Royal Road

Chapter 111

Ch111 - Deceive

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Normally, it took at most three days to travel from the Liang Estate to Lu City; however, the carriage train had taken a full four days. Every day, they would pick a site to set up camp before the sun had sunk below the mountaintops and wait until the sun was nearly overhead before setting out again. They seemed more like they were vacationing than traveling for official purposes. It was a good thing there weren’t many bandits nearby, or else this carriage train would’ve been robbed blind.

Still, it wouldn’t do for Staff Officer Sun to say anything. Nobles, after all, practically all of them were picky about food, particular about clothes. This bit of pomp and circumstance, compared to those high aristocrats who held massive banquets at the drop of a hat, counted as economical. Not to mention that he was still sickly. 

On the trip, Staff Officer Sun only got the chance to see the new adjutant a couple of times. He was always warm and polite, but his sickly, sympathy-inducing complexion and the bitter smell of medicine were ever-present. How could he dare urge him to make haste? And, knowing well his master’s preferences, Staff Officer Sun thought, this colleague of his might well become the grand administrator’s favorite. Thus, wanted all the more to avoid purposely offending him.

And so, plodding along slowly, the carriage train finally arrived at Lu City on the morning of the fifth day. Flying the grand administrator’s banner, the carriages weren’t even searched before they boldly rolled into the Grand Administrator’s Mansion.




Disembarking the ox-pulled carriage, Staff Officer Sun exhaled deeply. The journey had been demanding, but at least he was able to fulfill his mission. He approached the carriage with the bamboo screen and smiled, “Adjutant Liang, if you would follow me to meet the grand administrator.”

“It would be impolite to appear before His Excellency dirty and unkempt. I implore you, Staff Officer Sun, to report to him first, and allow me to tidy up. ” The voice coming from within the carriage seemed weak, and was too polite to refuse. 

Staff Officer Sun chuckled, “Of course; take as much time as you need to refresh yourself, Adjutant Liang. His Excellency, magnanimous as he is, won’t fault you for it.”


It wasn’t strange that a famed beauty would fuss over their appearance; why would he refuse the other’s request? He summoned servants to bring them to a guest courtyard, then headed for the anterior office.

“My lord, the Grand Administrator’s Mansion’s defenses are not weak. The three we passed along the way are all manned by able guards,” Yi Yan quietly reported as he lent Liang Feng an arm to help him down the carriage.

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“Mhm, I saw. Have the reconnoitrers returned?” Liang Feng asked.


“They have. Bai Pass has been sealed.”

The reason they had traveled so slowly was to give the reconnoitrers time to scout ahead. But the information they brought back didn’t paint a pretty picture. Grand Administrator’s Mansion was under heavy guard; Bai Pass was sealed. It went without saying that something had gone wrong in the great army’s rear echelon. So, it seemed there really was a tiger in this tiger’s den.

“Pay attention to whether there are any Xiongnu in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion.” Half-leaning on Yi Yan, Liang Feng entered the room. Dragging out the journey this long didn’t come without consequences. The slower the ox-drawn carriage went, the worse the motion sickness. Thank goodness Jiang Da’s prescription was effective, or else he might not have had the ability to stand.



“My lord, you are unwell. Couldn’t you meet that grand administrator tomorrow instead?” Yi Yan’s heart ached for the person beside him. If they could greet a lofty aristocrat like Wang Wen on the second day, there shouldn’t be any problem making the grand administrator wait. 

“That wouldn’t do at all. Bring the clothes over and help me dress,” Liang Feng ordered, after sitting down and catching his breath.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ktja kjr cba atf kjs tf erejiis rqbxf, yea joafg j ofk vjsr bo jmmilwjalhjalbc, Tl Tjc kjr delmx bc atf eqajxf. Lf cbvvfv, “Qlii sbe kfjg atf rlixr sbe cbgwjiis vb, Zjrafg?”

