Royal Road

Chapter 113

Ch113 - Folly

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That night, a few inconspicuous shadows appeared throughout the Grand Administrator’s Mansion. The recent unrest seemed to have left the offices somewhat empty; they were not yet fully staffed with petty officials. Although, there were a few vigilant soldiers patrolling the mansion. The prison, especially, was heavily guarded.

Still, despite their intensive patrolling, they didn’t discover the shadows spying from the darkness. Before the break of dawn, the spies returned to the courtyard they resided in. 

“There are at least thirty-five people guarding the mansion, all of whom are elite Xiongnu soldiers. They are most concentrated in the areas near the anterior office and the prison,” Yi Yan reported quietly, as he sketched a rough layout of the mansion.

Looking at the areas circled in red, Liang Feng nodded, “When the time comes, split them into teams, each team to an area. And assign additional personnel to the prison area. The captured military officers and assistant officials must be rescued.”


It was true that many had been killed in the process of taking the commandery city, but Yan Ji hadn’t massacred them all. Those officers in the army born to noble families were mostly imprisoned in the cellars. Killing them would only incur the hatred of the upper strata of Bing Province. The better option was to lock them up and wait for the Duke of Dongying to be defeated. Naturally, they would change with the times and switch allegiances then.

Which was why the prison’s security had become so strict. To Liang Feng, rescuing these people was key to counterattacking the enemy faction and retaking the commandery city. 

His finger glided along the map, and he asked, “What about the inner residence? Who lives there?”


“It seems that the people living there are not the relatives of the grand administrator, but those of his subordinates’,” Yi Yan answered.

“Hostages, eh?” Liang Feng frowned. It seemed like Yan Ji was unable to guarantee the loyalty of those waffling fence-sitters, or else he wouldn’t invite their families into the Grand Administrator’s Mansion to use as hostages.

Killing women and children went against his moral code, but the Xiongnu soldiers had to be wiped out. It was after a moment of thought that Liang Feng said, “Prioritize the extermination of enemy forces. Bring some extra crossbows and act as the occasion demands.”

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What he meant, then, was that there was no need to care overmuch about the lives of the hostages. Then again, it wasn’t like the guards would waste any time on useless meatshields once they realized what was happening. Their primary objective would be to break their encirclement.

“The areas aside from these must also be secured. Don’t let a single one escape.” Having meticulously laid out all his arrangements, Liang Feng took a breath. The number of Xiongnu in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion was on par with his own troops. This would greatly decrease the difficulty of their objective. So long as he could control the new grand administrator, everything would be within his palm.

“Understood,” Yi Yan nodded. His lord’s arrangements were clear and clean-cut, accounting for even the slightest detail. Even he couldn’t find any fault with it. All that was left to do was wait until the banquet began and execute their plan.


Liang Feng worked his stiff shoulders, “You can go. I’ll rest for a while longer.” His mission today had been rather important, and he had spent quite a lot of energy on the battle plan, he really did need a break. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tl Tjc delfais obivfv eq atf wjq, jcv uijcmfv ja tlr ibgv, ktb tjv ijlv yjmx vbkc bc atf mbemt, yfobgf rlifcais ajxlcu tlr ifjnf.


Tjc Al tjv ubaafc eq ygluta jcv fjgis; tf’v yjgfis rifqa ja jii, ktja klat tlr tfjga gjmlcu ilxf j tbgrf. Ktfs tjv agjnfifv ilutais ab ajxf atf qjrrfr, yglculcu cb ieuujuf klat atfw. Kter, tlr mibatfr tjv yffc byajlcfv joafg tf’v mbwf ab Dlcu Ugbnlcmf. Dea cbk atfs rffwfv abb vgjy. Ulmxlcu jcv mtbbrlcu jwbcu ktja ofk bqalbcr tf tjv, tf olcjiis vfmlvfv bc bcf atja yjgfis wjcjufv ab wffa tlr rajcvjgvr jcv oewlujafv la klat lcmfcrf. Lf rja vbkc yfobgf atf wlggbg, jqqislcu qbkvfg jcv ugbbwlcu tlr yfjgv jcv fsfygbkr.

