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While Alisha was taking Gin to his room Wiess was thinking how he looked stunning in the fight but couldent understand why?

Weiss:{ Hmm why did he try so hard? He is the same age as me but he still tried to defeat Winter? i cant understand? And why did he looked sparkly when i saw him dodge the attacks? Whats going on?

Weiss couldent understand whats happing to her as her heart was beating when she thought about Gin, but while she was thinking that Gin had a dream in his mind with someone who looked familier.


???Female:{We should be the gods instead!}

???Male:{Is that really a good idea?}

???Female:{The gods abandoned us! that we were just experiments!}

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???Male:{Hmm maybe....}

???Female:{We can make and do what ever we want together Ozma! and together we will be the new gods of this world!!}

Ozma:{.....I will follow you Selem.}

Gin:{Wha!! Whats going on why am i seeing this??

As Gin was thinking to him self suddendly everything turned dark and he could feel a presence behind him and when he was slowly turn around he saw Salem starting at him.

Salem:{Who are you? Get out!}

Then before Gin could say anything he saw Salem scream a horrible sound and attacked and then he woke up.

Gin: Aaaaahhhhh

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Alisha: Are you okey Gin?!

Gin: "hah" "hah" Im.. Im okey mom just had a nightmare.

Gin:{What was that!? And why did i see Salem!? And what does this mean??}

Alisha: Oh okey honey. Im going downstairs to keep mister Ironwood and your grandpa company! can you keep little Wiess here company while i do that?

Gin: Huh? Weiss? Wow! When did you get here?

Weiss: Hmph i been here all the time and i see you are fine. And i see you were knocked out by Winter.

Gin: Ah! I see i lost.

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Weiss: Pretty bad too, you lost so quickly i with no grace what so ever!

Gin: "Ugh" i know

Wiess: But... i saw you fought longer then i excepted so i praise you this ones.

Gin: Oh well thank you!

Weiss: Hmph why do you try so much anyways?

Gin: Why you say hmm..... to protect the ones that can't do that for them self for everyone to have just have a peace of mind against all the bad, thats why i need to be strong not just for me but for my family and the peoples!

Weiss was looking at Gin like he was a young hero that her butler Klein told her when she was small and was felling funny like she wanted to know more about him but then.

Winter: Weiss!! Come downsstairs and bring Gin aswell after we talk we have to go!

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Weiss was a bit sad but she knows that her time is up but before they are going to meet them she had an Idea and told Gin something.

Weiss: Okey i usally dont do this but here take this.

Weiss gave him one of her ribbons and told him to take it and told him that by givning him this they will remember each other and also wanted something from him.

Gin:{Umm system do i have something??}

System:{You have a shard of your shield in the item bag.}

Gin:{Oh lets take that!!}

And while Gin faking taking something out from his pocket and gave her a shard of her shield and after givning it to her both promise each other that they will meet in the future and then they both headed to meet the others.

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