Royal Road

Chapter 123

Ch123 - Everything in its Place

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It hadn’t been a full year since Liang Feng’s last visit, when the great Ruist scholar was willing to deviate from the norm and allow his young son to receive tutelage from the Cui family. Now, Liang Feng, the lofty grand administrator, had come specially to fulfill last year’s agreement. One step forward, one step back; oh, how inconstant the times were.

The old man slowly nodded, “I am honored by Your Excellency’s esteem. Your son can come to the Cui Residence to begin his schooling at any time.” 

However, Liang Feng smiled, “My son’s education is only secondary; I’ve come to make a presumptuous request: would it be possible to invite a few able intellects to teach at the Grand Administrator’s Mansion?”

“Teach?” The old man chewed on the word, then asked in return, “May I ask, teach what?”



“Nothing very deep, just the basics, enough to achieve literacy. I intend to establish a school for the children orphaned by the ceaseless conflicts and the descendants of soldiers to teach them how to read and infer text, use arithmetic, and apply logic and reasoning, so as to prevent their potential from going to waste.”

Cui Ji frowned at his response; inviting distinguished scholars to teach orphans and soldiers’ get in the Grand Administrator’s Mansion’s specially made school? This wasn’t about wasted potential – he was clearly cultivating his own power, a batch of staunchly loyal subordinates he could use to further his own purposes! No one would undertake such a laborious and thankless endeavor when it would take at least three to five years for even the most genius of geniuses to be of any use. And just where would schools like these leave the lowborn gentry?! 

The old man only hmmed and said, “The Imperial College is of the country, the local academies are of the commanderies; may I ask Your Excellency, where does this initiatory school place itself?”


The Imperial College, the equivalent of a nation’s highest-ranking university, and the local academies, run by the governments of the commanderies and counties in which they were located, were the official institutions that provided the country with new talents. But to open a school that was of neither kind, an initiatory school at that, would invite questions of legitimacy.

“A thousand-mile horse may be presented to a king, a hundred-mile horse may go to battle, and the mules may be used by the people. There is talent greater and lesser, each with their own uses. Thus did Confucius say, ‘learning knows no bounds.’” Liang Feng’s words took a turn, “And besides, if the initiatory school prospers, will not the local academies prosper as well?”   

Now, Cui Ji understood how this so-called initiatory school would kill several birds with one stone; it would demonstrate the grand administrator’s appreciation for talent and carve the words “only merit matters” deep into the marrow; it was a reward, providing the descendants of soldiers and officers who served him with a shortcut to obtaining education; most of all, it was a way to control popular sentiment so that he could assemble a biddable group of people subject to his command.

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Was there any reason to fear that the lowborn would not flock to his banner in due time? He would leverage the utterly unextraordinary school to draw in suitable talents, as many as possible, and cast off the constraints imposed by the nobility as much as possible. His brilliance was undeniable!

Although, his plan put a question to the Cui family: to ally with the new grand administrator and build a learning institution for him; or to refuse the grand administrator’s request in consideration of their best interests and let him find someone else?

Cui Ji could feel his heart pounding in his chest. He’d never met anyone so bright and promising, so abound in courage and resolution before; would they ally with him?


Cui Ji was torn. The old man beside him chuckled lightly, “Last year, Your Excellency said that you dare not presume the words of the sages, yet today, Your Excellency wishes to open a school and teach their books. Is that not hypocrisy?” 

The great Ruist scholar had cautioned Liang Feng last year against printing recklessly, lest he disturb the lifeblood of the ruling class. Yet now, he intended to break their monopoly of knowledge and spread it to the unwashed masses after becoming the grand administrator. Was that backpedaling not a slap to his own face?   

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Dea Oljcu Mfcu rtbbx tlr tfjv, “P jw ecjyif; la lr rlwqis atja lo P tjnf atf qbrlalbc, atfc P tjnf atf qgfgbujalnf.”

Pa lr kglaafc lc atf Ccjifmar, “Kjl Db:” “lo bcf tjr cba atf qbrlalbc, atfc bcf tjr cba atf qgfgbujalnf.” Lf’v bcis jiafgfv akb kbgvr lc tlr jcrkfg, atf ufcelcfcfrr bo ktlmt kjr jvwlgjyif. Ktf biv wjc wjvf cb mbwwfca, cbvvlcu lcrafjv, “P rff sbeg rbc klii gfmflnf fvemjalbc lc atf Xgjcv Cvwlclragjabg’r Zjcrlbc atfc.”

It wasn’t even a question. 

Liang Feng smiled, “But of course.”

That too was one of Liang Feng’s motives. He did want Liang Rong to go to school, of course, not to become another family’s asset, but to grow up freely in a safe environment.

One topic, twice conversed, their words leading to opposite directions. Before, the Cui family had wanted to use Liang Rong as a way to closen their relationship, and in the course of dispensing charity, they were testing the waters in an aloof, uninvolved way. But now, at Liang Feng’s behest, it was the Cui family that had to decide: either join him, or forfeit. It was a shift in status and station, and a transformation of mentality.

