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"Phone ringing"

???:General Ironwood what do i own the pleasure?

Ironwood:No time for pleasantries we have a boy here that need of medical help and lost his arm but we retrived it..... we need your help ro heal him and you know what im talking about.

???: ?! Surly General it can't be that! The boy wont survive it.

Ironwood: Its a risk they were willing to take... i beg of you!!

???:.....i see bring the boy here, i will see what i can do.

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Ironwood: Thank you Ozpin. (Phone end)

Ozpin: I never thought i had to use this methode..... it will change the boy fate and his struggles....more then they relise.

After a few hours Ironwood brought the boy beside me and i was shocked on how the boy is still alive, having lost so much blood.

Ozpin: I will try to save the boy but you can't follow me where im about to bring him.

Roger: What!! He's my grandson i need to be beside him!!

Ozpin: and you need to trust me on this! Its not what i usally do and this has to stay a secret, who knows what danger could happen to us and the boy of they found its location.

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Roger: Ugh!!! But!

Ironwood:It's okey Roger lets trust him for now and we dont have much time.

Roger: Urgh! Fine but please hurry.

Ozpin: I will.

Ozpin brought Gin to the elevator and went to the bottom floor went to a light and dark pool of water, like light and darkness dancing beside each other and put Gin in it and put his arm where it should be.

Ozpin: Young boy if you can hear me you will feel pain, so much that you want to kill yourself.

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but if you can overcome it you will live but not only that you will have obtained a power no one on this world could ever have so prepare yourself becase this trial is not to mess with.

While Ozpin talked to Gin the light and the darkness from the water started to gather to Gin and symbols started to form on Gins body.


System:{The small power of the God of Darkness and Light flow through in your body.}

[Do you want to bind it to your soul?]


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"Danger" (You might perish becase of to much power flowing trough your body)


System: {Confirmed prossesing 0%}


Ozpin saw what happend to the boy,one of his eyes started to change from gold to silver and darkness like string reatached his arm and tried to change his body while Gin body changed from fanus and human constantly to keep up with it.

Ozpin: What is going on? Arent the boy a fanus why is he changing into human is it the springs power?

Chapter 19: The Fractured Power Of Light And Darkness

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