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After some classes of the school, Gin was going to the library and was searching for something.

Gin: "sigh" {What's happening, why am i getting these dreams? Maybe... something bad is happening to me....System what going on?}

System: {The water that contained the power of the god of light and darkness that originaly should destroy you, but sense you survived it, you will connect with does who has similar power to the gods.}

Gin:{ But that doesn't explain the masked boy that keeps showing up and telling me that some of my past memory is gone,}

System:{Im sorry, Gin, But you are not allowed to know.}

Gin: {What!? What do you mean, im not allowed to know? Who said that?!}

System: {Im sorry, Gin, Bu-}

Gin:{ No!!! Nevermind i find out myself! Looks like someone is planning something and that someone is the one who put me in this world....The gods huh.} (Angry)

Gin walkes out of the library and meet someone he didn't expect.

Ozpin: Ah young Rolios, and what are you doing here on a fine day such as this?

Gin: Ah Headmaster Ozpin! Good afternoon.

Ozpin:Mm something wrong?

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Gin: Yes....but it's better to tell you in your office, if it's okey.

Ozpin: Of course, i have a duty to guide you student in you time here after all.

They walked to Ozpin's Office and Gin starts to talk about his dreams.

Ozpin: I see... So you saw a women with deathly pallor skin, covered with deep red eyes, im i correct!

Gin: Yes.

Ozpin: And you start seeing a boy with a Grimm mask in your dreams?

Gin: Yeah, what does this mean?

Ozpin:....I might have a salutation to your problem, young Rolios.

Gin: Really!

Ozpin: Yes, follow me.

They walked to the elevator and went to the basment and saw a pod that connects with two tubs that contained different kind of water.

Gin: This is?

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Ozpin: It's a Capsule and the tubs containes what i gave you last time you were here.

Gin: You mean when i was almost killed...

Ozpin: Indeed, now step into the capsule young Rolios.

Gin: Okey.....

When i walked inside capsule and lies down, Ozpin starts it up and says.

Ozpin: Now Gin, you might feel alot of pain doing this but im certain it will help you.

Ozpin starts the capsule and both the water from the tubes enters it.

Gin: {Ugh!!}

Ozpin: Now then, Good luck, Gin.... you need it.

And then everything turns dark and was later replaced with a city.

Gin: Where?...ah this is my home!? My old home!?

Gin sees a his hometown city but with no cars and people in it, except for one person.

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Masked Boy: Well, Well, Well! I didn't think i see you so soon.

Gin:Ah You! You have to tell me, What's going on! What's happening to me!?

Masked Boy: Oh man! You're an idiot!

The masked boy starts to attack with the same weapon Gin has.

Gin:!?(Barley dodges) Why are you attacking me?!

Masked Boy: For you to stop nagging me, Seriously im suppose to be out there not you! But nooo, the wuss is there instead!

Gin: Im no wuss!!

Masked Boy: Ahahahaha!!! Oh thats the best joke i heard for awhile now.


Masked Boy: Admit it! You are a coward, Gin and you will always be that and if you don't, then it's better that you are dead!!

The masked boy starts to transform his weapon to an Halberd and attacked Gin, But Gin turns his armor to a big shield and defends.

Masked Boy: Oh come on, Gin, still a coward! I mean really, it's like you forgot you own fathers word.

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Gin: Ghh! I haven't forgotten!!

Masked Boy: Oh really? Then why are you like this! A kid that just follow the flow, not changing anything that could make this more interesting. MORE FUN. MORE HEROIC!! But nooo, you just have to be a coward that runs into battle with fear in your mind, thinking this is great if you just survived! (Angry Slashes at Gin)

Gin: Grrrgh! So what! I just want to live! is that wrong!

Masked Boy: But what are you living for!! For yourself? I thought you did it for the protection of your friend, your family!! But i bet you run away when it really happends, when you meet someone you can't defeat, it's sad really, and you can't even remember your past family's faces!

Gin: Ghh!! what do you know! Who are you anyway!?

Masked Boy: Still haven't figured out? Hahahaha you idiot!

Gin: What!?


Gin:What!? Impossible.

Dark Gin: Oh? And what's impossible about that! You are in a world that has darkness glowing monsters creeping around and superpowerd children that can fight does monsters! and even destroy buildings, And you were even given a system that allows you to cheat your way in life and even now you are bathing in power that could change everything you do!!! (Smug Face)

Gin: But!

Dark Gin: No buts!!! "Gravity"!!

Gin: Ghaaaaa!!

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