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That should’ve been a kind of offense; however, the old man pointed at Cui Ji, “This child, expert in classics and history, versed in mathematics, might be of use. Besides him, there are several others in the family that would make for adequate teachers.” 

Cui Ji glanced at his grandfather with shock, but quickly regained his composure. Unfurling his sleeves, Liang Feng bowed in salute, “Your and your kindreds’ assistance will see this enterprise come to fruition!”

Cui Ji pursed his lips at the young man’s humble gesture and bowed deeply in return, “I am willing to serve Your Excellency!”


In a few short words, a vastly consequential agreement was confirmed. Yet none of the three present wore any particular expression. A few more pleasantries were exchanged, and on the brink of departure, Liang Feng paused as if he’d had a recollection and remarked, “There’s one more thing I should inform you, Mister Cui; a few days ago, Liu Yuanhai returned here from Ye City.”

Those words had been spoken so casually that Cui Ji had needed a moment to understand. After seeing the new grand administrator off, he returned to the study, where his grandfather had already closed his eyes in seeming exhaustion. He sat gingerly by his side and asked softly, “Grandfather, is the Cui family to be henceforth allied to His Excellency Liang?” 

They had spoken of not just one or two people, but “several”; meaning that many capable people were needed to fill the Grand Administrator’s Mansion. Needless to say, Cui Ji could infer that teaching was only a cover for the true aim of having them enter the Grand Administrator’s Mansion as territorial aides and advisors. This wasn’t what they had discussed previously, yet Cui Ji’s grandfather had agreed, much to his surprise.

“It is as His Excellency Liang said, all talent has its measure,” the old man replied impassively. “Yuanhai, for instance, could be an exemplary subject in times of peace or an ambitious conqueror in times of chaos. That is his measure.”

Those were the words said of Wu of Wei by Xu Shao in the Yuedan Review. Cui Ji felt a chill in his heart, “Then what about His Excellency Liang?”

 “I can’t read him.” The old man opened his cloudy eyes and looked at his grandson, “At first, I only thought him fit to be an upbearing column, but look at him now; already he has the makings of a king. It has been merely a year.”  

Cui Ji was silent. He too had met Liang Feng before, and at first, he only thought him to be intelligent and unconventional. Upon meeting him again, however, Liang Feng’s presence was almost surpassing his. That wasn’t a change that an advance in status could effect; rather, it reflected the maturing of his innermost self, like a diamond that had found its way and begun revealing its radiance.

He’d never met anyone like him before, nor thought that he would find a lord he could rely on or assist. Nevertheless, there was an enormous difference between swearing his own or his entire family’s allegiance, for the great clans’ key to survival was demonstrated by the three brothers of the Zhuge family, who each cleaved to a different state. 

The old man knew, by his silence, what his grandson was thinking, “That was then; this is now. By his character, he is worth serving.”

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If Liang Feng had brought up Liu Yuanhai the moment he crossed the threshold, he would’ve undoubtedly gained the upper hand and ascertained their true standpoints. After all, Cui You, simply by virtue of being Liu Yuanhai’s patron-mentor, was extremely suspect to most anyone who was wary of the Xiongnu.  

But he hadn’t done so. On the contrary, he had first expounded his own ideas then affirmed their subordination before mentioning it. He’d neither probed nor mistrusted them because of it. Not every ruler was able to adhere to the creed, “don’t suspect the people you use.” Moreover, he had guessed correctly that his family had no intentions of siding with the Xiongnu.

That alone was enough to distinguish his breadth of mind, bearing, and judgement as superb. It didn’t take long for Cui Ji to wrap his mind around it; after all, he’d been guided by his grandfather since youth and was considered by the Cui family to be the most capable of his generation; “I realize my mistake. I will support His Excellency with my utmost.”

The old man slowly nodded, but made no reply, and closed his eyes.

The next day, Cui Ji brought five members of the Cui family and their prized students to the Grand Administrator’s Mansion. He himself was appointed to the positions of records secretary and director of education, taking on the responsibility of managing the commandery’s academic affairs. He became, like Duan Qin, the new grand administrator’s right hand. 


Bing Province, City of the Left Division. 

The Xiongnu royal court of days past was in a state of dereliction and disrepair. The great yurt was bereft of its former splendor; yet it was thronged with undulating crowds both outside and in; countless troops and horses congregated in one place. The noble clans, each with their entourage, arrived inside the yurt.

Sitting in the head seat, Liu Yuanhai proclaimed, “Failing to heed my counsel, the Prince of Chengdu fled with the Emperor following Ye City’s great defeat. Truly, it is a disgrace to the Sima clan. But, bound by prior oath, I should send my hosts to his rescue. The Yulu King of the Right and Dulu King of the Left will set out with a force of twenty thousand to repel the Xianbei!” 

