Royal Road

Chapter 125

RR Ch125 - Guest - Chrysanthemum Garden

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halfdeadhulijing [Translator] ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ14-18 minutes

Ge Hong stood outside distractedly. To tell the truth, coming to Lu City wasn’t his intention.

A few months ago, Ge Hong had experienced the first military campaign of his life. Under pressure of the “Yiyang barbarian” Zhang Chang’s rebellion and military law, he’d led hundreds of countrymen as part of the anti-insurgency forces. Within several months, the rebels were put down, and Ge Hong racked up many military accolades, though, due to his family’s decline, he didn’t gain any recognition for it. Tired of being elbowed out and contemptuous of vying with other aristocrats, Ge Hong shed his armor and made for Luoyang in search of alchemical formulas and immortal Daoists.  ORdV2y

On his journeys, he’d visited many places and sought out many more vaunted immortal masters. However, most of them were only frauds, and the few that weren’t didn’t quite share his views on the practice of Daoism; he’d had even less success in finding useful alchemical formulas. But just as he was about to go home, suddenly, war broke out. The road south was instantly blocked by a mess of armies when the Prince of Donghai dragged the Emperor on an imperial campaign against the Prince of Chengdu.

The situation left Ge Hong rather helpless. He’d intended to try going around through Xu Province when, by happenstance, a medical text named The New Treatise on Cold Damage caught his attention. Thus, he made his way to the Jiang family in Tongdi to seek guidance on the various subjects mentioned within, and as luck would have it, arrived just before Jiang Da, who’d gone home to get his family ready to move to Lu City.

Read more BL at chrysanthemumgarden (dot) com

One who’d come to learn about disease control, and the other an expert on the subject, they got along like a house on fire. Upon learning that he was a student of the great alchemist Zheng Yin, Jiang Da got it in his head to recommend him to his lord. It only made sense that since his lord’s affliction arose from a creation of alchemy, Daoist methods could better alleviate it. Moreover, with his knowledge about wellness and recovery, his aid would be doubly effective.

Unfortunately, despite Jiang Da’s feelings, Ge Hong himself wasn’t very enthused. The reason was simple: The New Treatise on Cold Damage had been published along with the Vajracchedikā Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra, written by the famed bodhisattva of Bing Province himself, the person Jiang Da wanted him to meet. 6tHoqb

Why should he, a Daoist, meet a believer of Buddhism? Moreover, given that northerners were already predisposed to discrimination against southerners, he doubted that the transcendently stunning “distinguished scholar,” His Excellency Liang, would deign to acknowledge him. Jiang Da had only barely managed to talk him over with the information that his lord had been the source of most of the disease control methods.

Ah well, he’d just leave as soon as possible  if he was unwelcome, to spare himself the indignity.

Just as he finished that thought, he heard footsteps and saw, dragging Jiang Da in tow, a man stride forth quickly from inside. He was an extraordinarily beautiful young noble; black robes, liáng headdress, a figure upright and dignified. His complexion was ashen in a sickly way, but his pitch-black eyes shined bright as stars and swept across the crowd, landing on him. 

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Without hesitation, he took a step forward, sleeves unfurling as he saluted, “You must be Ge-lang? I am glad to meet a young genius such as you.”

J2 wQm

Ge Hong was completely dumbstruck. Who could ever imagine that the grand administrator would come to greet him on a mere healer’s recommendation! He was no great personage, only a nameless youth!  

Somewhat inarticulate and introverted to begin with, Ge Hong was flustered by such reception from the head of a commandery and hurriedly saluted in return, “Your Excellency praises me overmuch. My mean talent does not merit Your Excellency’s personal welcome.”

Jiang Da was also surprised that his lord would directly go to see him in, although it could be taken as a measure of his lord’s trust and confidence in him. Thus, Jiang Da smiled, “Zhichuan, this is my lord. Didn’t I tell you that my lord urgently seeks talent? Can you rest assured now?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Llr rajaf kjr wbgf jmmegjafis vfrmglyfv jr oglutafcfv gjatfg atjc gfjrregfv. Xf Lbcu kjr ja j ibrr obg kbgvr, yea Oljcu Mfcu ijeutfv la boo, “Zs atjcxr obg gfmbwwfcvlcu tlw ab wf, Al’fc. Jbwf, mbwf, Xf-ijcu, ifa er mbcalcef atf vlrmerrlbc lcvbbgr.” o UTun

Coafg atf atgff kfca yjmx lcrlvf, tbra jcv uefrar ajxlcu atflg gfrqfmalnf qijmfr, Oljcu Mfcu jqqgjlrfv atf sbecu wjc bcmf wbgf. C ilaaif bnfg akfcas, qijlc vgjy gbyfr, jc ecgfwjgxjyif jqqfjgjcmf jcv jegj, rbwfktja gfrfgnfv jmaejiis, ijmxlcu atf rbga bo rajafilcfrr atja Gejc Hlc bg Jel Al fzevfv. Rbcf bo atja wjaafgfv ab Oljcu Mfcu, atbeut, obg atf cjwf Xf Lbcu vlralcuelrtfv tlw jybnf jii batfgr!

