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Both fighters were ready to go at each other, while staring at each other untill they see Gin smile.

Gin suddenly shots a smoke bomb at the ground and disappears. Coco and Yatsuhashi glance at each other in confusion. At that moment, Gin appears from the sky, jumping to the ground to ambush them. Yatsuhashi manages to preempt his attack and pushes Coco out of the way, blocking his kick with his great sword.

As Gin jumps back from his attack, Coco begins to fire on him with her gatling gun, but he is able to evade all of her shots. He then lands in between his opponents, and lands a flurry of kicks on Coco and pushes her out.

Glynda: C-Coco, you're Aura is red. Please go too the others.

Elenor: Am i seeing things?

Aria: I don't know, It feels like a dream!

Aria starts pinching Lea on the hips.

Lea: Oooouch!!

Aria: Hah! I didn't hurt, it is a dream!

Lea: You know it does not work like that!!! Why did you pinch me??

Aria: i don't like pain!

Lea: Sis! That's not fair!!

Elenor: Anyway..... So Gin was holding back on us! and is a Faunus!

Aria: Yeah...

Back to the fight. Gin then attempts to press an attack on Yatsuhashi by changing his gauntlets to an Buster sword and was landning a slash on his opponent. Yatsuhashi tries to deflect it but to no avail, and was overpowered and got flying out of the arena.


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Gin:...Um, i win?

Glynda:....! Yes, the winner is Gin Rolios!

Yang: That...Was....Awesome!!!

Ruby: Oh my gosh, Gin won against the second year students!!

Blake: He curtainly showed them.

Weiss: You mean he was showing off! Hmph!

After the fight, team CFVY walked to Gin, and to his surprise greets him in a friendly manner.

Fox: it was a good fight!

Yatsuhashi: Mm you fought well.


Velvet: Coco?

Coco walked around Gin and was observing him.

Gin: Um, are you okey?

Coco: Hmm, oh yes im fine! But sense you beat us, You'll have to be our sparing partner sometimes!

Gin:!? Sure! We'll be happy to spare against you second years!

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Coco: Good!


Coco: What's wrong with the two of you?

Velvet/Fox: Nothing...

The class ended and everyone was talking to Gin, like he was the strangest thing.

Ruby: Is those ears real?!

Gin: Im sure they are real.

Yang: But why did you hide that you're a Faunus!?

Gin: There are so many people that hate the Faunus for no reason, like if i hurt anyone when im a Faunus, then suddenly all the Faunus are to blame!


Blake:{I know that feeling.}

Gin: So i hide that im a Faunus so they won't get hurt becase of my action, so my grandfather made me this ring.

Aria: But that's weird? I don't remember you had that on?

Gin: I hide it pretty well.

{Sorry that i had to lie to them, but this is for the best! I can't tell them i can change at will, it will bring all sort of trouble.}

Elenor: Well i'll still like you!

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Elenor: Hmm? What are you guys looking at me that for?

Ruby: Elenor? You are not the only one who care for Gin!

Elenor then relise that her word slipped and tried to explain.

Elenor: I-I meant us of course!!

Yang/Aria: Ohh, really! (Teasing voice)

Elenor: O-Of course!

Lea: But man, Gin! You showed the second years a thing or two.

Gin: Yeah i showed them! Oh and they agreed to have a sparing match sometimes with us!

Lea: Really! Oh im ready whenever!

Aria: Yeah, yeah, Calm down Lea.

They all were ready to back to the dorm but.

Weiss: Gin, can i talk with you for a minutes?

Gin: Hmm sure!

Weiss and Gin walked to cafeteria and started talking.

Weiss: So you're a Faunus.

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Gin: Indeed i am.

Weiss: Then why didn't you tell me?

Gin: Becase i don't know if you would hate me!

Weiss: What!? Thats ridiculous!

Gin: Is it? I know that you hate the Faunus becase what they do to you're company.

Weiss: I.....

Gin: Im sorry for what they did, but the rest of us Faunus have nothing to do with that, and you know it.

Weiss: I-I know....

Gin: "sigh" just give it time, okey? You don't have to change you're opinion of us yet, just try to see it on our side, how we feel.

Weiss: I-I'll try.

Gin: Good, now then lets go back to the others!!

Weiss was looking at Gin the entire way they walked and felt that Gin have changed a little.

[An Dark Warehouse]

Torchwick: Well? Are you guys ready!?

Bandits: Yeah!!!

Torchwick: Good, well then..... go and wreak some buildings. (Evil Smile)

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