“Dglcu atf ygbmjvf gbyf klat gbiilcu mibev qjaafgcr.” Rflatfg yijmx cbg ktlaf kjr delaf relajyif obg atf bmmjrlbc. Zluta jr kfii mtbbrf j rqglutais mbibg atja jmmfcaejafv tlr ofjaegfr. Oljcu Mfcu tjvc’a rqfca atf ijra ofk vjsr fzmtjculcu rwjii ajix klat Vajoo Yoolmfg Vec obg cbatlcu. Lf’v ifjgcfv, ja ifjra, atja atf ugjcv jvwlclragjabg kjr j afzaybbx rmtbijg, bcf ktb ugfjais njiefv jfratfalmr.

Yi Yan paused momentarily, then lowered his head, “It will be retrieved right away.” 

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Shortly, the clothes, and a basin of water to wash up with were delivered. Liang Feng thoroughly wiped his face, then stood to let Yi Yan help him dress. It was a light blue robe with light cloud patterns on its lapels and sleeves. Wide sleeves and flowing hems; it gave off an air of quiet elegance.

That robe slowly shrouded plain white inner garments. Then a wide sash, fastened by jade claps, adorned with an incense pouch and miscellaneous jade pendants, was wrapped around a narrow waist. The glistening jades chimed when they collided.

The change of attire concealed his sickly frailty, gentling his already incomparable beauty. Liang Feng grinned, “Does this color look good on me?”

Yi Yan’s head was bowed low, “You look good, no matter what you wear, Master.” 

His praise told him nothing useful, though Liang Feng hadn’t held high expectations of the brat’s discernment, so he laughed and sat in seiza on the floor. Yi Yan hurriedly stepped forth, holding a jade comb, and carefully gathered his ink-black hair. Though his fingers were rough and calloused, they worked with nimble deftness, tying his hair up in a few swift motions, without pulling it in the slightest.

Once his hair was tied, it was bound beneath a headcloth, then capped with a small headdress. A hairpin, long and sharp, ran through the headdress, making it seem dainty in comparison. There was a special flair to it.


“Not bad,” Liang Feng nodded with satisfaction, then reached out an arm. Yi Yan leaned forward slightly, taking him by his thin, delicate wrist and helping him up.

It having been autumn for some time already, the weather wasn’t very warm, but Yi Yan’s palm was burning hot, which, in contrast, made the hand it held feel even more like polished jade, comfortably cool. 

But it didn’t linger long; Liang Feng had already retracted his hand and headed outside. Yi Yan snapped out of his daze and caught up to him.


“Does that Liang Zixi truly live up to the rumors?” Yan Ji asked right away after seeing Staff Officer Sun.

“Indeed, he is!” Sun Yuan nodded, “Not only is he of surpassing beauty, he is refined, polite, and debonair.” 

“No wonder he earned the esteem of the Taiyuan Wang clan,” Yan Ji sighed. Though the Taiyuan Wang clan was on Sima Teng’s side, he had to admit that they had a good eye. They would never look twice at any of those vulgar beings.

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“However, why did he not come to greet me first?” Yan Ji frowned as the thought occurred to him.

“Adjutant Liang, having a poor constitution, was afraid his appearance might be uncouth, and so went to dress and groom himself.”

That was much more pleasing to the ear. Yan Ji nodded, indicating acceptance. Li Lang saw it all, standing by the side, and clenched his jaw resentfully. That Liang Zixi, always bringing out his wits and wiles when he met those of importance! Did he think his little tricks would work everywhere? Humph! The taking of the city was a matter of life and death; this time, that face of his would have no use! 

After a surprisingly short time – less than an hour – a servant informed him that Adjutant Liang had requested audience. Yan Ji’s spirits revived at once, “Summon him in.”

Following his summons, a hint of pale lustre came into view. Yan Ji’s mouth gaped unwittingly; he straightened up. He saw a figure clad in moon-bright brocade; rolling clouds, airy robes, steps light enough to tread upon mist; a wide sash hugging a svelte waist tempting embrace. The sound of jade pendants as they collided with each other was akin to a bird’s lilting trill. But there was nothing so captivating as his face.

This was Liang Zixi, whose name was known throughout Jinyang! Goodness, he truly didn’t disappoint!

Despite Staff Officer Sun’s counsel, Yan Ji nearly forgot himself. Rare was such exquisite beauty, even in Ye City! 

