Royal Road

Chapter 121

To Sima Teng, the month he’d spent away from Bing Province had felt like years. There was no more glory to be gained from vanquishing traitors, the joined army’s attack on Ye City had been scrapped halfway, and even his retreat route had been blocked. Fortunately, the supply line had been restored, or else they would’ve had to rush back to Bing Province on an empty stomach. 

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Everything about it made Sima Teng burn with rage, filled him with the urge to punish severely all the incompetent officials who’d allowed this mess to occur. But when the doors of the Grand Administrator’s Mansion opened and that beautiful man, with a sickly complexion and dressed in black, came to greet him, suddenly there was nowhere to vent his anger. Sima Teng spoke a few bland pleasantries and followed Liang Feng into the Grand Administrator’s Mansion.  4ImDQ3

The Grand Administrator’s Mansion was still that same mansion, but the officials that came to welcome him were less than half as many as usual. He looked at the fearful, trembling officials at one side, then looked at the jade figure sitting primly and composedly at the other. Sima Teng coughed dryly and said, “I hadn’t thought the one to rescue Shangdang would be you, Zixi. How did you suddenly come to be in Shangdang?”

“I had suddenly received an order of appointment from the Grand Administrator’s Mansion, and, finding it rather suspicious, I turned it to my advantage.” Liang Feng gave his account simply, impassively, without exaggeration or detail, as if what he’d done wasn’t something so momentous as saving Shangdang and the lifeline of the army, but rather some small, unimportant task.

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Sima Teng’s words were stoppered up. Was this what claiming merit was supposed to look like? Of course not. He was the same as when he’d first met him, without arrogance and without obsequiousness. Elegant, graceful, good-looking, calm in the face of catastrophe, he was the very model of a distinguished scholar. But what he’d done was indeed a great accomplishment; he had to be rewarded for it, or else morale would be affected.

After a brief silence, Sima Teng finally managed a smile, “It seems that if you had answered the appointment from the General’s Mansion, there wouldn’t have been anyone to solve this crisis. A feat as commendable as yours must be rewarded. I will relay it to the imperial court and petition them to appoint you to an office and increase your territorial holdings.” lbyC7n

He spoke very generally, not mentioning any specific post. There was no trace of gladness on Liang Feng’s face; he clasped his hands and bowed, “I came to Shangdang with no other intentions. Only, Shangdang is a critical location, one that outsiders must not be allowed to infiltrate. The Xiongnu are powerful, arrogant, and recalcitrant; if they are of a mind to rebel, Bing Province will be in danger! I beseech your grace to take caution of them, and to not make light of them.”

What? It was due to his wariness of the five Xiongnu divisions that he’d come to Lu City? Sima Teng had to ask, “Zixi, aren’t you familiar with Commandant Liu?”

His subtext couldn’t be clearer. Don’t you believe in Buddhism? And have a close relationship with Liu Xuan, even depending on him to bolster your reputation? Why are you suddenly opposing the five Xiongnu divisions now?

Liang Feng solemnly shook his head, “Inadequate as I am, the purpose of the scriptures and porcelain is simply to be exchanged for skins and furs to tide the winter. Beginning last year, fur traders became fewer and fewer, and the Five Divisions’ wares decreased by more than seven-tenths. Not only that, but they have also ceased to sell grain and foodstuffs. The five hundred elite cavalries they contributed to the coup of Shangdang does not bode well either. If Ye City is defeated and Liu Yuanhai returns to his people, it may be the beginnings of a disaster!”


His words fell far outside Sima Teng’s expectations, but from the sincerity in his expression, he knew that his words likely weren’t without substance. If the five Xiongnu divisions revolted, Bing Province would be the first to bear the brunt, the forefront of the battle.

Sima Teng’s face contorted this way and that before he finally said, “Your concerns are entirely valid, Zixi. I will send word to Jinyang at once.”