By the time he had made himself resplendent, it was about time for the banquet already. Steadying his nerves, Yan Ji headed for the room next door. 

The banquet had been set within the inner hall, where he temporarily resided. There was only one wall separating this hall from his bedchambers. All the more convenient for them to lie together if he were able to woo the beauty. 

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Entering the hall, Yan Ji scrutinized the seating arrangements before sitting down. He ordered, “Go, invite Adjutant Liang to attend the banquet.”

The host had arrived; the guests had sat. A songstress began to strum a tune. These performers belonged to the previous grand administrator. Their looks were outstanding and their skills marvelous, but Yan Ji was of no mind to enjoy their song and dance, and was equally dismissive of his aides’ flattery. He sipped wine absentmindedly, glancing at the door. After some time, finally, he was notified that their guest of honor had arrived.

Yan Ji straightened up immediately with renewed spirits, “Hurry and invite him in!” 

Escorted by a servant, Liang Feng strolled into the hall. When he saw the person sitting at the head seat, even he couldn’t help but pause. This getup was just too eye-searing!

Yan Ji was wearing a scarlet brocade robe filled with elaborate embroidery, as luxurious as a damn wedding dress. His face was caked his powder, and he’d specially drawn his eyebrows. Honestly speaking, as one of the Prince of Chengdu’s subordinates, he wasn’t bad-looking, but in this attire, he was like a peacock fanning its tail, trying to be beautiful while actually exposing its massive buttocks. It was painful to look at.


His eye subtly twitched. Liang Feng cupped his hands in salute, “Please excuse my tardiness, Your Excellency.”

Unlike yesterday, he was wearing a black single-layer robe with very simple patterns. Even without rouge and powder, the contrast emphasized the flawless beauty of his jade-like visage. Yan Ji could feel his heart racing in his chest. He pretended to be reserved, clearing his throat, “No need for such formality, Zixi. Come, come, share a seat with me today.” 

In this era, the seating at banquets were usually small platforms six inches in height and three feet in length, able to seat one or two people. A slightly larger one, meant for a number of guests, was called a joined platform. If a guest were important, they would be given their own platform as a sign of respect. But there was a way to express close intimacy with a guest, which was to combine their platform with the host’s so that they shared a seat.

The problem was, since when did he warrant such special treatment? Yan Ji’s attitude felt off to him today, but Liang Feng didn’t let his misgivings show. He smiled easily, “Thank you, Your Excellency.”

Sitting near him would only make it easier to carry out his plan, how could Liang Feng refuse? He went to Yan Ji’s side with self-assured poise and sat in seiza on the small platform. The moment he was seated, a pungent scent wafted over to him, as if someone had knocked over a bottle of perfume. It was only thanks to long practice that he didn’t start coughing right then and there. Yan Ji solicitously picked up the wine pot himself, and poured him a shallow cup of wine, “You simply must have a taste, Zixi. This is the best wine in Shangdang, rich and mellow, it is exquisite.”

Liang Feng hesitated, “I am still recovering from lingering illness, and am unfit to drink wine….” 

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“Oh! In that case, drink some buttermilk then.” Yan Ji didn’t push him, he instead considerately summoned a maidservant to serve some warm buttermilk to Liang Feng.

Shortly thereafter, an assortment of fine delicacies and delicious beverages was placed upon Liang Feng’s small table. With the lightsome dance and song, the jovial conversation, this seemed more like pure hedonism, than an official welcoming banquet.

They had only just conquered the commandery city, they were still in a state of battle, and yet they had the leisure to party? Liang Feng’s suspicion grew heavier and heavier. Even though this situation didn’t hinder his plans, the unexpectedness of it was still concerning. He took a sip of buttermilk and smiled, “The banquet today is sumptuous, but the guests are somewhat few. I worry, might this delay official affairs?”

Yan Ji chuckled, “You worry overmuch, Zixi. These are all my trusted subordinates. This banquet is held for you alone, Zixi, what need is there to invite those earthly people?” 

Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Liang Feng cupped his hands, “This weighty honor is unexpected, Your Excellency; I fear I do not deserve it.”

