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Blake: Gin! I found something!

Gin walked to Blake and saw a lot of "Dust" and plans for stealing the dust around this town untill its all empty.

Gin: Why would they kidnap you guys if they just planned of getting the dust?

Blake: I dont know but we have to tell father about this!

Gin: Right!

What Gin and Blake doesen't relise is that they were watched.

[Meanwhile in a dark factory.]

???: So the stupid bandits failed of optaining the dust is that it!

Underling: Yes boss!! And they failed to kidnapp Ghira and his family as well.

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???: "Sigh" you can't get good help these day huh, oh well you know what to do.

Underling: Of course Boss! (Ending phone call)

???: Now then you guys time to move out! We dont want them to track us down now would we!

All Underling: Yes Mister Torchwick!!!

Torchwick: Some planes can't always go the way we want them, Well then time to go and gather more "Dust" for them, {And recruit more people that are more capable.}

Torchwick:{I still dont know why we had to kidnapp the Faunus Ghira but i wont complain to the higher up about this, i still want to live.}

[Back to Gin]

Gin: Grandpa! We found something!

Roger: Oh what did you guys found?

Blake: We found plans for stealing a lot of dust around the town we were before and a lot of dust in the rent hidden.

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Ghira:Hmm so they planned something big but what do they need with that much dust?

Roger: Hmm take me there Gin!


Ghira: What going on!?

Roger: The tents!!

When they arrived at the tent it was in flames.

Ghira: Someone diden't want us to see the plans but what about the dust?

Roger: It has been taken else the explosion would be bigger and louder.

Gin: {This with the dust sounds familier? Could it be Torchwick?! So he gather duster so long i can't belive it.}

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In the bushes the Underling say mission acomplished to Torchwick and went away from there silently.

Roger: Hmm nothing we can do about now but i have contacted general Ironwood to come here and investigate.

Ghira: Then it's time for us to leave, We rather not be with other human especially with human soldier.

Roger: I see we will wait for them to come and i hope you arrive home safetly.

Ghira: Thank you Roger! Im glad we can trust some humans atleast.

Kali: Thank you, Both of you.

Gin: It was no problem!

Blake: Um Gin!

Gin: Hmm? What is it Blake?

Blake: Would.... would we meet again?

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Gin: Of course! Well... im going to be in Beacon Academy when i get old enough we can meet there?

Blake: Beacon Academy..... Mmm i will!

Gin: Untill then! Seya!

Blake: Yes!! Bye Gin.

After The Faunus left the place Kali teases Blake about Gin and blushes alot while Ghira sounded like he refuse to let gin have her.

Roger: We will wait untill Ironwoods soldiers arrives then we depart!

Gin: Oh yeah Grandpa? where are we going anyway, you never told me?

Roger: I diden't?? We are going to my friend place his name is Taiyang.

Gin: Oh okey....{Wait....Taiyang?.... TAIYANG??? Thats Yang and Rubys father?! Im meeting them too! How does he know so many people connected to the main story, he was never in the story for what i know? i have to ask him sometimes.}

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