Royal Road

Chapter 126

Ch126 - Impending Rain

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Liang Rong sat on his knees at a desk suitable for his small stature, a serious expression on his small face, sitting primly and properly like the adults did, as he listened attentively to the lecture.

This was the Chongwen Academy, built just a few days ago beside the flower garden in the inner residence. Elegant and quiet, it was a perfect studying environment. The academy was split into upper and lower sections, the former admitting aristocrats’ children between the age of six and ten, the latter accepting people of all ages so long as they showed potential. The upper section which Liang Rong was in had only six desks, proving that not just anyone could gain admission. But unlike the other students, who felt excitement and pride, what Liang Rong felt most keenly was his father’s love. 

Last year, he’d been afraid that his father would make him leave the Liang Estate to study under some renowned Ruist. Yet, as it happened, his father had opened a school and invited the esteemed Cui family just so he could receive introductory education. Liang Rong no longer had any fear of abandonment; he was warmed to the heart, wishing that he could learn more every day to repay his father’s efforts.

That was why he applied himself to his studies so rigorously.



Not that many people could guess what Liang Rong was thinking. Cui Ji, their instructor, only saw how different Liang Rong was from the other children. He was calm and measured, intelligent and eager to learn, qualities that made him an excellent student. What Cui Ji gained from teaching the grand administrator’s only son, and even the children of the Liang Estate’s advisory staff, was more than just a job title. The piety owed to one’s teacher was second only to that which was owed to one’s parents or ruler. Being these children’s teacher was a rare chance to make connections and build relationships.

The grand administrator must’ve known that that reason could convince him to become these children’s instructor. 

Because he had other duties to see to, Cui Ji’s class was only two hours long, lasting from five forty-five a.m. to seven forty-five a.m. Afterwards, the children could eat in the cafeteria, then they would be taught arithmetic by Liu Jian. Cui Ji had wondered why the subject was being taught by someone else, given that he was proficient in The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art as well. But after seeing the Liang Estate’s new annotated version of the Nine Chapters, he admitted to Liu Jian’s ability. 


Those were the only two classes before noon. In the afternoon, a different disciple of the Cui family would teach them history and rites and every three days, they would be taught archery and music. It was about the same as the private family schools of dukes and high officials.

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The children read aloud another chapter and Cui Ji nodded, “Recite what we learned today from memory.”

The crisp sound of recitation resounded again.



“My lord, I’ve brought back one hundred primary troops and two hundred new troops from the estate. Zhang He’s family has also moved into government-provided housing.” Yi Yan didn’t even rest before sprinting back to Lu City, coming to see Liang Feng at the crack of dawn.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

C wfgf atgff tecvgfv, fnfc klat rbivlfgr tf’v qgfnlberis ygbeuta ab Oe Jlas, kjrc’a fnfc fcbeut ab jrrfwyif lcab j gfrqfmajyif bgujclhjalbcji rsrafw. Qtja’r wbgf, tjio bo atfw kfgf ralii ugffc jr ugjrr. Qtja j tfjvjmtf la kjr. Lf atbeuta tf’v fzqjcvfv atf obgmfr delmxis fcbeut, yea cbk atfs kfgf ralii rtbgatjcvfv. 


Liang Feng sighed, “Assign them to the city guard for now. After the government fields are set up, it’ll be time to train new recruits, though these will not belong to the Liang Estate. Structure them after the ancillary forces. Cut taxes, and in the event of large-scale battle, they will enter combat bringing their own arms and provisions.” 

The scale of the government fields was far larger than the Liang Estate. He could use his authority as grand administrator to set fields and garrison troops, but he couldn’t claim them for himself. It was only in times of chaos like these, when the imperial court was weak, that he could take advantage of this loophole. If times were peaceful, he’d be suspected of treason.

Yi Yan frowned, “Then the estate’s militia must be enlarged as well.”

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They couldn’t freely use government troops, as his lord had no military position, so they needed more private troops. 

“Vice Commander Zhang is experienced enough to handle it. The estate’s current finances should be able to support twice as many troops as we currently have. These private soldiers are vital. Once they are dispersed throughout the government fields, they can become team leaders or corporals.” 

That too was part of Liang Feng’s plans. The low-level officers were of vital importance in any kind of military force. He couldn’t openly command troops, but he could seed his own people across the government fields. In the future, if he ever had the chance, he would find a way to get Yi Yan and the others into official positions. 

After a moment’s thought, Liang Feng added, “Is it possible to recruit any more people from your tribe?”

Now, it was within his authority to recruit Jie people, since Wuxiang was within Shangdang. And with a precedent like Yi Yan, they would be easier to control.

“It should be possible!” Yi Yan answered, “Many of my tribesmen returned from Yan Province last year. If you want to use them, my lord, they would gladly join you.” 

