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[In the dark woods at night] [Present time]

Bandit1: Hahaha we found us a good haul tonight diden't we!

Bandit2: Indeed they will sell well hahaha!

Boss: We were lucky they were injured when we found them! They will sell well to rich nobels hehehe!

[In the dark cage]

Little girl: Mom im sorry i ran away. "Sniff" "Sniff". (Tears falling)

The Mom: it's okey honey, its going to be fine your dad is still searching for us.

Little girl: But you are hurt!

The Mom: A small prise to pay for your safety.

Bandit1: Quiet!! Or i will hurt you more.

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Boss: Come on! We are camping here for the night, Get to work!

Bandit1/2: Yes Boss!!

After a few hours has passed the little girl heard something in the bushes.

Gin: "Psst" hey i was asked to help you from your father.

Little girl: from dad?!

The Mom: Really!

Gin: "Shhh" we dont want them to wake up now would we?

The Mom: Ah okey but how did you get to know my husband? And how do i know i can trust you?

Gin: You can't but its better for you too accept help from me then be caged here and as for knowing you father well.....

[Flashback Half a day early] [back in time]

Gin: Grandpa look a rabbit!

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Roger: Oh!! good jobb Gin, its a good time to train you to hunt!

Gin: Oh okey!

Roger: But it looks like you forgot something.

Gin: Hmm what have i forgoten?

Roger: Remember to always be in your Faunus form!

Gin: What! but i thought that was only when im home!?

Roger: Well you thought wrong, you will stay as a Wolf Faunus untill we get to my friends place!

Gin: Ghh Fine....(Form Change)

There are you happy!

Roger: Its for you own good, you need to learn to adapt or you will go berserk on us again!

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Gin: Okey grandpa.

After successfully capturing the rabbit.... after five times Gin started to smell something.

Gin: "Sniff" "sniff" {It's smells like iron but not iron.... wait isn't that the smell of!!!!}

Gin: Grandpa!!! i smell blood up ahead!

Roger: What! Lets go Gin!

They dashed to the location of the blood and found a broken carriage and some Faunus on the ground.

Roger: This is terrible... and this was not attack of the Grimm, else there would be no survivors.

Roger went to the living Faunus and helped them with medicin he brought.

Faunus1: yo..u!

Roger: Its okey just take it slow!

???: Aaaarrrrrrggghhh!!

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Roger and Gin saw the one Faunus that has the most injuries scream and went to him.

Roger: Calm down we are here to help!!

???: I will not accept help from you, You humans stole my family, GIVE THEM BACK!!

Roger: Wait we haven't stolen anybody, please Calm down so we can help you, tell me your name!

???: Grrrrr I refuse.

Gin: Please! he doesn't mean harm trust me!

???: Why are you siding with humans??they.. they!

Gin: I know humans did something bad here, but you can't blame all human, Not all human are bad you should know that.

???: .... whats your name?

Gin: My Name is Gin Rolios whats yours?

???: My Name is Ghira Belladonna! Pleasure to meet you.

Gin: {Ghira Belladonna?! Isn't he Blakes Father????}

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