessive, but then again, assuming office and all, bringing some extra clothes and foodstuffs was unavoidable. And besides, bringing only fifty people for all these carriages, he appeared wholly unwary, which was even more encouraging to Staff Officer Sun.

Behind, Liang Feng entered his carriage with Yi Yan’s support. The moment he was seated, Yi Yan took out the waterskin he kept on his person and carefully poured a bowl of medicine, “My lord, take some medicine first.”

Receiving the motion-sickness medication, Liang Feng chuckled, “You’ve certainly learned a lot from Lüzhu.” 

He said those words humorously, but Yi Yan was not in good humor, “If you can show such concern for a servant girl, my lord, why won’t you care about yourself?”

Liang Feng had staunchly refused to bring Lüzhu on this excursion to the commandery capital, leaving the role of personal attendant to Yi Yan. Lüzhu was, of course, devastated, but Yi Yan couldn’t bring himself to feel happy. There was only one reason for his lord’s decision: this journey was too dangerous!

He knew the risks well enough that wouldn’t let a servant girl get involved, yet he himself was barging straight in. It had to be said, even Lüzhu was in better condition than his lord!

Thus, despite knowing how important this venture was, and leading his lord’s guards himself, Yi Yan was still reluctant as hell and tense as a bowstring. 

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Downing the medicine in one go, Liang Feng smilingly shook his head, “How will I gather information on the enemy if I don’t go? Relax. Right now, you don’t look very much like a servant.”

His killing intent was spilling over already, did he seem the slightest bit like a servant?

“My lord!” Yi Yan was so frustrated he wanted to turn the carriage around and drag him back right then and there, but when he looked at the person on the couch and saw his idle leisure, the anger in his heart died down.

That wasn’t something ordinary people could do. Even he couldn’t walk into danger so calmly and imperturbably. His lord had made up his mind to enter the tiger’s den, and in placing him at his side, he was placing his life in his hands. This was no joke, he was truly putting his life at risk. How could he protect his lord if he couldn’t pretend to be an ordinary servant? 

Yi Yan took a deep breath, suppressed his unease, and bowed, “My… Master, how about untying your hair before resting.”

He was familiar with Liang Feng’s habits, having traveled with him several times before. Hearing Yi Yan change the way he addressed him, Liang Feng smiled slightly, and laid down on the couch, letting him loosen his soft, silky hair.

“Are you able to tie it back up later?” Liang Feng asked, without opening his eyes.

Yi Yan’s heart skipped a beat at seeing him with his ink-black hair flowing free; he said lowly, “I know how to bind hair, Master.” 

“It’ll be a chance to test your skill. Stand in waiting by the side.” Liang Feng shifted inwards and curled up on the couch.

This short exchange seemed to subtly alter their relationship. Yi Yan glanced at his thin frame, lowered his eyes, placed another scoop of Sambrani in the incense censer, and set it by the small table beside the couch.


The fragrance slowly spread, enveloping them both.


“What did you say? Liang Feng accepted the order of appointment?”

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The messenger had returned far earlier than Staff Officer Sun had. The news he brought was of great surprise to Yan Ji. That person had actually accepted the order of appointment? He’d refused the general staff, but had acquiesced to him, a mere grand administrator of Shangdang?

Looking dubiously at Li Lang, who was standing in attendance by his side, Yan Ji asked, “Aide Li, this is a bit different from what you said would happen?”

Li Lang was also shocked to the core. How could that arrogant, pompous cousin of his possibly accept the grand administrator’s order of appointment so easily? Wasn’t he supposed to insolently refuse so that he could goad Yan Ji into assailing the Liang Estate? 

After a moment of stupor, Li Lang blurted, “He must be up to some nefarious plot!”

Yan Ji humphed coldly, “What could he possibly be plotting?”

“Well…. well…. we’ll have to wait until he gets here to find out……….” Li Lang stammered. 

It seemed that this person wasn’t on good terms with Liang Zixi. He couldn’t fully trust his words anymore. Yan Ji frowned annoyedly, “At any rate, his fame is true. Since he’s come, it will be of benefit if he yields to me. If he doesn’t, he can be dealt with later.” 

Li Lang panicked at his words. If Liang Feng, that knave, really did give his allegiance to Grand Administrator Yan, then what about him? Just thinking about what’d happened at the last scholars’ assembly made Li Lang’s heart twist with worry. This wouldn’t do, he had to consult his mother!

After finishing his day’s work, Li Lang went straightaway to the rear courtyard of the Grand Administrator’s Mansion. 

Because they’d taken the city, he and his family had moved into the Grand Administrator’s Mansion. Firstly, they were worried that there might be unrest outside, and secondly because he needed to give Yan Ji hostages to express his loyalty. Liang Shu, though, was very courageous, moving in without a second word. This was important, and she knew it. 

These last two days had been extremely hectic, yet Liang Shu lived quite comfortably in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion, even feeling a bit of pride and self-satisfaction. The more smoothly things went, the more stable her son’s position would be. Of course she was overjoyed. 

But when she learned from Li Lang that Liang Feng would come to the commandery capital, Liang Shu’s rage reared its head, “I’m afraid that good nephew of mine would never expect that the people in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion have already been replaced! Lang-er the best time to get rid of him is when they meet! When he recoils in shock and horror, you must take the chance to make Grand Administrator Yan believe that he is utterly untrustworthy! Then, with some slight influence, you can silence him for good! Presently, you are His Excellency’s trusted subordinate, that cannot be allowed to change!”

Li Lang let out a breath of relief at his mother’s advice and nodded up and down, “You’re absolutely right, mother! That’s what I was thinking as well!”

If he was really going to do it, he had to be decisive. Li Lang silently resolved that, no matter what, he would take care of this thorn in his side!

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