Royal Road

Chapter 112

Ch112 - Mislead

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It was a rather strange question. Staff Officer Sun cleared his throat, “He did not. I had asked about it once. Adjutant Liang said that he had become accustomed to Jie servants, who are all pious people.”

“Pious people……” Yan Ji stroked his beard thoughtfully, “Has the young Jie person by his side been accompanying him at all times?” 

“He is never more than a few steps away.” Staff Officer Sun, suddenly remembering his master’s peculiar tastes, hurriedly added, “During the travel, Adjutant Liang rested in his carriage with his hair unbound, unwilling to draw the curtain. And when we set camp at night, that servant sleeps beside his tent.”

“Truly?!” Yan Ji’s eyes gleamed. Bringing only a Jie slave, one who he rose and rested with; he didn’t believe it was because of his piousness. But perhaps there was another possibility….. just imagining how that helpless beauty would look lying on his bed tickled his heart.



Despite his eagerness, Yan Ji knew it couldn’t be rushed. Barely suppressing his impatience, he coughed, “A banquet will be held tomorrow. No need to invite too many, just three to five sensible guests will do. And it would not do to make Zixi walk too far, since he is unwell, so let the banquet be located in the rear hall. Select some practiced performers; prepare good food and wine…. ” 

The arrangements he listed told Staff Officer Sun all he needed to know. He smiled obsequiously, “Understood; everything will surely go off without a hitch! ” 

“What do you mean, ‘without a hitch!’” Yan Ji pretended to chastise, “Liang-lang is a personage renowned throughout all of Bing Province; he deserves to be treated with respect. And, go ask Retainer Li what his elder brother’s likes are…… ”


He spoke vaguely, but Staff Officer Sun knew immediately what he meant, and left with his orders.

Now that everyone else was gone, Yan Ji let out a deep breath. After half a month of arduous planning, rising against the odds to capture the commandery city, he could finally allow himself to relax. But if he were to gain an honorable talent, and a beautiful bedmate, there could be no better outcome!



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Tired to begin with, then forced to put on airs for so long, Liang Feng’s legs were going soft. If it weren’t for his human crutch, Yi Yan, he would’ve made a fool of himself.

After finally returning to the courtyard he temporarily resided in and entering his room, he discarded all sense of decorum, flopping spread-eagled onto the couch.

“My lord!” Yi Yan, in fright, quickly reached out to steady him.


Liang Feng weakly waved him off, “I’m just tired; I’ll be fine after a rest.” 

His nonchalant tone brought Yi Yan some measure of reassurance. He pondered for a moment, then walked over to the small side table, returning with a cup of tea.

“My lord, have some water.”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Oljcu Mfcu kjr lcvffv atlgras. Cr tf kjr jybea ab ufa eq, jc jgw gfjmtfv jgbecv tlr rtbeivfg jcv ufcais tfiqfv tlw ab j rlaalcu qbrlalbc.

Jifjgis, tf kjr erlcu ragfcuat lc ybat jgwr, yea atf afjmeq lc Tl Tjc’r tjcv vlvc’a kjnfg lc atf rilutafra. Oljcu Mfcu rtbbx tlr tfjv jwerfvis, “Tbeg weialajrxlcu jylilalfr jgf kjrafv bc vbwfralm rfgnlmf.” 

How was it a waste, if they were used to serve his lord?  Yi Yan’s mouth opened and closed, but those words were too flippant, so he swallowed them back down.

Downing a full cup of water, Liang Feng felt his soul settle back in place. Sighing with contentment, he asked, “How goes the reconnaissance?”

“There are a total of eight Xiongnu within and without the main hall. Their fingertips are calloused, and their legs are slightly bowed. It is very likely that they are of elite cavalry.” Yi Yan had been busy surreptitiously surveying the security of the Grand Administrator’s Mansion, and the results were worrying. There appeared to be many Xiongnu by the grand administrator’s side.

“Only eight,” Liang Feng murmured, then shook his head, “Still, this is the Grand Administrator’s Mansion; it would take a lot more than that to capture it. Perhaps they are only the people assigned to guard or monitor Yan Ji. There are definitely others hidden elsewhere.” 

