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In the 4 Years Gin started training, Roger trained him on both his Human and Fanus forms with hand to hand combat, Sword training and reflexes while his father Hank taught him the knowledge of the world and its history and while his mother Alisha taught him cooking, manners and how to be a gentleman and where Gin is now, he trains with Roger.

Gin: Uwahh!!! GRANDPA!!! Please let me rest!!!

Roger: Hahahah! Come on Gin you need to learn how to dodge this bullets, how else are you gonna dodge an Grimms attack against you if they are faster then you.

Gin: but im blindfolded and have heavy gear on me its hard to move!!

Roger: It is for your my little dot, you need to seense your surrounding and always be on your guard and i just made it a little harder for you by givning you heavy gears and blindfold by a little!

Gin: Only a little!? Agghhh! {Bulls#it this is torture i cant possibly do this!!!}

Roger: Come on Gin! you are starting to lose focus!!

Gin: Wha? UGH!!!

Roger: Told you!

Gin: {Damn you old man!!! You told me just a second it was about to hit!}

[After a few hours passed]

Alisha: Gin, Roger its time for dinner!

Roger: Oh its time for food ey, come Gin!! after you eat you can go and rest,tomorrow we will continue!

Gin:{Ugh.....} Im on my way mom!

While Gin tried to stand up he thought about how much he progresed.

Gin: {Some years has gone by and tomorrow im 7 years old so much has happend, i got to meet uncle Crow and he had an mission, he told me that himself but never told me what it was and i never got to see what grandpa gave him but when Crow got wing about grandpa training me he offerd his help by sparring with me and i was defeated fast and after when he was about to leave he told grandpa that we should be careful and left.}

Gin:{I learned a LOT of this world and about combat even my status got uppgraded and looks better now.}

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Gin:{System open "Status".}

System:{Confirmed!! Open "Status"}








[Aura:?] +25








[Aura:?] +25

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[Can scan yourself to see your condition and ability point and will improve when you do.]

[LV 1: 30% chance of dodge an surprise attack.]

[LV 2: Get one random point for figure something out on you own.]

[LV 3: [Semblence and Aura need To be Unlocked] [Locked]


[Strong Progress]

[Increase your chances to improve yourself]

[50% change to get 1 point on every stats]

[Item Box]

[Can store items up to 13 items and will expand when you get stronger]


[Can use basic Fire, Water, Earth Magic.]



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[Golden Eyes]

[Increase every stat by 1 and can scan other people and items. have different LV skill locked untill you are stronger.]

[LV 1: Unlocked +10 Aura]

[LV 2: Unlocked "Semblence Mirror" and increase Aura by 15.]

[Allowes you to copy another beings semblence by making eye contact for a short while and use it for yourself.]

[So far can only copy 1 semblence]

[1:?] (Haven't copy any yet)

[Will increase duration for every 10 Strength (Str) by 3 min]

[Duration: 19 min "Human]

[Duration: 16 min "Fanus"]

[LV 3: ?]

[Restrict untill unlocked of LV 3]

[Nature Instinct]

[Can swith to being a Human and a wolf Fanus]

[Stats change depends on change]


Apples x3

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Gin:{Hmm its looking good, just dont know how to unlocked LV3 on my eyes?}

After he ate with his parents and grandpa Gin went to his room and went to sleep.

Meanwhile at the Darklands.

Salem: Is it done?

???1: No we coulden't find the Relic nor the Maiden! But we brought a gift!

Salem: Oh and what is it you brought me? You know what will happen to you if it doesen't please me!

???1: Of course my Queen but not a thing but a person, a person that may know where the Relic is hidding!

Salem: Hmm then bring him to me Tyrian!

Tyrian: As you wish!!

Lionheart: Argh!! ah!! Release me!!

Salem:.... I see you did well Tyrian!!

Tyrian: Thank You my Queen!!!!

Salem: Now then Lionheart tell me everything you know after all you lies to me last time we had a conversation!!

Lionheart: Never!!!

Salem: Then we'll see how much you can resist!!

Ah dark void was under Lionheart and Grimm arms went to grab him and pull him in.

Lionheart: No please!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!

Young Cinder: He is stupid lying to Salem like that.

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