Royal Road

Chapter 122

Ch122 - Talent Scouting

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The carriages creaked as they rolled along streets paved with stone, past the wide-open gates of the Grand Administrator’s Mansion, and entered straight through one of its side doors. When the ox-pulled carriage came to a complete stop, a small figure jumped out and threw himself into the arms of the approaching person. 

“Dad!” The child didn’t say much else, but he clutched Liang Feng’s sleeve tightly in his soft little hands, loathe to part with him for even a second. 

Liang Feng chuckled, “Did you miss me, Rong-er?”

Miss was a massive understatement. Liang Rong had been scared and worried for all of last month. He didn’t know exactly what was happening in the commandery city, but he knew from the expressions on everyone’s faces that his father might not be safe. And the alarm that was raised partway through only heightened his anxiety. Which was why, when Liang Rong was told that his father had become the grand administrator, and was waiting for him in Lu City, he didn’t hesitate to hop in the carriage and get on the road. What did it matter that he was going somewhere he’d never been before if he got to see his father again?



“I did!” A thousand words compressed in two, Liang Rong nodded vigorously, to express his longing and eagerness. 

Liang Feng couldn’t resist patting his head, “You can live with me in the commandery city then. The Grand Administrator’s Mansion can’t compare to the Liang Estate, but it’s enough for the two of us to get by.” 

His dad hadn’t tricked him; Liang Rong was beside himself with joy. As long as his dad didn’t abandon him, he didn’t care where they lived!


After cheering the child up, Liang Feng turned to Duan Qin, “You’ve been very hardworking these past several days, Siruo.”

Duan Qin had come along with Liang Rong as well. He cupped his hands and bowed deeply, “Congratulations, my lord, on obtaining Shangdang!”

That, was something Duan Qin was genuinely glad for. All the projected outcomes he’d conceived had been destroyed by a sudden changing of the winds, winds that delivered Shangdang into his lord’s hands.

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Normally, only the court had the authority to appoint officials with salaries of six hundred stone and above, but in these warring times, the provincial governors, who had men and horses aplenty, had the final say more often than not. In fact, the imperial court was averse to provoke their anger with unwanted interference, hence, the reason a provincial governor’s recommended candidate for grand administrator was rarely rejected. As for the increased household limit, it was a favor that cost even less to grant, though there was the problem of whether or not it was possible to acquire so many people. It was one way to garner acclaim.

To Sima Teng, and the court, it was hardly worth mentioning; but to his lord, it would be the foundation upon which he established himself. What he’d done, rising straightaway from layman to grand administrator, was almost legendary, and he had fame, achievements to his name, and familial status. The importance of his office was far greater than what it appeared on the surface.

Liang Feng reached out and helped him up, “I would not have formed such resolve if not for your advice, Siruo.”


Having servants bring the small child to the inner residence to rest, Liang Feng brought Duan Qin to the study. The Grand Administrator’s Mansion had been thoroughly cleaned, erasing every trace of the battle that’d been fought over it. Its buildings were aged, but the environment was pleasant. 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Liang Feng sat within the study and asked, “Currently, how is the estate being managed?”

Rbk atja tf kjr atf ugjcv jvwlclragjabg, Oljcu Mfcu cffvfv wbgf jvnlrbgr jcv jlvfr. Gejc Hlc mfgajlcis mbeivc’a rajs lc atf Oljcu Srajaf, tf kjr gfdelgfv lc atf Xgjcv Cvwlclragjabg’r Zjcrlbc ab tfiq tlw klat ubnfgcwfcaji oecmalbcr. Ktja ifoa atf Oljcu Srajaf vfnblv bo jcs erfjyif qfbqif.