The moment he saw Li Lang, Liang Feng could guess how the story began and ended. If he remembered correctly, Li Lang had an older brother by blood who was a petty official in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion. If they’d been able to secretly infiltrate the mansion with the Xiongnu, then it would’ve been easy to purge Sima Teng’s subordinates. With the grand administrator gone, this charlatan could control the commandery government, as well as the surrounding passes.

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Their plan was clever, but involving the Xiongnu was simply the height of folly. Did they think they could guarantee the Xiongnu’s obedience? If they were to gain the upper hand, who would be responsible for the loss of Shangdang? This was no trifling affair!


“We can’t drag this out any longer,” Liang Feng said, after a moment of thought.

The commandery city must have been occupied for some ten days already. Which meant that the supply lines had been cut off for ten or so days. Even if Sima Teng could levy provisions from the surrounding regions, the army’s morale would start to waver. Who could stand to their lair be taken over? 

If Sima Teng decided to turn his armies around and rescue the rear, the Taihang and Zhiguan Passes were the shortest routes back to Bing Province. But who could say that others wouldn’t get ideas about those passes as well?

Whether the Xiongnu conquered or laid ambush along the two passes, Liang Estate could not endure either event. If the flames of war were enkindled, Gaodu and its environs would be consumed by chaos. The fields they’d worked so hard to cultivate would become barren wastelands; the refugees who’d finally found a home would continue to flee and wander. If that strategic depth was lost, he could forget about keeping the Liang Estate.

Not to mention that if Sima Teng’s army suffered heavy casualties, the Xiongnu would instantly revolt. Situations like these, where affecting a single would affect the whole, were old hat already.

Thus, the best course of action was to resolve this little coup as soon as possible. Kill off the grand administrator the Prince of Chengdu had sent, while simultaneously retaking the commandery city and reopening Bai Pass. Only then could Sima Teng’s army make a safe return and protect Bing Province! 

But the difficulty in accomplishing that was not insignificant.

Liang Feng turned to look at Yi Yan. Several days of deliberate conditioning had significantly diminished his fearsome aura. He looked just like an ordinary servant; that sense of keen sharpness was gone. Furthermore, with his youth, no one would imagine that he was a fierce, battle-hardened general. Although, this was the effect that Liang Feng had intended.

He asked, “If you were to fight one to eight, could you win?”

Because his lord rarely voiced questions so seriously, Yi Yan answered with similar earnestness, “I can, against ordinary soldiers. But against elite Xiongnu, I would need to catch them by surprise.” 

“Good. Tonight, send out your nimbler subordinates to take stock of the situation in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion. Tomorrow, at the banquet, I will think of a way to create an opening for you to do away with those Xiongnu soldiers. Once they are dead and Grand Administrator Yan is taken hostage, there will be disorder in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion. Amidst the chaos, the others will take care of the hidden Xiongnu and take back the commandery city!”

His plan was not without risk, but it was the one most likely to work. Taking hostages, luring and attacking reinforcements, Liang Feng had seen it countless times. He knew, of course, how to pull it off.

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“But, my lord, you will be endangered!” Yi Yan could not accept such a plan. If he had to fight eight-to-one, he’d be incapable of ensuring his lord’s safety.

“Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Liang Feng smiled wryly, “What you must save this time is not me, but the entire Liang Estate.” 

“There must be another way….”

Yi Yan wanted to say more, but Liang Feng frowned, “Yi Yan, are you disobeying orders?”

He hadn’t called him “Boyuan.” Upon receiving his reproach, Yi Yan shut his mouth and kneeled on both knees to Liang Feng. It was submission, apology, and most of all, a plea. Though he hadn’t said a word, his prostration already conveyed it all.

Liang Feng couldn’t help but smile bitterly. It wasn’t that he hadn’t led that kind of soldier before; in fact, he himself was that kind of person. Someone who couldn’t bear to let others brave danger, someone who couldn’t abandon comrades-in-arms. If he received orders that imperiled the lives of others, he would ask again and again; was it achievable? Was it necessary? But that was then and this was now. If they didn’t end this stalemate, soon, the commandery, nay, the entire province, would be under threat. What did a little danger count for, in the face of tens of thousands – hundreds of thousands – of human lives? 

