Royal Road

Chapter 120

Ch120 - Unfetter

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Gathering his troops, and taking stock of scavenged matériel; by the time Linghu Kuang returned to the commandery city, the sky was already blackened. To his surprise, someone greeted him the moment he entered the Grand Administrator’s Mansion.

“The victory at Huguan is due first and foremost to you, Commandant Linghu!” Liang Feng said spiritedly as he walked up to him. 

“I hardly deserve such praise! It was your planning and tactics, Staff Officer Liang, that made it possible!” Linghu Kuang’s face was red with excitement, but he hadn’t forgotten the true impetus for their success.

Though the man before him was sickly and frail, he was of surpassing bravery and resolve, and most astonishing of all was his idea to set an ambush within the city! Anyone else would’ve shut the city gates, barring the enemy outside; how could they have ever killed every enemy to the last, as they had? It had been three to four hundred foot soldiers against nearly three hundred elite cavalry, with casualty numbers only in the dozens. This was the victory to top all victories!



“You’re too modest, Commandant Linghu. This victory could never have happened, if not for your leadership in battle,” Liang Feng demurred with a smile, as he invited Linghu Kuang into the main hall.

Linghu Kuang knew, from his attitude, that he intended to push the credit onto him. Going from a prisoner who might die at any moment to a worthy subject with outstanding military achievements who had turned the tide against defeat, was far more than what “patronage gratitude” could describe. Although the Linghu were a prominent family in Bing Province, by his generation, aside from his uncle, a lesser general, there were no high officials. If he could use this opportunity as a springboard to higher office, then not only he, but perhaps his entire family would benefit! How could a flimsy “thank you” suffice to repay such a debt? 

Both grateful and ashamed, Linghu Kuang sat down in the main hall, and dithered for a moment, before asking, “Now that the crisis in Shangdang has ended, what will you do next, Staff Officer Liang?”


The smile on Liang Feng’s face dimmed, “Every day that the Duke of Dongying does not return is a day the crisis has yet to end. Thus, our most urgent priority is reopening the supply lines and welcoming the return of the Duke of Dongying’s army.”

Reopening supply lines, reestablishing the rear echelon, and telling the Duke of Dongying that Bai Pass had been freed, was the way to let the army return as soon as possible.

Linghu Kuang, who was of the same mind, replied briskly, “The matter cannot be delayed! I will see it done immediately!”

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“Furthermore, Huguan needs to undergo some reorganization. This chaos has mixed the good with the bad. Assess your officers and elevate them according to their merits. The more dangerous the times, the more important that the army is stable so that they may fight as one against a greater enemy.”

He was practically speaking was Linghu Kuang was thinking. Having competent officials was of utmost importance not only in the military but in local government as well. Back when Grand Administrator Jiang had been in office, he was either partying or kissing up to his superiors, which was why that traitor, Yan Ji, had been able to capture the commandery city. As for Yan Ji, he was even worse, slaughtering officials and raising tigers. Imbeciles like these were the true cause of the chaos in Shangdang. In contrast, the man before him had resolved the crisis in just three days, and whether it was pacifying the public or putting down rebellion, he accomplished it with ease. Wouldn’t it be great if he could stay in Shangdang?

However, that wasn’t his decision to make. Sighing silently, Linghu Kuang saluted, “You’re absolutely right, Staff Officer Liang. I will get the troops sorted out and await the Duke of Dongying’s return.”



We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

“Qtja? Ktf yibmxjvf bo Djl Ujrr tjr iloafv?!” Pcrlvf tlr afca, Vlwj Kfcu rtba ab tlr offa jcv uba mibrfg ab atf wfrrfcufg, “Szqijlc ab wf, pera ktja lr ublcu bc?!”

Fctjqqs kbeiv yf jc ecvfgrajafwfca obg tbk Vlwj Kfcu tjv yffc offilcu atfrf ijra ofk vjsr. Llr ygbatfg tjv jmaejiis, klatbea jcs tfrlajalbc, aegcfv ajli jcv gjc yjmx ab tlr qglcmlqjilas. Ktfc, joafg tf olcjiis wjcjufv ab pblc obgmfr klat Qjcu Aec jcv jaajmx Tl Jlas, vfofjalcu Vlwj Tlcu’r Rbgat Xfcfgji bo atf Ujijmf, Qjcu Dlc, atfs revvfcis tjv ab vfji klat Qjcu Jel, ktb kjr tjgjrrlcu atflg yjmx ilcf. Qfii, Qjcu Jel kjrc’a atja ugfja j ufcfgji, rb Vlwj Kfcu tjv qijccfv ab mgert tlr obgmfr lc bcf ub jcv jaajmx Tf Jlas jujlc. Dea cb bcf mbeiv’nf fzqfmafv atja atfs kbeiv revvfcis ibrf atflg reqqis ilcf. 