At those words, Liang Feng acted as if he was relieved, and passed him several documents. Some were about recent commandery affairs or the strengthening of the garrison defenses, and there was a record of merits earned during the elimination of the treasonous faction. They were all clear and to the point, and made it apparent that whoever had processed the paperwork had been extremely diligent.

After handing those over, Liang Feng took out the grand administrator’s official seal and placed it in front of Sima Teng, “I believe this should be returned to you, your grace.” Ewah0d

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Sima Teng looked at the seal with a complicated expression. Anyone else would’ve probably done their damnedest to claw their way into that position – who would ever give it back so easily?

Liang Feng finished his report, not giving a whit about his emotions, then saluted serenely and took his leave.

After tapping his fingers on the table for a short while, he finally summoned the other subject of distinction, Linghu Kuang. Sima Teng was far more open and at ease with typical nobles like him; he smiled, “You certainly live up to your family’s legacy. If it weren’t for your reconquest of Huguan City, the army would not be able to make a safe return. Your achievement deserves recognition!”

Linghu Kuang hurriedly saluted and thanked him. Five hundred heads, plus the retaking of Huguan and the reorganization of the rear echelon, was enough to let Linghu Kuang climb several ranks; and because he was popular amongst the army, Sima Teng conferred him the title of Zhechong General and gave him command over several thousand soldiers to protect Shangdang. eFl vS

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Linghu Kuang’s uncle was only just a fourth-rank general, so raising him to a fifth-rank official and giving him authority over the troops in Shangdang was a rather generous promotion. A reward like this was enough to move Linghu Kuang to tears.

Dea ktb mbeiv’nf atbeuta atja lcrafjv bo gfmflnlcu tlr bgvfgr, Olcute Bejcu rjlv, “Pa lr vef lc ijguf qjga ab Vajoo Yoolmfg Oljcu’r ygliiljca ajmalmr atja Leuejc kjr rflhfv lc bcf ofii rkbbq. P jw eckbgats bo remt gfujgv.”

“Qtja?” Vlwj Kfcu kjr ufcelcfis regqglrfv atlr alwf, jcv lwwfvljafis tjv tlw fzqijlc.

Linghu Kuang recounted, without deception, how Huguan had been incited to mutiny and how the enemy had been lured deep into a trap. Then, he said, “If not for Staff Officer Liang, I’m afraid the enemy would’ve already captured Shangdang. The current peace and stability is the work of Staff Officer Liang.” hI rz1

Again, it was that Liang Zixi! Sima Teng stifled his roiling thoughts, smiling, “Of course Liang-lang must be rewarded, but your contributions cannot be understated either. Shangdang is the throat of Bing Province, naturally, it should be guarded by a skilled general like you.”

If Linghu Kuang, had been a glory hound and fudged the truth in his report, perhaps Sima Teng would still have some misgivings; but that he’d instead listed all of Liang Feng’s doings proved that he was honest and courageous. That was the kind of general one could rely on. That the entire Linghu family was in Bing Province, was another factor that made him the most suitable person to guard Shangdang. 

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Linghu Kuang’s face flushed red at the praise, “I will not disappoint you, General Ningbei!”

Sima Teng nodded and asked out of the blue, “If the grand administrator were to be replaced, who do you think would be most suitable?” 6T2rGn

It was a question that shouldn’t be asked, but Linghu Kuang didn’t think much at all, and answered instantly, “It could be no other than Staff Officer Liang!”

His response came too quick, but really, there was no value in kissing up to Liang Feng. In fact, his every word and action seemed to suggest that he’d acted out of a desire to save lives and quell disorder rather than any ambition to gain an official post. Such a person could prop up a region if used well; but if not, then they were a problem. So was he to use him or not? Sima Teng couldn’t decide at the moment. 

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Thus, when Linghu Kuang left, Sima Teng called for his confidants and began listening to what the other officials had to say.

    ※ qaczBd

“My lord, the Duke of Dongying has met with many of the commandery’s officials today; will it be of harm to you?”

He was investigating Liang Feng, but likewise, Liang Feng had many informants on his side. This was too important for Yi Yan to let pass.