Yan Ji reached out and lightly pressed his slender wrist, “If it is to your liking, Zixi, this banquet will not have been in vain.”

Liang Feng expressionlessly lowered his hands, but the other’s hand didn’t immediately leave, taking the chance to trail along his arm. This was not an innocent action. Liang Feng had a headache at a sudden realization. No wonder he’d felt awkward this entire time. This wasn’t a welcoming banquet; this was clearly a transparent hookup attempt!

This was the first time in his life that someone had tried to hook up with him as if he were a chick; Liang Feng only felt it was absurd. But on closer thought, with his face, it wasn’t improbable that he’d run into a few desirous queers. He just hadn’t thought he’d meet one so coincidentally. 

The discomfort was only for an instant, before Liang Feng recovered himself, this was something he could use. He nonchalantly took another sip from his cup.

Yan Ji was elated at his unruffled reaction. He stood, “Drums, zithers.”

Then, he strode to the center of the hall and began to dance. This, too, was a common banquet event; it was called “responding in dance.” The host would dance to the first song, then invite the guest to follow. There was a strict etiquette for this kind of dance, and going against them was a sign of discourtesy. On the contrary, dancing well could closen the bond between guest and host. Thus, it was extremely popular during the Wei Jin era.

Evidently, Yan Ji was good at it. He cupped his hands within his sleeves, he flicked his sleeves and folded over; his wide sleeves arced like a rainbow, airy and graceful. Not only did it seem bold, it was free and elegant. Matched with the drums and music, it was a pleasing sight. As he danced, Yan Ji glanced at the jade-like person sitting on the platform. This dance would surely win his heart. 

Soon, Yan Ji’s dance was at an end. He extended his hand toward Liang Feng, bowing, inviting him to dance in response.

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This was a formal social ritual. Refusing would immediately spoil the host’s pleasure, and even create a long-lasting grudge at the breach of etiquette. Also, it was the most obvious way to rebuff romantic advances.


But he didn’t refuse. He lifted his sleeve and stepped lightly onto center stage. Their hands touched and they exchanged places. Liang Feng accepted Yan Ji’s invitation and began to dance.

Then, as the host, Yan Ji should’ve returned to his seat to watch, but at that moment, he was rather dazed, staring unerringly at the dancing figure. His technique wasn’t very good, some of his moves lacked vigor, and he was unfamiliar with the steps, seeming unpracticed on the whole. But he was like a soft branch of willow swaying in the wind; fluttering sleeves, a hint of moon-white wrist. Just performing this simple dance, he was already impossible to look away from. He was incomparable. 

That Li Lang had been right after all. Yan Ji lightheadedly fumbled back to his seat, feeling that his heart might burst out of his chest. In the corner of his eye, he saw that lowly Jie, bowing his head in the corner, and sneered. So what if is body was fit and his back was strong? How could a mere slave compare to a noble as comely and sophisticated noble as he?

After that moment of distraction, Yan Ji went back to watching the dance. Shortly, the dancer finished and invited the next person, exchanged places with him, and returned to his seat.

“Quickly, bring Zixi some tea!” Yan Ji hurriedly ordered. 

Liang Feng received a handkerchief presented to him by a maidservant and lightly dabbed his face. Then he raised his teacup and took a drink. Perhaps because of the exertion from dancing, there was a flush of red on his white-jade cheeks, which only increased his attractiveness. Yan Ji’s heart trembled – how could he resist – he looped an arm around his svelte waist and said by his ear, “There is a beauty; suiting my desires.” 

Those were two phrases from a poem in the Classic of Poetry, “Odes of Zheng: Wild Grass.” The guests danced one after the other, the music rose to higher crescendos, nearly drowning out their voices. There was only one thought left in Yan Ji’s head; he wanted to taste that smooth, slender nape. No matter whether he refused or not!

A pair of brilliant black eyes looked his way. His lips curled in a mockery of a smile, “I came to answer an order of appointment; for what reason do you insult me, grand administrator?”

There was a cold feeling at his neck where a small stiletto pressed against it. The tip sank just a bit; a smear of red ran down his throat.


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