Sima Teng had paled with fear. Their supply route came right out from Shangdang, his own rear area, and he hadn’t seen any enemies along the road, so how had his supplies been cut? After further inquiry, Sima Teng nearly puked blood from anger. As it turned out, Bai Pass had been taken over and barred!

How could such an incident occur! 

Shocked, furious, and not giving a whit about fighting traitors or whatnot, Sima Teng ordered his army to turn back at once. Even if they couldn’t use Bai Pass, there were still the Taihang and Zhiguan Passes; but if Bai Pass was lost, that likely meant that Shangdang was in disarray. Who knew if those two passes were still accessible. If someone set up an ambush outside the passes, there could very well be another Battle of Changping. 

But taking a detour along the Yellow River, and returning to Bing Province through some other region wasn’t really a bright idea either. Without their supply line, the army could only forage from their nearby surroundings. However, the near-constant battles that had plagued Luoyang and its environs for the last two years had caused peasants to flee and farmland to go to waste, meaning, there wasn’t any grain for them to take. And a forced march dogged by cold and hunger was rife with its own dangers as well.

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It was troublesome either way, and Sima Teng really wasn’t good at making decisions. The army was retracing their steps already, yet still, he hadn’t made the final call. He passed his days in agonizing anxiety – he even had sores on his mouth – wishing that he could grow a pair of wings and just fly over to Bing Province.

For news of Bai Pass’s rescue to come at a time like this, how could he not be overjoyed?! 

The courier, knowing how important it was, needed no urging to report everything he knew. Apparently, it was the Prince of Chengdu who’d sent people to take Shangdang, and even borrowed Xiongnu troops. He could nearly eat that idiot Sima Ying alive! And when he heard that it was Liang Feng, someone he’d never attached any importance to, who’d saved Shangdang, his emotions were rather mixed.

Sima Teng pondered for a moment before finally saying, “Send a vanguard to return along Bai Pass and find out what the situation is in Shangdang. If it is safe, the army will immediately make for Bing Province!”


They couldn’t delay any further. His brother had already lost Luoyang, he couldn’t afford to lose Bing Province too, or else this war would cost them more than they could afford. He’d leave Ye City to Wang Jun. Besides, Wang Jun had animosity with Sima Ying, and he’d borrowed excellent troops from the Xianbei. He might stop at nothing to conquer Ye City. So long as Ye City was defeated, there would be a chance to turn things around. Control the emperor to command the nobles? Hmph, he was going to see how long a fool like Sima Ying could keep the emperor in his hands!

On orders from their chief commander, the army immediately decamped and moved towards Bai Pass. 


At the same time, another group had ridden around Fukou Pass and into the interior of Bing Province. Their leader was a tall, sturdy man whose hair was whitening at his temples. Though his clothes were plain, and his age advanced, he had a palpable air of authority about him; like an old tiger that was still threatening, even if its teeth and claws were blunted. 

This man, surname Liu, name Yuan, courtesy name Yuanhai, had come from Ye City. A few days ago, he was still the Prince of Chengdu’s Guanjun General. But now, he had another title: “Northern Chanyu.”

Half a month ago, Sima Ying and Wang Jun joined forces and launched their assault. Fearing the might of their combined armies, Sima Ying sent his men to capture Shangdang so that the army of Bing Province would withdraw to defend their rear. It was very effective; Sima Teng immediately retreated and headed back for Bing Province. It didn’t have much use on the other army, though. 

The indomitable Xianbei cavalry under Wang Jun’s banner had defeated the North General of the Palace, Wang Bin, and sent Shi Chao, who had just won a spectacular victory at Tangyin, running for his life. Seeing these circumstances, Liu Yuan immediately stood up and promised Sima Ying that he could take command of the five Xiongnu divisions and issue troops from Shangdang to relieve the siege of Ye City.