His grandfather’s library had two common guests. One was Baopuzi, a Daoist classic said to be divided into inner and outer chapters, Dao inner and Ru outer, many chapters of which were enduring masterworks. The other was The Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies, a first aid manual comprised of cheap and effective medicinal recipes, acupuncture techniques, and external treatments targeting various diseases; it too was a masterpiece of medical literature. And these two texts were authored by the same man: Ge Hong!

Liang Feng hadn’t read them before, and didn’t need to, to know that work that could endure grinding centuries and millennia could only be made by a genius. But more importantly, he’d seen Ge Hong’s name attached to another subject: the origin of gunpowder. T1pqr4

It was widely accepted that gunpowder had been invented by ancient Chinese alchemists. In particular, there were two alchemists whose formulas were preserved in the historical record. Those two alchemists happened to be Ge Hong of the Jin dynasty and Sun Simiao of the Tang dynasty. And Ge Hong was the forefather of the Southern Alchemy Sect’s guiding beliefs. Of course Liang Feng was overjoyed to encounter a grand master of alchemy in an era where alchemy was the closest thing to chemistry. 

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But the young man was far from the “Baopuzi” or the “Old Immortal Ge” he would later become. He had to determine his abilities and aspirations before he could apply a specific approach on him. 

Liang Feng calmed himself and smiled genially, “I heard that you were from Danyang, so what brings you to the north?”

Gathering his wits about him, Ge Hong cupped his hands, “I’d heard that there were many Daoist immortals to be found in Luoyang, and so I came north to seek them.” Qq6rgE

“Oh? Did you find any immortals?”

“Most are swindlers beneath mention. The only thing of note was Dong Weinian’s fasting technique.” 

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

Ge Hong had purposely mentioned the widely renowned Daoist, Dong Jing, to observe how His Excellency Liang would react. As he had neither status nor reputation, he doubted the noble would hold him in such high esteem if not for his purported alchemical lineage. But still, despite being treated with courtesy, Ge Hong had no interest in remaining here to serve powerful nobles. He’d already gotten an eyeful of their ugly mugs during his time in the army. They looked all nice and genteel on the surface, but really, they were only petty, small-minded degenerates; too base to keep company with. 

Unexpectedly, Liang Feng nodded and didn’t pursue the matter, “Deities and immortals are indeed elusive. Rather than look to the immortals, better to rely on yourself.” R0Ma3L

The reply left Ge Hong rather speechless; His Excellency Liang was, by and large, esteemed a bodhisattva, so why did he appear so irreligious? Then why did he treat him so respectfully? Was it simple want of a cure?

After a moment’s hesitation, Ge Hong said, “With Your Excellency’s status, of course it is necessary to nourish your qi and strengthen your body. I can say, from what I’ve seen of Jiang Da’s medical talent, that he is one of the best healers of this era.”

Liang Feng went on as if he hadn’t heard his declination and smilingly asked in return, “You are proficient in medical theory as well, Ge-lang? Have you read Imperial Physician Jiang’s New Treatise on Cold Damage, by any chance? The amount of people it will save is incalculable; it is worthy of being passed down for generations!” 

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By the side, Jiang Da sighed, “My lord is not uninvolved with the text either. These disease control tactics would not have come about without my lord’s advice, nor would my ancestor’s text circulate so widely unless my lord had been so generous as to print them.” Ezc3Pw

In the end, The Treatise on Cold Damage being the sole reason he’d come to the commandery capital, Ge Hong couldn’t resist saying, “I was truly surprised that cold damage was caused by diseased rats, but there must be many other causes. Some patients, for example, only cough phlegm and develop high fevers that don’t subside, vastly unalike to rat disease. Relegating it all to one sickness would make it difficult to prevent bias.”

It was clearly influenza, judging by the symptoms. Even during modern times, when influenza pandemics occurred, entire governments mobilized to treat it and contain its spread, let alone during ancient times. Liang Feng nodded solemnly, “There is certainly more than one kind of blight; it could be miasma, or it could be miniscule insects, things which are impossible to guard against. The causes of each disease must be discovered so that they may be cured one by one!”

