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While Roger was on his way home Gin went to explore the forest near the house of items that could help him.

Gin: Hm chestnuts.... nope nothing! Oh apples.... "sigh" nope not that either.

Gin:{ "sigh" Where can i find good stuff like great armor or skill books!! well this is not a game but it kinda feels like it with my system.}

After a few hours Gin finaly find something.

Gin: {Ohh what is this!? System [Scan Object].}

System: Confirmed!

[Replica Shield Fake]

A shield against the Grimm but is a fake compare to the real and weaker too.

[Wit + 3] [Durability: 3/10]

Gin:{ Hmm this could be to some use atleast its better then anything else i found.}

???: Help!! Help!!!

Grimm: HOWL!!!!

Gin:{ Someone needs help!! but that sound.... it sounds like a Grimm!!! Am i ready to face them??}

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???: Somebody please help us!!

Gin:{ What am i thinking?! They need help! If i run now i never forgive myself!}

Gin was running to the sound and he saw 2 Grimm Beowulf that has almost caught up to the 2 children.

Gin:{Okey no hesitestion!! need to attack now before its to late!}

???: Im sorry!! _____ im really sorry!!

Grimm: Grrrrgh.

Gin: Haaaaayyyyaa!!!

Gin struck one of the Beowulf in a surprise attack and was able to defeat it but was preparing for the other Beowulf becase it saw the attack of Gin and dodged it.

Gin:{ Damn!! This one dodged!!}

While Gin prepared his sword and new shield for the Beowulf attack, the Beowulf growled at Gin and was getting ready to attack.

Gin:{Calm down me!! focus at the fight!!dont be afraid if you fail you will die and so will the other 2!!}

The Beowulf attacker gin with its claw but Gin saw through the attack and blocken with his shield and started to attack with his sword, but it barley did anything to the Grimm and it slammed Gin to a rock.

Gin: UGH!? {This guy is tough i have to finish him quickly.

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Both were preparing to attack and charged against each other, While the Beowulf attacker with his claw to his side Gin attacked like a hammer on Beowulf head.

The Beowulf thought it won becase its reach was longer but the Gin blocked with his new shield and yells.

Gin: Haaa!!! [Sage Strength].

The Beowulf had been struck first and disappeard to dust.

System: "Ping" [Deafeated an Grimm in surprise attack and your first battle + 1 Agi] "Ping" [Defeated an Grimm in fair fight and first battle + 1 all stats] "Ping" Skill acquired [Semblense Mirror]

Gin:{ "haah hahh hahh" I... i did it?

I did it Woho!!! i defeated my first Grimm!!i cant belive it!! and my stats increased as well!

and got a new skill!!!

Gin: {I knew combining my [Sage Strength] and my Sword ability i could win!}

[Sage Strength]

[Can double you Strength for 1 min]

[Recharge Time 30 min]

[Will get stronger when you get better]

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["Blk Toy Sword"]

[A toy sword made from the hardest and heavy's wood around Remnant]

[Str + 5]

[Weight so far 0.4Kg + Change depends on Str, Max 20Kg]

While Gin was happy and dancing he almost forgot why he ran in the first place.

Gin: Ahh! The Children!!

He ran to the children and was checking if they were okey.

Gin:{ Yes!! They are okey a little injured but okey! i have to bring them home so my mom can help them.

Roger: I will carry them little dot!

Gin: Okey thanks gra..... Wahhh!!! GRANDPA!! When did you get here!?

Roger: I was here when you had your last clash with the Grimm!! We need to talk later when we get home.

Gin: Gulp! { Am i perhaps in trouble!?

While Gin was thinking how he is gonna explain when he got home Roger had other thoughts.

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Roger: {Gin defeated an Grimm when he's only 2 years old!!! I cant be more proud then that hahahaha we need to get home to start his training fast as possible!! so he can go down in history!! of Huntsman!}

When they arrived home Alisha was shocked when she saw Roger carrying 2 small children back and told her what happend.

Alisha: You fought A GRIMM!!!!!! Are you okey honey?! are you hurt?! Tell me did anything happend to you!!!

Roger: He is fine Alisha i was there when he had his final clash with it, he wouldent get in any trouble when im around hahaha!!

Alisha: Well if you say so but im still worried!

Hank: We have others people to think about first!! but im glad you are okey Gin.

Hank: Alisha put on your ribbon on so we don't scare them.

Alisha:Okey Hank i understand and you did well Gin.

Gin: Mm thanks mom, dad and grandpa!!

While everyone was talking the one child who looks older then me by a few years woke up.

???: ugh?? What happend? Were are we?!

Roger: You are in our home, Gin found you attacked by the Grimm.

???: Oh thank you Gin! oh i been rude my name is.... Winter Schnee and this is my little sister Wiess Schnee!!

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