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DarkGin: Oh, is it heavy! (Evil Smile)

Gin: Why you! "Reverse Gravity"!!

Gin used his own ability on himself and started to change his weapon to an scythe and starts attacking.

DarkGin: Woho Finally!!

They both start to clash against each others, each blow shakes the buildings around them.

Gin: Ghh!!

DarkGin: Hahaha!! Oh come on now!! You can do better then that!!

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Gin: Shut up!!

DarkGin: Or what? Run away from me!!! (Evil Smile)

Gin: I said shut up!!!

DarkGin: Then do something idiot! You have all the power to do it! But instead you tell me to stop it, SHOW ME INSTEAD!!

Gin backs away and change his scythe to a massive sword and swings it at DarkGin, which he dodges by back-flipping and then transformed his weapon to a sniper-rifle and shots at Gin.

Gin: Argh!

DarkGin: Gin, Gin, Gin! Fight smarter please, i do want to try enjoy fighting you after all!

Gin: Don't you mock me!

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DarkGin: Didn't take much you know!

Gin: Argh! Stop it!

DarkGin: No! You stop this stupid idea, that you are a victim! Becase you are not! You are in denial!! You are a living being, of course you are afraid but you letting it controll you! Live more god dammit! (Angry)

Gin: I...

DarkGin: Remember what your father Hank told you ones, "Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valor. That to strive and triumph in the face of fear, is what it means to be a hero. Dont think but become!" Do you remember that Gin!!!

Gin: I-I remember! i wanted to be a hero, not just for me but for the people that needs me!!

DarkGin: Good! Then show me how resolved you are!!

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Gin charges at DarkGin. But when his sword was about to hit, DarkGin dodges by sidesteping and punched Gin in the face and then charges at Gin with his halberd, but Gin rolls away and changed his weapon to a katana and then the both of them swings at each other, but both parties block every strike. Soon, Gin backflips into the air and produce a earth clone becase of his skill "Earth Shape" which throws him past DarkGin. As he flies past him, he finally lands a hit.

DarkGin: Ugh!

Gin: Hah! got you!

DarkGin: Hahaha, atleast you are getting better!!

DarkGin changes his weapon to a chainsaw sword and runs towards Gin as he raises his weapon in defiance and guard defensively before using "Reverse Gravity" Semblence to lighten DarkGin's weapon and brush it away, and striking right trough the chest of DarkGin.

Gin: Hah....hah..... i got you.....hah.

DarkGin: Indeed!.....Well you pass the first little test, i will accept you, for know atleast. But if you are ever letting your fear controll you again, i will be there! Remember that!

Gin: But you haven't told me why you attacked me, you could have killed me!

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DarkGin:....Dude! Stop being an idiot, This is a dream inside your mind do you really think we can hurt each other here? And remember, i am you, so i will go back to you, so we can become one again, and of course we will have our past memories back again, then you will understand why i attacked you.

Gin: Really!?

DarkGin: Yes, really! And please, for our sake, start to man up But remember this! When you crumble and about to lose your hope, I WILL BE THERE!!! (Grabs Gin on the arm and starts glowing)

The entire city fell into darkness with Gin and his other counterpart with it.


Ozpin was standing a bit away from the capsules, and it exploded not to long after Gin went inside and there where smog everywhere.

Ozpin: Hmm young Rolios! How are you feeling?

Ozpin starts to see past the smog and saw Gin standing on the destroyed capsule but with a black and white Grimm mask on.

Gin:.....Like how i should have been!!

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