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[In Ozpin Office]

Glynda: What's happening Ozpin? Young Rolios can't change that fast!! And he's a Faunus!

Ozpin: I see, so that's what happen.

Glynda: Don't you "I see" me! What's happening Ozpin!!

Ozpin: Just trust me Glynda, i will explain in good time.

Glynda: "sigh" you better!

[Next day]

Elenor: Gin, Wake up! Blake is here to see you.

Gin: Gnn.... Im up...

Gin went to the door and open it seeing Blake there, waiting for him.

Gin: Good morning, Blake!

Blake: Hey, Gin. I was wondering if you had enough time this morning to do... you know!

Gin: Hm?....Oh yeah! Go to the bookstore together. Sure, i am free so i guess it's a good time as any.

Blake: Thank you! I-I wait for you outside so you can change. (Turning around herself with a red face)

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Gin:?..... Oh right, my shirt!

Gin went back too his room and put on and change his clothes and went with Blake to the Vale city.

the both of them didn't utter a word to each other during the trip to Vale. She kept muttering something about something Gin couldn't understand, so he kept quiet. But she seems to have calmed down now, though.

Blake: Sorry. I haven't been a great travelling companion, have i?

Gin: Something happen?

Blake: Probably nothing.

Gin: Probably?

Blake: Forget about it, Let's go. The book shop is not far.

Blake and Gin has arrived at the bookshop.

Gin: Tukson's Book Trade?

Blake: Home to every book under the sun.

Gin: Oh? I don't see that writen anywhere...

Blake: It's not. It's the owner's motto!

Gin: Oh! Okay, so we're here for a book on this place?

Blake: Yes....and some information i want to know and maybe are here.

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Gin: Oh? And what kind of information do you need?

Blake:....I will tell you later.

Gin: Hmm... Okay, if you say so.

They both went into the shop and was greeted by a Puma Faunus that was holding a big box.

Tukson: Greetings! Welcome to Tuckson's Book Trade, Home to every book under the sun!

Blake: Hello, Tukson!

Tukson: Blake!? I didn't see you there, it's good to see you!

Blake: It's good to see you too!

Tukson put down the boxes and went to Blake, to give her a hug.

Tukson: So what bring you to my shop? I have the "Ninja of love" book in store that you wanted!

Blake face turned red and tried to lower Tukson's voice, but to no awail.

Gin: Ninja of Love!? Blake... am i here you get an "cough" Adult book?

Blake:....I don't know what this man is talking about! Right! Tukson! (Death stare)

Tukson: (Shiver) A-Ah yes, i must have imagine it!

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Blake: See!


Tukson: Okay, if you are not here for a book, then what are you here for?

Blake: do you have any new information about the white fang?

Tukson:!? Blake, are you sure you want to say it in front of this guy?!

Blake: He's trust worthy, And are one of us.

Tukson then relise that Gin were a Wolf Faunus and relaxed more.

Tukson: There have been some new's actually.

Blake: What!

Tukson: They are having a meeting in a abounded factory in south of here, you can't miss it.

Gin: Wait, we're hunting the White Fang?

Blake: Yes, Gin, Have they marked the place?

Tukson: With their symbol and everything.

Gin: Why would they do that? Sound dumb to me to mark the place with their symbol.

Tukson: That's what they do, but usally only Faunus know's it.

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Blake: Okay, lets go, Gin.

Gin: Fine, but you better explain to me on the way.

Blake: I will!

The both of them went to the factory while Blake explain what's going on.

Gin: I see, you are trying to stop the White Fang from doing harm to people.

Blake: Yes, and stop them for dragging the rest of our Faunus reputation down.

Gin: Hmm, well i help in anyway i can!

Blake: Really! Thank you!

Gin: It's no problem, Blake! We're friend after all! {And it will help me change things if anything bad happens.}

Blake: Yeah.... friends...

They both arrived at the factory and saw a lot of Faunus being there and was waiting for someone.

Gin: So they are the White Fang!

Blake: Yes, we have to be extra careful.

Suddendly, people were quite and they saw a tall man with auburn red hair that spikes backwards in a windswept way, and wears a long-sleeved black suit jaket.

Blake: Oh no, Adam!!

Gin: {Adam Taurus!? What's he doing here!!!}

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