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After a few hours Gin's started to scream less but his body still was in trans of forming a Faunus and Human And light and darkness like string moving on his body.

Ozpin: Fascinating! The boy keep changing form but i still dont understand why? Could he do that even before this?

I know i gathered this spring from the domain of light and darkness for experiment but never succeeded with it, but now.... the boy has survived more then the former injured people that wanted a chance and i started to think this was an bad Idea.....i have to ask about this.

System:{50% Gathered "Obtaining skills trait [Silver Eye] and [Mixing Darkness]".}

Gin: {I wonder... this pain will it ever end?... i remember what my life use to be.....}

I had a loving mother and a strict stepfather and a little sister that liked to always talk about everything..... but one day when we were on our way to the shopping mall some terorist attack it and was about to kill us but i saw my chanse and struck one of them and took the Gun and used it against them.

And of course i would fail to target them only near them becase of my fear of hurting anybody and i saw blood that was everwere but i succeeded to save my family and the cops then later military showed up to save us but it was to late for me, i got shot and before i died i told them i loved them.....and maybe i told stepdad to destroy my computer.

Then i saw the light and thought that i was dead but then i heard a voice and so my journey started..... i sometimes miss my old family and friends that i usally go to school with.

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Does days i use to have was one of the best day of my life,

where i just watch anime and watching RWBY too and i did hear a 6th season were coming out!! Too bad i couldent watch it.

but this is my life now where Danger is everywere, but i try to live the best with my new family, new friends and maybe even find love.....that i never got to experiance,

but most of all.... the awesome movement and powers the people can do here, it feels like im a hero like i always wanted to be..... Like an character i know that always wanted to be...

System:{75% Gathered obtained + 30 in "Magic"}.

Ozpin:Hmm? The boy is looking better... it looks like he is sleeping. Does this mean we succeeded with healing him? He does look different now his hair changed from just black to white and black.

Ozpin took Gin out of the pool of water and brought him to Roger and told him some part what happend.

Roger: So he will be Okey?! He's not gonna die?!

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Ozpin: Yes i have done all i can, all he needs now is rest.

Roger: Thank god!!

Ironwood: But he looks a bit different?

Ozpin: just a small side effect but Roger.

Roger: Ah yes?

Ozpin:I do want an explanation on how your grandchild turning from human to... you know.

Roger:!? Yes i will but can we do that somewere more privat.

Ozpin: Of course lets go to my office.

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Ironwood: I will come too! you did tell me that you would Roger.

Roger: {"tch"}....Of course.

When they got to Ozpin's office Roger explained that from birth Gin could turn from a Human to a Faunus and did that alot in his childhood.

Ozpin: Remarkable!!

Ironwood: Indeed i never heard anything like it.... but true to be told i never heard that a human and a Faunus had a family together either.

Roger:Hahaha yeah i was shocked when i heard that my son found love with a Faunus girl but i was more happy for him then thought about that sort of thing.

Ozpin: The boy Gin i take it... is the first to survive this methode, many have tried but becase your grandson could reform like he did.

Ironwood: Becase he could do what he did he survived.

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Ozpin: Yes and now all we have to do is wait for him to wake up from his slumber and tell us how he feels.

Roger: Yeah...!!! OH NOO!!

Ironwood/Ozpin: What wrong?!

Roger:.....How... How will i explain this to Alisha!!!! (Sweeting)

Ironwood:.....It was nice knowing you Roger you will be rememberd as a hero.

Roger: Dont kill me off just like that!!!! just help me instead.

Ironwood:From what i have seen.... give up.


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