Yan Ji stared; Li Lang gnashed his teeth. Why was this sickly invalid even more outstanding than before? Wasn’t his face his only advantage? How had he learned to carry himself with such dignity and decorum?!

No, he had to act first!

Uncaring of propriety, Li Lang spoke first, “Elder brother, this is the grand administrator of Shangdang Commandery, His Excellency Yan.”

That’s right, his surname was Yan. No matter how uninformed he was, he ought to know that the original grand administrator’s surname was Jiang. 

Looking at Grand Administrator Yan, with his extravagant attire and haughty manner, and his cousin, whose face was grotesquely contorted, was it not obvious to Liang Feng what had happened in the commandery capital?

Without a single fluctuation in his expression, he bowed slightly, “May I ask, Grand Administrator Yan, if you were sent by the Prince of Chengdu?”


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Yan Ji, shocked, scowled at Staff Officer Sun, who shook his head – he hadn’t let slip a single word. Curious, Yan Ji asked, “How did you know?”

“It wasn’t difficult to guess.” Liang Feng smiled, “If the Prince of Chengdu had not entered Shangdang, I would not have answered this order of appointment.” 

“What? Do you have some sort of feud with the Duke of Dongying?” Yan Ji asked excitedly.

“I have no feud with him, but for the sake of peace it is only right to honor the Prince of Chengdu,” Liang Feng answered smoothly.

Upon learning that he really had come to join him, Yan Ji gestured to him enthusiastically, “I never could have imagined that there would be such a paragon in Shangdang. Come, Zixi, let us converse upon the subject.”

Liang Feng smiled, didn’t decline, and sat by Yan Ji’s side. The two thusly engaged in conversation, each talking in turns. 

Li Lang stood dumbly by the side, unable to keep up. How did he know they were sent by the Prince of Chengdu? And why would he give his allegiance to the Prince of Chengdu? How was he to harm him now? He’d practically delivered status and authority to him on a silver platter! Attacked by a spell of dizziness, Li Lang wanted to faint right then and there. 

Yan Ji’s private reaction was the exact opposite of Li Lang’s. Every word he said, every time that handsome youth nodded with a smile, every rejoinder he made, tickled his heart. He was already alluring enough when he wasn’t smiling, much less when he was so demure and docile. In but a moment, Yan Ji forgot all about the worldly people around him; that beguiling beauty was the only thing left in his mind.

They hadn’t been speaking for much time at all when his brows suddenly furrowed as he lifted his sleeve to cover his mouth and coughed. Yan Ji finally realized, “Zixi, are you tired from your journey? Forgive my discourtesy, for straining you with lengthy discourse. ”

Liang Feng lowered his hand, shaking his head, “It is I who is too indisposed. Previously, I had used cold-food powder improperly, falling sick in Zhongming’s residence. It is no fault of yours, Your Excellency.” 

He had fallen sick in Li Lang’s home? Yan Ji’s gaze sharpened and shot towards Li Lang. Time and again, you speak slander to me of such an extraordinary man! Was he jealous of Zixi’s beauty and talent?

Li Lang was petrified; fortunately, though, Yan Ji’s glare didn’t linger for very long before he turned away to offer commiserations, “In that case, you certainly must tend to your health. If you are not opposed, Zixi, I will host a welcoming banquet for you tomorrow.”

Liang Feng executed a slight bow, gracefully expressed his thanks, and stood to take his leave. But, perhaps because of his frailty, when he neared the door, he suddenly swayed. Before Yan Ji could react, someone reached out and steadied him.

Only then did Yan Ji realize that a man in servant garb stood beside Liang Feng. He looked like a Jie barbarian. His stature was taller and stronger than that of most soldiers; he should have been quite eye-catching, but for some reason, his presence had only just made itself known. That servant spared no attention to anyone else, as he dutifully reached out and carefully supported his master. His body was bowed; his movements were gentle. It was as if he were striving to the utmost to do just a bit more for the person beside him. 

Yan Ji blinked – the two had already exited the door. He dismissed the irrelevants and sent for Staff Officer Yuan, who he furtively asked“ Did that Liang-lang not bring any maidservants?”

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