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The next day Gin was waking up on went to the kitchen then suddendly.

Roger/Alisha/Hank: HAPPYBIRTHDAY!!!!

Gin: Aaaaaaaa!!!

Roger: Hahaha are you okey Gin?

Gin: Im okey just suprised!!

Alisha: Well then what are you standing there for?! Come and blow your candles of the cake!

Gin: Okey!!

After blowing the candles and eating the cake i got presents from mom and dad and they gave me a book and a outdoor knives set.

Gin: Wow thank you dad! But mom why would i need a knives set??

Alisha: Roger will explain to you after he gives you your gift.

Roger: Come here Gin i have something for you!

Gin: Ah okey!

Roger: Here! after you told me you wanted a weapon one day and i did what i could do with the explaination you gave me for it.

Gin: Did you make me a weapon!?

Roger: Yes! but its temporary atleast untill you make your own weapon and the knives set is for when camping outside.

After opening the box he saw 2 gauntlets and 2 shoes and wondering is this my weapon.

Gin: Um grandpa.... where is my weapon?

Roger: Its right there! Your gauntlets and shoes have inverted blades in them.

Gin:{So.... im fighting animal style?}

Roger: Now then give me the enchanted gloves i gave you last year.

Gin: What! But...but!!

Roger: I know Gin i gave you does in order to decrease your fanus Strength in our training, and also becase you got reckless and broke your mothers favorit garden.


Roger: Come on give it here!

Gin takes of his gloves and gave it to his grandpa and Gin stats changed.



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"Semblence Mirror"

[Allowes you to copy another beings semblence by making eye contact for a short while and use it for yourself.]

[So far can only copy 1 semblence]

[1:?] (Haven't copy any yet)

[Will increase duration for every 10 Strength (Str) by 3 min]

[Duration: 19 min "Human]

[Duration: 25 min "Fanus"]

Gin: "sigh" { I wanted the human form to be stronger but i guess even with that item it woulden't work}

Roger: i know Gin when we trained 2 years ago you where afraid of using your Fanus form but now you have to becase we will train today when you are in it with your new equipment!!

Gin:.....Okey grandpa....

Gin:{Why is it im afraid of turning into a Fanus? Is it becase im too attached to being Human? Well i will have to overcome this someday.}

Gin equiped the gauntlets and shoes and changed himself into a Fanus.

Gin: Huuuaaaaaaaah!!!!!

Roger: Good Gin!! Come at me!! Learn how to use your new equipment and strike me.

Roger was holding his battle axe and was ready while Gin went to attack him with speed trying to faint him but with no luck.

Gin: {Why cant i hit him?? I suppose to be faster but i cant touch him grrrrr!!!}

Roger: Come on Gin!! you are not focusing again!! Look at my movment!

Gin:{His movement?!}

Gin attacked again and realized that Roger never move from the spot and only side stept agains't him.

Roger: Now you see! You dont always have to move fancy! All you need is too analyze your opponent and use as little movement as possible while you dodge or attack that way you save stamina and when you are yourself slow it can be a great strategi!! Of course it can backfire too if you are to slow with your reflexes!!

Gin: Hmm!! i see but what about this!!

Gin: Hyaaaaahhhh!!!!

Gin ran against Roger at High speed and disappear from sight.

Roger: What the!?

Gin loves at high speed but he has only some second before he is to tired to move so he went behind Roger and slashed against his back but then Gin suddendly saw an big shadow coming his way while seing Roger smile.

Gin: Wa! Ughhh!

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Gin got hit and fell it was Rogers axe that hit him.

Roger: Hahaha Good try Gin! But you should know better!! when you disappeard i had a hunch that you were gonna hit me on my back becase i felt you intent on my back and then you attacked my weak spot but i read you like a book hahahaha!

Gin:{Dammit!!! Why? Is it experiance? It got to be it.}

They spared for awhile and then after the spar Roger told him that he need to keep his fanus form untill he gets use too it and untill he says its okey and sent him to his room becase he got a phone call.

Gin: {Man what a work out!! Hmm i wonder what my stats says now? System show "Status"!

System: "Confirmed" showing "Status".








[Aura:?] +25








[Aura:?] +25




[Can scan yourself to see your condition and ability point and will improve when you do.]

[LV 1: 30% chance of dodge an surprise attack.]

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[LV 2: Get one random point for figure something out on you own.]

[LV 3: [Semblence and Aura need To be Unlocked] [Locked]


[Strong Progress]

[Increase your chances to improve yourself]

[50% change to get 1 point on every stats]

[Item Box]

[Can store items up to 13 items and will expand when you get stronger]


[Can use basic Fire, Water, Earth Magic.]




[Golden Eyes]

[Increase every stat by 1 and can scan other people and items. have different LV skill locked untill you are stronger.]

[LV 1: Unlocked +10 Aura]

[LV 2: Unlocked "Semblence Mirror" and increase Aura by 15.]

[Allowes you to copy another beings semblence by making eye contact for a short while and use it for yourself.]

[So far can only copy 1 semblence]

[1:?] (Haven't copy any yet)

[Will increase duration for every 10 Strength

(Str) by 3 min]

[Duration: 19 min "Human]

[Duration: 25 min "Fanus"]

[LV 3: ?]

[Restrict untill unlocked of LV 3]

[Nature Instinct]

[Can swith to being a Human and a wolf Fanus]

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[Stats change depends on change]

[???] (Fanus Only)



Apple x3

Ribbon (Weiss)

Knives Set


Sling Claw Gauntlets + 13 (Str) + 2 (Wit)

(Can retrakt its claws)

Sling Claw Shoes + 5 (Str) + 3 (Agi)

(Can retrakt its claws)

Gin:{Aww only 1 point in int and...????????Whats this!? A ability only Fanus can do??? But why cant i see it?}

System:{Becase you need more Exp for it to show when you are in your Fanus form.}

Gin: ... Do i really have too?

System:{If you want to learn it then yes.

Gin: "sigh oh well can't be worse right i have time before i go out in the world! lets take it slow.

Mean while in Rogers workshop.

"Phone ring" "ring" "click"

Roger: Hello?

???: Hey Roger how are you doing?

Roger: Oh!!! HAHAHA!!! Dont usually get a call from you!

???: Hahaha im sorry you know i have been busy right.

Roger: Hahaha of course no problem just teasing a bit, so what did you call for?

???: I need your help! Can you come over?

Roger: Hahaha why not ! i wanted Gin to see the world anyway.

???: Great will seya soon then

Roger: Hahaha seya later at your place Taiyang!

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