“No matter, let him ask,” Liang Feng smiled unconcernedly.

He had indeed done many things in Shangdang over the last few days, that was impossible to hide. If he did try to hide anything by force, he would only incur suspicions of being a powermonger and harboring ill intentions. It was better to just let things play out as they would; let him probe to his heart’s content. Every person in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion had been carefully picked, and many of the officials who’d remained had some dirty laundry; so it seemed reasonable to assume that none of them would be so stupid as to accuse him of scheming for an official office. 6CcH49

Yi Yan saw that his lord seemed to have a plan; he hesitated for a second before saying, “The Duke of Dongying seems to distrust you, my lord, why do you offer him your allegiance?”

“My allegiance? No, I am not seeking a placement in the General’s Mansion, but an office in the imperial bureaucracy. The Shangdang Commandery cannot be allowed to fall into the hands of the incompetent again.”

That had been the subject of Duan Qin’s letter. Despite having two passes and the nearby counties, Liang Feng had no governmental or military authority. He could manage to direct them when there was no conflict of interest, but a single Liang Estate was not enough to ensure their absolute loyalty. That gap in the ladder of power would become an issue. Not to mention that that tiny bit of land couldn’t provide any real strategic depth; it wasn’t sustainable, at any rate.

However, coming to Lu City this time, everything was different. If he became the grand administrator of Shangdang, the entire commandery would be under his control. Although Shangdang was a fought-after land, it was also one of nature’s mightiest bulwarks and extremely difficult to overcome. Once he had this stalwart shield, then for the near future at least, he could crush the ambitions of all those who were slavering over Shangdang. And, it would serve as a barrier, allowing him to grow his resources and build his strength.  Tq4ce9

Shangdang – he had to obtain it!

It didn’t really matter whether Sima Teng trusted him or not. When the enemy came knocking on the door, would a clearheaded person use an incompetent confidant to guard the mountain passes, or would he use someone who was incorruptible, capable, and disinterested in amassing power? It wasn’t even a decision worth thinking about.

Hence, the reason Liang Feng had made a show of relinquishing all his cards in such a lofty and detached manner, retreating for the sake of advancing. If he had seemed just the slightest bit desirous of power, Sima Teng would doubt him and wouldn’t dare to use him! 

Now, he was only waiting on a verdict from the master of Bing Province. 31tn7z

Seeing how spirited his lord was, Yi Yan shut his mouth. This wasn’t at all what he’d imagined, but this time, there was no sullen anger; he silently accepted this reality. A mere Liang Estate was too small for his lord.

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After realizing his true feelings, all his wild fancies and hopes became the flower in the mirror, the moon on the water, utterly unreachable. Yi Yan secretly repressed everything. He could not let his lord detect those base, contemptible thoughts, no matter what. He wasn’t Yan Ji, and he didn’t want his lord to look at him with scorn and loathing in his eyes.

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And thus, it was all back to square one. If his lord needed wings, all he would do was stay by his side, to turn into a favorable wind and help him soar up to the heavens.

Just like any other subject loyal to their lord. 8yH6Fb

Yi Yan lowered his eyes, once again hiding his emotions behind his icy mien.


“It seems that Liang Feng is indeed able to pacify the people.”

After hearing his subordinate’s report, even Sima Teng had to admit that there likely wasn’t anyone aside from Liang Zixi who could have pulled a ravaged Shangdang together so swiftly. His abilities were enough to mark him as an exemplary subject already. What else could be expected of a descendant of a high official whose career achievements were second to none? He bore some resemblance to his ancestor Liang Xi after all. oYXLdJ

A person like him could certainly assume important responsibilities, but he wasn’t his subordinate; could he really depend on him so heavily? Sima Teng was apprehensive. He knew that Liang Zixi had no intention of swearing allegiance to him. Without that superior-subordinate relationship, what would he do in the case that he used him, and he stopped obeying orders? But if he didn’t use him – was there anyone else who could dive into the mess that was Shangdang as fast as Liang Zixi, and govern a commandery?

