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Roger:{Ah Schnee!? Whats a Schnee doing in this forest?}

Hank: Okey! Winter is it? What were you and you sister doing in the forest?

Winter: Well its started when i was gonna train in the fleet by General Ironwood to test myself and my father fixed escort for us and we was supposed to meet in town near here but we got abushed by bandits on the way.

Winter:My sister wanted to follow me and told father if she could and too cheer for me when i took it, He allowed it but on one condition that i make her safe no matter what and to have bodyguards of course.

Winter: Our bodyguard could easley handle the bandits if it weren't for the Grimm showing up, they protectet us with their lifes and allowed us to escape, when the Grimm got close i started to yell for help and just when they were about to attack i heard a yell then after that i fell uncounshes and then i woke up here.

Roger:Hmm okey i will contact Ironwood for you i know him pretty well so you just rest up.

Winter:I thank you but i had enough rest but i will watch over my sister untill she wakes up!

Alisha:You do that sweete and and i will bring you food, you must be starving!

Winter:Thanks m'am.

Alisha: Gin head to your room for now and rest, you have had an unexpected adventure today!

Gin: Okey mom!!

While Gin was heading to his room to rest Roger made a call to Ironwood about the situation.

"Phone Ringing"

Roger: Hello Ironwood how are you doing!?

Ironwood:Hello Roger!! its been awhile im sorry to say this but i gonna have to call you back something urgent has happend!

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Roger: Does it involve the 2 Schnee disappearance??

Ironwood: How did you know??

Roger: Well they are here at my home i found them in the forest and was about to be attacked by the Grimm.

Ironwood: Understood!! We will be there shortly!

After the talk with Ironwood Gin was checking his new status and new ability.

Gin:{System show [Status]! and new ability.}

{System: Confirmed!!}




[Int:18] =0

[Agi:7] =0

[Wit:10] +3

[Magic:2] =0

[Aura:?] +10

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[Str:9] +5

[Int:18] =0

[Agi:10] =0

[Wit:7] +3

[Magic:2] =0

[Aura:?] + 10



[Semblence Mirror]

[Allowes you to copy another beings semblence by making eye contact for a short while.]

[Will increase duration for every 10 Strength (Str) by 3 min]

[Duration: 1 min]

Gin:{I can copy other peoples SEMBLENCE!!!!

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Now thats a skill worth invest in!! Hmm that would mean i should learn a fighting style that works in my favor for this skill, I have to ask grandpa how to have a focus Strength based fighting style after i rest a bit!}

After resting Gin went to the living room where his grandpa is and he was with a person that Gin thought look familiar.

Ironwood: Thank you again for saving the 2.

Roger: Hahaha its okey General but its still not me who saved them but it was my grandson! Ah Gin say hey to the General here!

Gin: God day sir.

Ironwood: Hello young Rolios i heard from your grandpa what you did and would like to thank you.

Gin: Its okey! My grandpa use to say that never abonded someone in need.

Ironwood: Mm admirble indeed! Winter!!

Winter: Yes sir!!

Ironwood: I was suppose to test you ability's at the fleet but it has been change of plans would you like to spar with young Rolios here?

Gin: What!?

Roger: Me and Ironwood was discussing and he was intrested about you skills after i told him you kolled the Grimm and wanted to see for him self so you will spar against Winter!

Ironwood: Is that okey with you Schnee?

Winter: No Problem Sir!!

Ironwood: Good! Then we will start right away!

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Alisha: No you wont!! They need to eat first after all they have been trough they must be starving.

Ironwood:Of course m'am but....

While they were discussing if we are going to eat or not Wiess was looking at me with intrest and was asking me where i learn how to fight.

Gin:I never really fought anyone before! Fighting against your sister is the first time for me fighting another being except a Grimm!

Wiess:Hmm well you still gonna lose agains't my sister! she's the strongest there is!

Gin: then it will be intresting! Even if i lose,

It will just drive me to be stronger.

Wiess looked at Gin with surprise and was seing him in a different light becase all the boys she saw usually brags all the time.

Wiess: Hmph! Good luck then! Then she was starting to walk to Winter.

Gin: I will thanks for the encouraging words!

After the debate with Mom and mister Ironwood they started eat and then went to the backyard to prepare.

Ironwood: are you ready!?

Gin/Winter: Yes!?

Winter was raising her sword like she was pointing it at me and i was preparing my sword and shield.

Ironwood: Well then Begin!!!!!

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