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Gin: {I can't belive it! Im meeting Blakes father!! But wait? Does it mean that i can meet Blake too!!!}

Ghira: For now i have to belive you, please help my daughter and my wife they were kidnappad by foul hu.. i mean bandits please i beg of you!! (Kneeling)

Roger: Okey were did they go? we dont have much time.

Ghira: you will really help me!? Thank you!!

They headed north from here if you go now you will make it!!

Roger: Mm its alright, Gin i need you to find them, but do not attack only observe and If you have the chance rescue them! And remember not to get in to combat unless you have too!

Gin: Understod grandpa! But what will you do?

Roger: I will stay here to take care of of them, they still need medical aid.

Gin: Right! I'll be right back. (Dashing away)

Ghira: Are you really letting the boy go on his own?! He's just a child!? (Angrly)

Roger: Its okey, he's tougher then he looks. :)

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Gin: Well thats the gist of it.

The Mom: I see, well thank you for taking care of my husband, my name is Kali Belladonna and this is my daughter Blake.

Gin:{Ohh Blake looks so cute! Im so happy i got to meet both her and Weiss, never thought i meet them before joining Beacone Academy.}

Blake: Um thank you! and could you please stop starting at me like that it feels weird.

Gin: Ah sorry and dont thank me yet! We have to break you guys out somehow. {Have to open the cage but how?}

Gin look around and coulden't find anything that can open it, then he began to have risky ideas and went to the bandits.

Gin:{The bandits are sleeping thight? Good! Now then, time to find the keys.}

Gin was trying to pick pocket the bandits but then he accidentally hit a pot with his tail that was near the bandit and break it, the bandits heard that and was about to wake up but then Gin knocked out one of the bandits and took the keys and was running outside becase of the loud noises and ran to the cage where Blake and Kali is.

Gin: {Dammit!! me and my clumsy tail, i have to learn how i can controll it!!} Hurry!! They will soon be here run! i will hold them back so they chase me instead now go!!

Kali: Come on Blake hurry!

Blake: but mom! What about that boy?! Will he be okey?

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Kali: I dont know! Thats why we need to find your father so we can help him.

Blake: Okey! {Thats weird? When he was staring at me it felt like he already know who i was... im probly wrong but he looks kinda cute with his ears move every time he talks} {Giggle}

After a few minutes the bandits saw that the cage was open and that boss was fuming with anger.

B Boss: Where did they go?! WHO did this!!

Gin: Here idiots!! came after me if you can! hahahaha!! (Spanking his butt)

B Boss: Aaaaaarrrrrrggggg After him!!

Bandit: Ye..Yes sir!!!

Gin: {Good chase me i have a little surprise for you guys hehe.} (evil smile)

The Bandits chased after Gin and was getting close to get him but then some of the bandits fell in a hole that wasen't there before.

Bandit1: argh!! Watch out the brat made traps!!

Bandit2: Ahhhh! (FELL IN A HOLE)

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Bandit3: Sh#t!!!! (COUGHT BY A NET ON A TREE)


Gin:{Pffft hahahaha they are idiots hahaha!!!!! i diden't even see the animals myself and they just went right in and attacked becase they thought it was me hahaha}

B Boss: I see you brat! Come here!!

Gin: Ah Sh#t (Dodged the attack)

B Boss: You will regret messing with us kid!!!

Gin: {I need to stall for time so grandpa can get here.}

Sorry you big idiot but i regret nothing to save those in need and punish evil people like you.

B Boss: Hahaha lets see how you will survive this little hero Faunus!

The B Boss was preparing his big cutless and was ready to slash Gin in Half while Gin took out his Gauntlets and carefully but swiftly dodge his attack to find an opening for an attack.

B Boss: Tch! Stay still brat!!

Gin: I kindly refuse sir idiot!!

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B Boss: Grrrraaaaahh!!

Meanwhile with Roger

Roger: There you go! All fixed up.

Ghira: Thank you... and im sorry for being hos-

Roger: Hahaha! It's okey i understand you, with all the hate for the Faunus and with Human conflict it's no wonder you woulden't trust me.

Ghira: i still want to thank you, im in your debt!! you really are a strange human!

(Small smile)

Kali: Ghira!!!!

Ghira saw Kali and Blake run to him and he did that as well to hug them.

Ghira: Are you okey!? Im so glad you made it!

Roger: Hmm? Where is Gin?

Blake: We have to hurry back!! he said he would hold them back untill we bring you guys to him.

Roger/Ghira: What!?

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