His lord was the only one who saw Jie as ordinary people. Serving his lord really was the better option compared to being enslaved or going to the Xiongnu. Moreover, those who were believers would practically worship his lord as a bodhisattva.

“Excellent! Those who come to the Liang Estate can bring their families as well. And Wuxiang should be repopulated to reclaim fallow land. Cohabitation between different ethnicities is the way to achieve long-lasting peace.” Presently, the barbarians lived in closed off communities with people of their own ethnicity, but it would help if that wall could be broken down and the Jie people’s way of living could become closer to the Han’s. In the future, he planned to move refugees into Bing Province en masse. If he didn’t occupy the land himself, it’d be stolen by the Xiongnu.


“Understood,” Yi Yan answered briskly. Those arrangements would be beneficial to his people. As long as he was there, his tribespeople could be controlled and used to his lord’s purpose.

“Besides them, there are also quite a few Xiongnu and Qiang people in Shangdang.” Liang Feng picked a map off the table and unfurled it, “In Nie and Guyuan county, there are Xiongnu who have settled there for generations; in Lingchuan, there are many Qiang households. These people are within Shangdang’s boundaries. They might be a source of unrest if the Xiongnu revolt.” 

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Like the other commanderies in Bing Province, there were many barbarians living all over Shangdang. The consequences, if they were to stir up trouble, would be unthinkable.

“Once the reserve forces are ready, I’ll eliminate them for you!” Yi Yan said instantly. 

“It is useless to simply eliminate them, and better to pacify them. Kill their leaders when necessary, and incorporate the rest amongst civilian households. They must be made to understand the Han language and be useful to me.” Those were the methods Liang Xi had used to govern Bing Province. Most of the barbarians who resided in the north lived off of agriculture, wanting only to live and work in peace. Unless they were freezing and starving, who would want to take up arms? Those with ambition and seditious ideas would be disposed of, and the rest could be subsumed. They had to be handled individually according to their circumstances.

“As for Liu Yuanhai…..” Liang Feng’s finger slid along the map and rested on the City of the Left Division. It was right next to Lishi, the capital of the Principality of Xihe. Unfortunately, the principality was close neighbors with Shangdang. “If they send troops from Lishi, their armies could be at our walls within ten days. A light cavalry’s rapid advance could even get here in two. As soon as Liu Yuanhai makes his move, Shangdang will face Xiongnu armies head on!” 

“The Duke of Dongying is still in Jinyang, he won’t let the Xiongnu attack Shangdang!” Yi Yan replied immediately.

“How long could the Duke of Dongying hold them off?” Liang Feng questioned.

Yi Yan couldn’t answer that question.

“There’s no time to take things slowly anymore. We must prepare ourselves as fast as we can for the coming battle. Boyuan, the weight of your responsibility is much heavier now than it was before,” Liang Feng said solemnly.  

This was the first time Yi Yan had seen the big picture of Shangdang so clearly. These were the perilous situations his lord would have to face. Taking a deep breath, Yi Yan answered, “Rest assured, my lord! So long as I am here, I will protect Shangdang for you!”

There were too many things he had the desire but not the ability to help with. But when it came to battle, Yi Yan did have some confidence. And the situation was different now. Shangdang had much more grain and people than the Liang Estate. Training up a powerful force would only be a matter of time!

His response got a slight smile from Liang Feng, “That’s the spirit. Plus, the Liang Estate’s new arrival might be of assistance to the battle….”

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Just as he said those words, they heard a loud sound resembling muffled thunder coming from afar. Yi Yan instantly turned and looked outside. The sound was rather odd, it didn’t seem to have come from the sky, but rather the estate. Was it an earthquake? But then why wasn’t the ground shaking? 

Yi Yan was startled and confused, but Liang Feng leapt to his feet excitedly, “Looks like it’s succeeded! Come and take a look with me!”

What succeeded? Yi Yan paused for a moment, then followed Liang Feng outside the courtyard.

Shortly, they came to a courtyard in the inner residence. There hadn’t used to be anything here, but now there was a sentry post. Before they’d even entered, a guard quickly came over, “Your Excellency, there seems to have been a cauldron explosion!”

“Are there any casualties?” Liang Feng asked quickly, without pausing his steps. 

“No, but the alchemy chamber was destroyed,” the soldier hurriedly answered. 

“It’s good that no one was hurt.” Feeling relieved, Liang Feng entered the small courtyard.


One of the rooms on the western side was emitting black smoke and an acrid stench. Luckily, the building was still intact and hadn’t caught fire. A disheveled person stood outside the door, stains all over his clothes, his hair coming loose, coughing into his sleeve.  

Liang Feng smiled and went over to him, “Zhichuan, is everything alright?” 

Seeing that Liang Feng had arrived, Ge Hong effortfully suppressed his coughing and chuckled dryly, “Your Excellency, the formula you gave me isn’t a fire-quelling method is it?”

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