Gejc Hlc jcrkfgfv, “Rbk atja atfgf jgf frajyilrtfv gbealcfr lc atf frajaf, Vafkjgv jt-Oljcu jcv Cmmbecajca Itbe, rtbeiv yf mjqjyif bo tjcvilcu lar joojlgr klat bcis j bcmf-j-wbcat nlrla ogbw wf. Lbkfnfg, atf wlilalj ralii cffvr j agerakbgats ifjvfg rajalbcfv lc atf frajaf.”

That was practically their only option. Liang Feng nodded, “However, that is only a short-term solution. I’m afraid it’ll be too much for ah-Liang to oversee once the estate fills to capacity.” 

With less than five hundred households, the Liang Estate could operate normally adhering to the previously determined guidelines; but once they got to a thousand? That was a whole different beast. It would surpass a middling-size county, the governing of which necessitated a higher number of competent people. 

Duan Qin nodded, “It is as you say, my lord. The friend I invited will soon arrive, when he does, you can let him manage the estate’s affairs.”

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And there, the lowborn advantage was revealed. A noble casting their allegiance to Liang Feng would never condescend to take a post in the Liang Estate. They would be satisfied with nothing less than an appointment to county magistrate or the commandery capital. The lowborn, though, were not so fussy. Becoming a grand administrator’s retainer was just as good as being a commandery official. They’d count as one of his inner circle, so it wouldn’t count as ill-treatment.

Liang Feng nodded, “There are a few others that must be moved to the commandery capital, for example, Li Ziyue and Liu Shiyue. I wish to construct an even larger schoolhouse in the commandery capital, one that receives orphaned or abandoned children in particular so that they may become of use to me.” 

Before, the lack of funds had restricted students to work and study in halves. Now that he was the grand administrator, he had, if nothing else, an annual salary of two thousand stone, and held the highest power of the commandery, it was possible to address secondary concerns. Thus, setting up a schoolhouse became a priority. They wouldn’t become useable until after some time, but in the long run, it was a worthwhile investment. Besides, admission to the schoolhouse was tied to the rewards for military merit. He could hardly leave it in half.

Duan Qin, knowing the advantages therein, nodded, “I will see to it myself. But what is to be done about the four workshops?”


“Zhaoyu will manage the four workshops for now and report to me directly if any problems arise.” Liang Feng answered without pause.

The four workshops, abundant with trade secrets, were the Liang Estate’s golden goose, naturally, it wouldn’t do to let outsiders dip their toes in. Zhaoyu, who was intelligent, loyal, and reliable, was a good choice.  

Duan Qin couldn’t understand why his lord entrusted that nursemaid with such substantial tasks, but since Zhaoyu was quick and efficient at her work and trustworthy too, he could accept it, if just barely.

“These arrangements are only for the sake of expediency. One of these days, we’ll need to build a road that a fast horse can traverse in a day to ensure security.” Liang Feng sighed. Remote controlling the Liang Estate was far from ideal, after all, he had to include Gaodu and its two nearest passes in his considerations.

“Perhaps the refugees could be drafted to build the road?” Duan Qin, who was, by now, very familiar with work relief, suggested.

“Mhm, Luoyang is still in chaos; accommodate however many people you can, and cultivate as much of Shangdang’s barren land as possible,” Liang Feng decided, then asked, “And also, didn’t you and Ji’en come to Lu City together?” 

“Doctor Jiang returned to Tongdi to bring his wife and daughter here.” Duan Qin immediately replied.

Jiang Da’s bereavement leave was coming to an end; of course he was going to bring his family along, both so that he could stay together with them and to express his loyalty to Liang Feng.

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That reminded Liang Feng, “Siruo, your family lives in Yangqu; you could bring them here as well. It’ll be a dangerous place to be if the Xiongnu take up arms.”

Yangqu was very near to Jiuyuan and would be the first to suffer devastation by the Xiongnu armies if they revolted. It was indeed a considerate arrangement. Duan Qin saluted gratefully, “Thank you, my lord! I will send for my family at once and have them settled in Lu City.”  

“All that remains is to find some useable people.”

