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After 30 min had gone by Gin washed him self up and was ready to go to the room where everyone is eating lunch.... and saw grandpa sitting on his knee on the floor begging mom to forgive him.

Roger: Come on Alisha i truly forgot! How can you treat an old man like this!

Alisha: No! I told you to take it easy on him in his first day of training!! I told you so many times but you still did it! So you still have to sitt on your knee until Gin arrives!

Roger: Ugh! Hank tell you wife to please spare me! I cant feel my legs!

Hank: Dont bring me in to this konversation! You know i cant defy my wife in this when she's angry.

Roger: What!? Betrayed by my son!

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Gin: {This kinda looks funny how huge guy like my grandpa is forced to sitt on his legs}

Roger: Ah Gin!! my little dot please tell you mother to spare me.

{Gin looked at his mother with puppy eyes and told mother not to let grandpa sit like that anymore.}

Alisha: Ugh! Fine but there will be no next time if he do that again!

Roger: Really!? thanks Alisha!!

The family sat at the table and was talking to Gin if he remmembers what they told to him many times through his years.

[The Past]

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A few days after Gin was born

Roger:This cannot go public that Gin can turn into a Fanus and then back as a Human!!

Hank: I know i can't think what people will say when they found out.

Alisha: Im more afraid what will happen to Gin!! We have to tell him that he can't change in public!! and it looks like it hurts each time he turns back and forward like he cant controllers it!

Roger: Yes! We have to take him to my place so he can learn to controll his ability's! we will be safe there more then here.

Hank: Wait is this also just an exuse just to spend more time with Gin?

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Roger "cough" i..i dont know what you are talking about


Roger: We will move after a few days of rest and packing!


Gin: I know mom, not to turn back and forward between an fanus and human.

Alisha: Good! Now eat your food and dont skip eating you carrots this time!

Gin: Okey mom!!

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Everyone was eating and spend time's together and after they were done, Gin spend more time with his father.

Gin: Father what are you doing?

Hank: Hmm? im writing. You know that im an author.

Gin: Oh! i never asked what the title of the book you are writing?

Hank: Well son im writing a book that's finaly will be my first release, the title is "Howling".

Gin:{Wait! why does that sound familiar??}

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