He spoke straight to the depths of Ge Hong’s heart! He instantly replied, “It is just as you say, Your Excellency. I have found that after being bitten by feral dogs, most of their victims would begin to fear water and light; an indication that blight has entered the body, similar to rat disease! And there is another sickness, known as “odd pox,” rampant in the countryside, that causes sufferers to develop pustules from head to toe, which are alike to burn blisters in that they emit white fluid! Most of them die from it if they are not provided timely care, and even when they do, they are marred by black, purplish scars.”

Those must be rabies and smallpox! Now knowing that Ge Hong had already looked into the causes and transmission vectors of two malignant diseases, Liang Feng had no more reservations, “It is for that reason that the methods of disease control must be carefully completed. With your genius, Ge-lang, you could delve deeply into the world’s blights, an accomplishment no lesser than that of The New Treatise on Cold Damage!” 3TPS7s

This was the first time his ideas had received any validation. Ge Hong knew deeply that he was looked down upon because he’d never been pupil to any well-known masters and was disciple to a recluse Daoist like Zheng Yin. His grandfather had been put to death for his admonishments to King Wu. His father had wasted away for half his life due to the fall of Wu, passing away from sickness in the office of grand administrator. Then there was the northerners’ disdain for southerners. Even a scholar illustrious as Lu Ji had died under Sima Ying’s blade. How was he ever to achieve his ambitions?

His disappointment at the officialdom was the entire reason he’d ventured to faraway Luoyang, searching for the Way of the immortals. But all the same, diabolic Daoists emerged in droves. Chaos clouded his vision. He was pained and tormented, made indecisive, that he could not advance in or retreat from the secular world. Now, he was faced with a person who had not the barest sliver of prejudice against him, treated him as an honored guest, recognized his capabilities, cared about his findings, and even suggested that he refine them for the peoples’ salvation. He’d never met anyone who had such breadth of heart or took such initiative!

Ge Hong steadied himself before saying, “It seems to me that pill poison has permeated your body, Your Excellency. One of the consequences of reckless pill consumption. If it pleases Your Excellency, there are several formulas in my possession Your Excellency could try.”

That was the first sign of goodwill he’d shown him; yet, Liang Feng smiled wryly, “How much concern could mere physical frailty warrant? I am, however, very curious about the practice of alchemy. Sublimating one reagent by another, changing the substance of nature; there’s nothing to say that this path is not a ladder to the Heavens were it to be further researched.” 1jvPwA

“Might Your Excellency wish to use pills as well?” Ge Hong couldn’t resist asking; the phrase “a ladder to the Heavens” was simply exquisite. Was pill-making the reason the person before him, so obviously carrying pill poison, wanted to retain him after all?

“Cold-food powder nearly took my life. I am averse to using pills, but there is more to alchemy than comestibles, no?” Liang Feng smiled, his brush swished out a line of words that were then given to Ge Hong. “This alchemical formula describes a way to tame fire. Ge-lang, would you be willing to make it and test it with me?”

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Ge Hong took the sheet of paper, looked, and saw “one, saltpeter; two, sulfur; three, charcoal” as well as combination ratios on the back. Having learned under Zheng Yin for many years, he was familiar with all sorts of alchemy and recognized that it was of the way of fire, the “salt-sulfur prepotency of fire.” But this was the most precise composition he’d come across to date. Moreover, there was not a single additional ingredient excepting the three listed, and it truly wasn’t fit for consumption. What would he be making then, save for pills? Ge Hong was unwillingly fascinated.

Seeing Ge Hong stare raptly at the formula, Liang Feng hurriedly appended, “The process is extremely dangerous; you must exercise caution when making it, Ge-lang. If you are amenable, I will set up a building in the estate for you to experiment with alchemy in.”  R1FAvm

At this point, could Ge Hong really refuse? He sighed and bowed deeply, “Then I will be disturbing you for some time.”

By the side, Jiang Da was a bit dumbfounded. How come he’d never known his lord to be fond of alchemy? Still, expanding the study of disease control was his passion as well. He was glad that someone of Ge Zichuan’s calibre had earned his lord’s notice. Now, all’s left was to hope the treatment for pill poison he’d spoken of could produce any effect.

Story translated by Chrysanthemum Garden.

The author has something to say:

Zhang He: ugh, I just want to get promotions, get rich, and get girls KEL36Q

Yi Yan: haha, and I want to get my lord 凸

As for Ge Hong, pffftt, he got introduced so many times in the comments. And he really is genius-level. Aside from Daoism and medicine, he was expert in chemistry and astronomy, and his political views were quite modern. hehe there’s no escape for you now XD

The translator has something to say:

Sorry about all the late updates. Will try to get back to schedule somehow :/ Rik8V2

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