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B Boss: Stand still brat!!!

Gin: {Remember grandpas training have to wait for a moment to strike and make him tired.}

Gin dodges all of B Boss strikes and attacked when he had the chanse but then something else happend.

B Boss: Urgh!!! You made me do this brat!!

B Boss hand was glowing and made a small cut on his arm with his glowing hand and that confused Gin but then Gin felt pain on his arm.

Gin:{Argh whats happening?!}

B Boss: Hahaha what do you say now brat!! ugh! my semblence is something else huh.

Gin:{His semblence!? Sh#t ugh!! I think his semblence activate when his hands glows and when he hurt himself with it he can hurt his opponent aswell, Thats stupid why would he have something like that for a semblence???}

B Boss: Now then brat! If you dont want to feel more pain come here so i can end you misary.

Gin: Do you think im stupid?? You are just gonna end my life if i go to you, so "no" but you should look behind you.

B Boss: What??

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The B Boss turned around but saw nothing then he realised that he was tricked and was about to yell against the kid but he diden't him untill it was to late.

Gin: Haaaaaah!!!

B Boss: Sh#t!!!!!

Gin hit the B Boss hard against the shin and made him dizzy.

B Boss: Urrgh! You pay for that!

Gin: Dammit how strong is this guy!

B Boss found an opening and was ready to strike but Gin noticed him and Gin eyes started glowing

B Boss: I got you!!

Gin: No you dont!

They clashed and B Boss is winning in power, but Gin used his skill to best him.

B Boss:Haaaaaaaah!!!

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Gin:Ughh!!!! Haaaaaaaahh!! Sage Strength!!!!!

Gin broke B Boss cutless with his power up and knocked him out.

Gin: Hah hah that haah was close thats the..... second time i have to use it, ah!! i cant rest yet, i have to get to grandpa quickly.

System: "Ping" host gained 1 point in every stat except Magic.

"Ping" host gained Int, Agi and Wit by one for defeating "B Boss" in combat.

Gin: Nice!...Wait i can't think of this right now i have to hurry!

Roger: Gin!!!!

Gin:Huh? grandpa!!

Roger:Are you okey!? Are you hurt? What happend here!

Gin explained to him the traps he made and the fight against the "Bandit boss (B Boss).

Roger:I see you did well.

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Kali: Thank you Gin.

Ghira: Im thankful to you for saving my wife and daughter, but first thing first we need to tie them and question them if they kidnappad more of our kind.

They took care of the bandits and locked them in the cages that was meant for the Faunus.

Kali: Blake can you and Gin look trough the tents and search for food rations.

Gin/Blake: Okey!

While Gin and Blake was looking for food they talked about each others.

Blake: So you mother is a Faunus like us but you father is human?

Gin: Yes kinda wierd i know but they love each other and they dont really care about human and Faunus conflicts and just want to be happy together.

Blake: I see it sounds wonderful, i wish that one day Humans and Faunus can coexist with each other one day that would be great!

Gin: Me too! But all adult is stupid sometimes, becase our real enemy is the Grimm not each other, I dont really know why they can't see that but thats another reason for me to become a Huntsman.

Blake: Why is that you want to become a Huntsman?

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Gin: To become a hero and protect the peace of all us against evil.

Blake: But why do you need to become a hero for that? And what does it mean to be a hero? (Surprised)

Gin:People look up to heros becase of what they do. They go to danger to protect the ones that sometimes cant do that themself and to help any people that needs it.

Gin: And my father use to say to me that i will never forget as long as i live that...

"Destiny is a gift. Some go their entire lives living an existence of quiet desperation, never learning the truth that what feels as though as a burden pushing down upon our shoulders... is actually the sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights. Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valor. That to strive and triumph in the face of fear....

is what it means to be a hero. Dont think! Become!!"

Blake was mesmerized and was looking at Gin making his speach like she found something extraordinary in this dark time and was starting to blush, she was founding hope in Gin words and Gin did not relised that Blake was falling for him.

Gin: Hmm? Blake what happend? your face is red?

Blake: Ah! nothing! nothing!! (Hides her face)

let's find the food!

Meanwhile at Schnee's mansion.

Weiss: Hmm?? why am i feeling threatened of something??? It must be my imagination.

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