The commandery officials had suffered heavy casualties in the two conflicts over the Grand Administrator’s Mansion, leaving many vacancies in their wake. Duan Qin knew just how serious the lack of personnel was, and, intrigued by Liang Feng’s collected calm, asked, “Do you already have someone in mind, my lord?”

“There is a place that is worth a try.”


Cui Liang had been cooped up at home in recent days. The Cui Residence had closed its doors to the outside world when the problems had begun in Lu City, to avoid getting entangled; at least the lofty reputation of the Cui family’s great Ruist scholar would make the rebels think twice about giving offense to them. Nevertheless, they were well-informed. The assassination of Grand Administrator Jiang, Grand Administrator Yan taking office; then, the death of Grand Administrator Yan, and Liang Feng assuming command of the commandery government, Cui Liang had heard it all.

The chaos hadn’t truly seemed to end until the Duke of Dongying had returned and proclaimed Liang Feng the new grand administrator. It still didn’t feel real to Cui Liang. Who could’ve thought that the sickly noble he’d met last year was now the grand administrator of the commandery?

He’d never even participated in a controller’s evaluation!

Troubled by apprehension and envious admiration, he was in no humor to take a stroll, supposing the Cui Residence ended its isolation. But though he hadn’t gone out to see anyone, someone had come anyways. 

The name written on the calling card spurred him to rush out the doors and welcome him in.

“Have you been well as of late, brother Cui?” Liang Feng was casually dressed, having forgone the official’s uniform and entourage, and arrived in a plain, nondescript carriage.


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“Liang….. Grand Administrator Liang!” Cui Liang was nearly faint from shock, stuttering a time or two before he managed to sputter out the correct honorific. “I hadn’t known Your Excellency would be coming, please forgive the lack of reception, truly an oversight….”

Liang Feng interrupted his nervous apologies and said genially, “It was I who came unannounced. The past few days, I was busy with government affairs and hadn’t found time to pay my respects to Mister Cui until today.” 

“Oh! How fortunate that Grandfather has been feeling better lately, I’ll have someone inform him right away!” Cui Liang hurriedly said.

Liang Feng frowned, “Is Mister Cui ill?”

“He’s been under the weather since summer began, but it’s nothing serious….”

“I’ll bid Doctor Jiang of my estate, whose medical expertise is extraordinary, to see what he can do for Mister Cui,” Liang Feng said. 

Cui Liang, touched that he would send a healer to treat his grandfather, thanked him repeatedly. After making some more small talk, Liang Feng followed him to a bedchamber in one of the side courtyards.

This wasn’t exactly a place meant to entertain guests, but Liang Feng paid it no mind and entered all the same. He saw a stooped, elderly man leaning on a rest, thin, withered, and weary, whose eyes still had a glimmer of spirit. A middle-aged man, perhaps thirty or so, sat kneeling beside him. He had to be either Cui Liang’s brother or close relative, judging by their resemblance.

The old man bowed very slightly but didn’t stand when Liang Feng entered, “Pardon me, Your Excellency, that my age and frailty do not permit me to observe proper etiquette.”

Liang Feng quickly stepped forth and saluted in return, “It is I who should apologize for disturbing your convalescence unannounced.” 

The arrogance of those who held authority was absent in his manner; if anything, he was even more polite than the last time they’d met. A wrinkly smile tugged at the old man’s mouth, “No need to be so formal, Your Excellency. Please, have a seat.”

After Liang Feng sat down, the great Ruist scholar pointed at the man beside him, “This is my grandchild; name, Ji; courtesy name, Gongqiao. He assists me in my study.”

Cui Ji bowed gracefully, “My humblest regards to you, Your Excellency.”

There hadn’t been anyone attending him the last time he’d come, but Liang Feng didn’t point that out. He returned his salute and smiled, “I learned much from my previous meeting with you, sir, as well as the books you gifted me. Today, I’ve come to visit you, as promised one year ago.” 

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