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Ironwood: I think it's time for us to go! we have to prepare for your training Miss Schnee and contact your father to pick up you sister.

Winter: Yes sir!!

Roger: Haha!! well come and visit us when you have time so we can talk a little about the old days ey hahaha!

Ironwood: ....I rather not have that conversation but i can promise to visit if i have time.

Then Gin and Weiss arrived.

Weiss: Winter! Are we going?

Winter: Yes! Weiss its time to go.

Weiss: Okey! .... now remember Gin what we promised?

Gin: That one day we will meet again!

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Weiss: And you better remember it!!

Roger: Hahaha what Gin you made a friend thats good hahaha.

What Gin diden't know was thanks to him she got her conviction to become a huntress instead of finding that out for her self, now becase of what he said to her she wanted to train when she got home.

Roger: Well take care Ironwood we probably meet again soon.

Ironwood: Take care Rolios family have a safe day.

While Gin and his family said goodbye to Ironwood and the Schnee sisters somewere else in the dark lands in a dark castle.

Salem: {Hmm? someone was in my dreams but he look harmless like he himself diden't know how he got here? I wonder... was it Ozpin...No matter!}

Is everything prepared?

???1: Yes! We are soon ready to infiltrate Haven to search for the Relic and the Maiden.

???2: What about Lionheart? Wont he be a problem?

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Salem: Leave him to me you just be ready to obtain the Relic and everything should be fine, but fail me well you know what happens.

???1/???2: Yes my Queen!!!

Salem:{.....Why cant i stop felling something is wrong?}

Back at Gins place Roger wanted to speak with Gin and they all sat down in the living room.

Roger: You know why you lost right?

Gin: Becase she was stronger then me?

Roger: Yes and?

Gin: Was it more? {Have to play dumb here i dont want them to think im soem kind of genius}

[Author] {Lol Too late for that XD}

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Roger: "sigh" Gin i would have hoped that you would understand but you think to much when you fight and i see that you are also afraid to hurt your opponent so you hold back.

Gin: But!

Roger: I know but think that against Winter when you were sparing and of course she Held back as well becase you still cant fully use your aura and i hope that you know that defeating that Grimm to save them was a fluke right?

Gin: What!?

Roger: Normaly you a 2 year old boy should not be able to kill a Grimm with one hit but you did, do you know why?

Gin:....Becase im strong?

Roger: WRONG!! Becase it was already weakend by the others and already was about to die.

Hank: Gin i know you think you are strong and you certenly are in you age but not enough to defeat a Grimm!! you could have been killed!

Alisha: What you did was very reckless and most of all stupid thats why untill you are strong enough we have prepared a schedule for your daily life to follow.

Gin: Wha!?

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Hank: And there will be no buts here!! we are worried about you and we need to teach you how to become a better man then you already are, Thats our job as parents and becase we love you never forget that Gin!

Gin:.... Okey dad mom i will listen to you.

Alisha: Good! Ah and you are forbidden to go on your own in the forest again untill the time is right is that clear!

Gin: Ah but.... nevermind i understand mom!

Roger: Well then now that you understand Gin, you will need to learn about the world and the knowledge so you can enroll to a school of Huntsman in the future, Hank will teach you about that.

Alisha: And i will teach you how to cook and cleaning.

Roger: And i will be training you the basics, teach you about weapons and other Huntsman stuff so be ready you will start tomorrow!

Gin: Yes GRANDPA!!!

And now Gin trained, learned and spent time with his family in his time to become a Huntsman and now 4 years later on his 7th birthday.

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