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They were looking at each others eyes and was waiting for the right moment and after a few minutes Winter made the first move.

Winter attacked Gin on the chest but Gin blocked it with his shield and striked back but Winter dodge to the side and attack again

Ironwood: Remarkeble! He is just 2 years old!! how can he be moving like that?

Roger: Its in our familys blood!! Thanks to Our bloodline! our inner body grows more inside and can move like an 8 year old when we are only 2 years if any other child would do that i would call genius but for Gin it is to be expected.

Roger:{ And with Gin fanus trait i belive he will grow more then normal person!}

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Ironwood: I see fascinating!

Roger: i belive Gin defeating the Grimm was a fluke! and they were injured before hand else he woulden't have won against them or even stand a chance becase i never taugth him how to fight.

Ironwood: He never been taught how to fight before?! Then this will be more intresting then i relise!

Both tried to defeat each other but Winter saw the crack on Gins shield and went to attack him to the chest again.

Gin: {This again!? it diden't work last time what makes her think it wou..... OH CRA....

Gin heard his shield break and was about to get hit but in the last desperate action he activated his aura and was sent back.

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Gin:Grrraaaaghhh!? {It still hurts!!!}

Winter: This feeling!?

Ironwood couldent belive what he just saw! A boy only 2 years old could use Aura!? but it was short livet becase Gin never praktis his Aura and it was starting to break but Roger was thinking other things.


But after seing the aura break and Gin slowly fall Roger ran to him quickly.

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Roger: Gin!? Gin!! Are you okey?

Gin: I.....m.....o..k.

Roger: Oh what an relief!! Hey Ironwood i think thats match don't you think??

Ironwood:.....Yes Winter wins!

Winter felt happy and troubled at the same time but coulden't say what made her feel that.

Roger: Here Alisha you can yell at me later but first tend to Gin will you!

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Alisha: I will do just that. And she took Gin to her arms and carried him to his room and Winter who saw all that happend felt worried for Gin and went up with Alisha.

Ironwood: I think you should teach him how to fight! he was pretty sloppy when attacking but has a good defence and i can see now what makes you think he defeated the Grimm a fluke! He needs a specialized weapon and strong foundation!

Roger: i know that! iii....was just preparing his body so he could handle my teachings!

Ironwood: Heh! He has talents he would be a fine soldier.

Roger: Oh no you dont!! He will be a Huntsman!!!

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