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Ordinarily, Sima Ying might’ve had misgivings, but he didn’t have time for those anymore! If Wang Jun could use the Xianbei, why couldn’t he use the Xiongnu?! Liu Yuan had served under him for years, ever loyal, and he was far more capable than all the others. Moreover, Sima Ying seemed to be grasping on to the news that Yan Ji had successfully captured the passes like it was his last lifeline; he instantly agreed to Liu Yuan’s request, conferred the title of Northern Chanyu on him, and ordered him to travel to Bing Province to lead the Xiongnu armies to Ye City’s rescue.

With the Prince of Chengdu’s orders, naturally, Liu Yuan was able to bring his son, Liu Cong, and a few of his military officers back to Bing Province.

Then, he pulled the reins and had his horse stop beside the path, and gazed towards the distant city, sunk in deep thought. 

A moment later, three horses came flying towards him. A tall, long-armed, thin-waisted man yelled first, “Father, Huguan has changed hands! There is a corpse monument before the walls, it was all human heads, at least a hundred!”

The middle-aged man riding on his horse was impassive, “As expected.”

He’d noticed was off about the fortresses when they were traveling through Fukou Pass. Security was tight, sentries were stationed all around; this was definitely abnormal. Thus, he hadn’t bothered calling at the gates, instead, they deviated from their original route, spending a couple of days going around it, before reaching Bing Province. They didn’t immediately head to the commandery city; he sent his son to Huguan to gather information.

A bit of investigation revealed that, just as he’d thought, Huguan had been lost. A few days ago, the news they’d received said that Yan Ji had captured Lu City; how had things changed so drastically in just a few days? And that corpse monument of a hundred heads – could it be that all the elite cavalry that’d aided Yan Ji in taking the city had died in battle? 

Something was off, but the middle-aged man didn’t intend to dig any deeper; jerking the reins, he said, “We’ll go to Jiuyuan first.”

Jiuyuan was where the Northern Xiongnu Division was, and it was from here that the North Division Commandant, Liu Xuan, ruled. Upon his order, everyone answered in affirmative and galloped after him.

Contrary to what Sima Ying thought, in their hearts, the only title the venerable man before them had was, “Great Xiongnu Chanyu!”

A tiger returned to the wild, the inconspicuous party disappeared amongst the winding mountain paths. 


“My lord, it’s getting dark, you should rest.” Yi Yan stood inside the study and looked at the man leaning over the desk with a somewhat worried expression.

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This was the seventh day already. Every day since taking the commandery city, his lord had been poring over paperwork and official documents, managing various affairs of the commandery government. This was supposed to be the registrar, or the record secretary’s, job. A shame that Yan Ji had been too aggressive in his slaughter. Since the mansion was emptied out, his lord had to do it himself. Originally, he’d thought that, after taking the commandery city, they could go home. 

Liang Feng set down his brush and slightly cranked his neck, “It’s the autumn harvest now; I can’t ignore this.” 

The autumn harvest was the most important season of the year, and the chaos in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion had already caused many delays, delays that Liang Feng couldn’t tolerate. Aside from the various affairs of the counties belonging to the commandery, reconsolidating the rear echelon and reconnecting the supply line was another bothersome chore. Mercifully, Linghu Kuang was assiduous enough and cooperative enough that the rear echelon got back on track.

Currently, the Grand Administrator’s Mansion had more or less resumed its normal function, and there weren’t as many tasks that required his attention, though there was one other thing. Liang Feng’s gaze swept over the letter on his desk and sighed unnoticeably. The letter had been mailed from the Liang Estate, written personally by Duan Qin. But its contents weren’t something he could let others see.

He’d dithered for two days already; it was time to make a decision.

Liang Feng stood and said to Yi Yan, “Boyuan, what do you think of Lu City?” 

“Though the city is large, its defenses are inadequate. But Huguan is nearby, and as long as it is defended by sufficient military force, it is enough to ensure its safety.”

Huguan was incomparable to those small strongholds in Bai Pass. If someone reliable was defending the city, then unless there was an internal mutiny or the gates were opened by means of deception, even he wouldn’t be able to conquer it without paying a hefty price. Under the protection of Huguan, the commandery city would remain unharmed. 

“That’s true, isn’t it? As long as Huguan still stands, it guards Shangdang, and Bing, Si, and Ji Provinces.” Liang Feng let out a long sigh, “How could I give away such a critical fortress?”

“Do you have something in mind, my lord?” Yi Yan couldn’t help but ask at his somewhat strange reply. 

Liang Feng smiled, “It’s about time to leave the estate and chose another path.”

Three days later, the gates of Lu City were wide open, welcoming back the true ruler of Bing Province.

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