Sima Teng had to admit that none of his people could match his talent, and the debacle that Grand Administrator Jiang had caused only lowered his confidence in them. This commandery was none other than Shangdang! Who would ever designate their vital areas to an imbecile?

Sima Teng truly was indecisive; but shortly after, he received news that tipped over the scales.

“What? Liu Yuan returned to Jiuyuan, the Five Divisions are mustering their forces to launch a rebellion?” Sima Teng’s chest was about to burst with uncontainable rage. That bastard, Sima Ying, how dare he?!! 1Lfsil

No, he had to return to Jinyang with all haste to oversee the situation!

Sima Teng suppressed his panic and yelled, “Invite Liang Zixi, quickly!”

Not long after, Liang Feng arrived in the main hall; not giving him any time to react, Sima Teng immediately said, “Zixi, Liu Yuan has returned to Bing Province!”

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Just as he’d thought. Liang Feng’s brows raised ever so slightly, “I implore you to return to Jinyang posthaste, your grace!” cdlhn5

There was not a hint of hesitation nor trepidation in his voice, as if he could watch mountains crumble before him with that same unshakeable calm. That was the kind of virtuous official one could rely on!

In an instant, Sima Teng hardened his resolve, “I will depart tomorrow, but the chaos in Shangdang has yet to subside. If those treacherous Xiongnu mount an invasion, it will be of serious detriment to Jinyang. Thus, I ask you, Zixi, to take this into safekeeping.”

The grand administrator’s seal was returned to him just the way it was. 

This was another test. Shangdang would be greatly affected by whether or not there was a Xiongnu uprising. If the Xiongnu didn’t rebel, then Shangdang was nothing more than a thoroughfare for troops. If they did, it would instantly become a battleground prowling with hostile forces. No ordinary person had the courage to face that kind of danger. lmIYPD

But there was no fear in Liang Feng’s expression as he solemnly saluted, “As your grace is willing to entrust Shangdang to me, I will defend it to my last breath!”

Sima Teng felt that a weight had been lifted off his chest at hearing the words, “last breath.” He sighed, “Before, I only knew secondhand the presence of paragons, but now I bear witness to one. With you in Shangdang, Zixi, I can rest assured!”

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That day, a missive was sent to Luoyang requesting that Liang Feng be appointed grand administrator and permitted to a dominion of a thousand households. Too bad that the Emperor wasn’t in the palace though, so who knew how long it’d be until it was approved. But since Sima Teng effectively ruled Bing Province, those procedures didn’t matter very much.

Once again, Liang Feng held the grand administrator’s seal, this time entering the Grand Administrator’s Mansion as its rightful master. BN76vj

The author has something to say:

I saw some people asking about maps, so I’ll give a simple explanation.

Bing Province is modern-day Shanxi Province, the provincial capital is Jinyang. The highest-ranking official is the provincial governor, equivalent to the provincial governor. But since people are randomly made princes in Western Jin, Jinyang also counts as being under the governance of the Taiyuan Principality. 

Shangdang is within the borders of Bing Province and is like a prefectural-level city. Lu City would be the urban area where the municipal government is located. The grand administrator would be the mayor. Gaodu is within Shangdang, it’s a county, and the Liang Estate is nearby. Likewise, Huguan and the entrance to all the passes are within Shangdang.  IPawv1

Most of the eight passes of Taihang lead to Si Province, a large part of Henan which includes Luoyang. As for Ji Province, that would be the central section of Hebei, and is within Sima Ying’s domain. You Province, which Wang Jun governs, is a different part of Hebei which includes Beijing. Yong Province encompasses Shǎnxī and Gansu, and is currently in the Prince of Hejian’s control.

As for the distribution of the five barbarians, the Xiongnu and Jie are in Shānxī, the Xianbei are in Hebei, the Qiang and Di are in Shǎnxī and Gansu. Now I bet you can see what a precarious situation the northern region was in.

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