He leaned forward and patted Yi Yan’s shoulder, “Boyuan, worry not. Was it not I who taught you the techniques you use? I am capable of defending myself. Once the elite Xiongnu forces are dealt with, the rest will fall into place.”

All the same, there was something in his tone that brooked no argument. Yi Yan clenched his jaw, unable to move. He wanted to become stronger, strong enough that no one could force the person before him to put himself in harm’s way. Right now, it wasn’t enough, far from enough……


After a brief moment, he finally forced these words through his teeth, “Your subordinate will do as you command.


Li Lang dizzily left the main hall. Again, he had lost, utterly and completely. Whilst the other had not so much as spared him a glance, he had miserably lost.

Was the quality of one’s face really that important? Was beauty the only thing people cared about? It was he who’d come up with their plan! It was he who’d helped the Prince of Chengdu conquer Shangdang! Why was it that at the end of it all, Liang Zixi was the one to reap the reward?!

How could he possibly accept this?!

Evil thoughts roiled in Li Lang’s chest. He wanted to go back there with a sword and start slaughtering, but he didn’t have the guts to do it. This was, after all, the Grand Administrator’s Mansion. Must he seek his mother’s counsel again? How was it that he was unable to deal with a mere puffed-up ponce…….. 

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While he was lost in the tumult of his thoughts, someone suddenly called him from behind, “Retainer Li, please spare a moment.”

Li Lang stopped reflexively. He couldn’t not stop. Anyone who addressed him so in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion was someone he could not afford to offend.

Staff Officer Sun caught up to him, a pleasant expression on his face, “Thank goodness you hadn’t left yet. I have questions to ask of you.”

Li Lang forced a smile, “Please ask, Staff Officer Sun.” 

“Mmm…. Well, it’s nothing important, really. But about your brother, does he have a wife?”

Li Lang frowned confusedly, “My elder brother’s proper wife passed away many years ago, and he has not remarried since.”

Staff Officer Sun’s eyes brightened, “Then what about concubines?”

“He doesn’t appear to have any….” The realization slowly came upon Li Lang – did they intend to form a marriage alliance with Liang Zixi?! That couldn’t be allowed to happen! His words took a turn, “Truthfully, my elder brother is very ascetic. And since he has been weakened by illness, I’m afraid it will be some time before he is able to take a wife.” 

“No, no, it’s not that.” Staff Officer Sun jovially cut him off, “His Excellency simply harbors great affection for him, and simply wanted to be sure.”

What? Li Lang paused, then shivered with goosebumps. Could it be that Grand Administrator Yan was an androphile?! Not that it was very rare. Androphilia had surged in popularity ever since Cao Wei. It was said that Emperor Ming of Wei was fond of feminine garments, and had an intimate relationship with the Commander-in-Chief’s son, Cao Zhao; sleeping and resting together, betting for the other’s clothes. As the inferior imitated their superior, these occurrences were not uncommon amongst the aristocrats. But he hadn’t thought that Grand Administrator Yan would get ideas about Liang Feng!

Wait a second – wasn’t this the perfect opportunity? Snapping back to his senses, Li Lang chuckled awkwardly and said conspiratorially, “That brother of mine, since his youth, has never liked women. He is close with the Taiyuan Wang Clan, often entering their estate and staying the night. Grand Administrator Yan, being exceedingly handsome, and one of the Prince of Chengdu’s trusted subordinates, would, of course, have my elder brother’s deepest respect.”

His words dripped with innuendo. Staff Officer Sun clapped gladly, “Excellent!” 

Yes, excellent. Li Lang brimmed with furtive glee. It was indeed true that that brother of his was not especially desirous of women, but all the same, he’d never known him to enjoy the company of men. No matter how he responded to Grand Administrator Yan’s pursuits, whether he unwillingly bent to or indignantly rejected him, he’d either damage his reputation or enrage Grand Administrator Yan. Would he lack for ways to dispose of him, then?

Li Lang breathed with relief as he watched Staff Officer Sun depart. He didn’t need to tell his mother about this now, did he? At the banquet tomorrow, he’d be waiting to watch how he disgraced himself!

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