Liu Yuan hadn’t lingered long at Jiuyuan after returning to Bing Province; instead, he’d gone with Liu Xuan to his old home, the City of the Left Division. Then, he’d swiftly marshalled tens of thousands of troops and mustered the commanders of the Five Divisions to a joint conference to discuss matters of importance. But ere his troops had embarked, news of Ye City’s defeat was received. Rather than defend the city and wait for the Xiongnu cavalry, Sima Ying had abandoned the city and fled under the pressure of Wang Jun’s armies. He, along with his hostage Emperor, had made for Luoyang.

Ye City, a magnificent capital city, spoken of in the same breath as Luoyang and Chang’an, suffered pillage and slaughter due to the flight of its master. Tens of thousands of light-haired Xianbei swarmed into the city and went about with arson, murder, and plunder. The beautiful tableau of majestic palaces, lavish mansions, and spacious houses forever ruined, there was naught but piteous wailing and the smoke of war blotting out the sun.


The promises he’d made no longer mattered in such circumstances, yet Liu Yuan spoke of rescue. The great yurt was immediately filled with the murmur of conversation.

It was clearly meaningless. Why waste their military strength saving Sima Ying if he was so pathetic? 

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At that point, a thin, withered old man stood and saluted, “The Jin are unrighteous and treat our kind as slaves! My brother, the Wise King of the Right, once rebelled against the Jin; but alas, they were too powerful then, and he was defeated. But now, the Heavens have forsaken the Sima for their unending infighting. The Great Chanyu, possessed of genius and virtue even the Jin cannot deny, is the one chosen by the Mandate of Heaven. Why bow and scrape and bend the knee? Why not ally with the Xianbei and Wuhuan to restore the great work of Huhanye Chanyu!”

The speech, rousing and resounding, was full of provocation. Instantly, there was a clamor amongst the nobles, many even standing up and urging him to take action. 

The crowd’s wild fervor wrought a hint of a smile on Liu Yuan’s face, “Grandfather is absolutely right. How can one content themselves with being a small mound when they could be a towering mountain? Emperors and kings have come from all walks of life since antiquity. Yu the Great was of the Xirong; King Wen of Zhou of the Dongyi; they are determined by virtue alone! The greatest feat would be to unify all under Heaven, as Emperor Gaozu of Han did; the least would be to reign over the north, as Emperor Wu of Wei did. Why imitate Huhanye, who was no more than a foreign subject?”

A hush fell over the yurt. Everyone there was of Xiongnu descent; to them, Huhanye was the greatest Xiongnu ruler. Yet sitting up there, their new Great Chanyu was telling them that the Xiongnu hero, no more than a foreign subject, was not to be imitated? Then how were they to proclaim kingship and kingdom? 

Then, the stalwart man with graying hair cupped his hands and faced west, “The Liu Han dynasty in their four hundred year reign, captured the people’s hearts with their magnanimity and virtue. One hundred years ago, Emperor Zhaolie, through pure force of will, carved a kingdom for himself from the barrens of western Shu and contested the central plains. I am descended from Han royalty and an ancestor who was sworn brothers with a Han emperor; now, let the elder brother be succeeded by the younger; let me inherit the Han dynasty’s legacy, name my kingdom ‘Han,’ honor the last emperor, and gain the people’s devotion! Thus will I be deserving of Heaven’s favor!”

Such grandiose rhetoric was completely unexpected. But after being told that their kingdom was to be styled Han, the Xiongnu, who had long lived in Bing Province, adopted the Liu surname, wore Han clothes, and learned Han books and poetry, began to identify with it. Liu Xuan, who especially was full of learning and passion, stepped forth, “I am willing to be of use to Your Majesty!”

Liu Xuan’s seniority was such that when he called, all responded! Everyone in the yurt prostrated to Liu Yuan. Standing on his high platform, the king exhaled a breath of turbid air. After thirty years of lying in wait, it was finally his time to ply his skills!

That night, Liu Yuan summoned Liu Xuan to talk, and it was decided that he would declare himself the King of Han, following Gaozu’s example; in five days, an altar would be raised to offer sacrifices to Heaven; the reign name would be changed, and universal amnesty bestowed. 

Seeing all the preparations come together, Liu Xuan sighed, “It’s a shame that Liang Zixi reclaimed Shangdang. If it were still in my hands, it would be possible to strike at Luoyang directly.”

Liu Yuan had delivered the news himself on the day he returned. He’d already arranged for additional forces to go to their aid, but who would’ve thought so much could change in so few days. Not only had the cities been retaken, but the five hundred elite cavalries had been completely wiped out. Then, Sima Teng had returned to Bing Province. Missing such a perfect opportunity and letting that child of the Liang family become grand administrator nearly made Liu Xuan vomit blood in anger.

“It is indeed a shame, but being only recently brought to order, Shangdang might not be inviolable as it once was. After the sacrifices, we could send five thousand cavalry to Shangdang as Sima Ying’s reinforcements. The effort will not have been wasted if they can conquer it in one stroke,” Liu Yuan laughed arrogantly.

Ordinarily, he wouldn’t make such a risky attack against a fortified place like Shangdang. However, the stage was already set for a battle with Sima Teng; sending a detachment of light cavalry might win them some advantages. 

Liu Xuan expressed joy at Liu Yuan’s words, “That would be most excellent!”

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