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Gin: {Oh now i remember! It was revealed in RWBY Chibi as a funny joke when Zwei was an author but it was actually my father who was the author now?}

Gin: Oh! Neat i hope it sells! {Hope my presence dident change all to much big stuff thats happening.)

Hank: Me too! But im more happy if people just like it, then i will be happy.

Gin: Oh yeah dad you never explain to me why i cant show my self to public when im change to a fanus and human?

Hank: "sigh".... yeah, guess i have to explain to you someday.

Hank: Okey Gin sit down i will tell you now.

{Then Hank told Gin that it was not natural for people to change between Fanus and Human, infact for what he knows no one else can do it and that makes other powerful people want such power for research and other horrible things.}

Hank: So remember Gin never change in front of other people, for your sake and ours ok!

Gin: Ok Father i will!

Hank: Good! Now go and help your mother in the kitchen, i need to finish writing.

Gin: Okey!!

While Gin was walking to the kitchen Hank was thinking what his father said to him.


Roger: remember Hank never tell him about our eyes powers understod?

Hank: But why father!? Why cant he know?

Roger: Becase i dont want to burden him untill he ask himself and becase when i told you, your never awoken it and after that you had such a stressful childhood and i dont want him to be the same.

Hank: I.....i understand father but i will tell him the moment he ask about his eyes or his powers.

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Roger: Mmm and so will i....

[Flashback end]

Hank: i really dont now if this is the correct move but..... i belive in you Father and you Gin to handle it.

While Gin was helping his mother with cleaning the kitchen she told him that grandpa is preparing for his training in the backyard and should go there after he's done with helping her.

Roger: Ah Gin! Good timing i have prepared a new training for you so you can be quicker and more flexibel!

Gin: Oh what kinda training?

Roger: I created a machine to shot small soft bullets against you and you will have to dodge them untill you are tired ah and of course you have to hold your sword while you do it!

Gin: Bullets!? Won't it hurt and won't i bleed to!?

Roger: Hahaha no no thats why i said soft bullets and it won't hurt to much...i think.

Gin: You think!?

Roger: Hahaha im looking forward to tomorrow!

Gin: "sigh" You have to much fun with this.

{Oh yeah i never really looked at my new ability! System show status and info of new ability [Sage Strength].}

{System: Cofirmed!!}



[Str:5] + 5

[Int:17] =0

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[Agi:5] =0

[Wit:9] =0

[Magic:1] =0

[Aura:?] +10



[Str:8] +5

[Int:17] =0

[Agi:9] =0

[Wit:6] = 0

[Magic:1] =0

[Aura:?] + 10




[Can scan yourself to see your condition and ability point and will improve when you do.]

[LV 1: Strength 15 And Witality 15 To Be Unlocked] [Locked]

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[LV 2: Inteligance 20 And Agility 13 To be Unlocked] [Locked]

[LV 3: ?]

[Strong Progress]

[Increase your chances to improve yourself]

[50% change to get 1 point on every stats]

[Item Box]

[Can store items up to 7 items and will expand when you get stronger]


[Can use basic Fire, Water, Earth Magic.]

[Golden Eyes]

[Increase every stat by 1 and can scan other people and items. have different LV skill locked untill you are stronger.]

[LV 1: Unlocked +10 Aura]

[LV 2: ?]

[LV 3: ?]

[Restrict untill unlocked of LV 3]

[Nature Instinct]

[Can swith to being a Human and a wolf Fanus]

[Stats change depends on change]

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[Sage Strength]

[Can double you Strength for 1 min]

[Will get stronger when you get better]

[Recharge 30 min]

Gin: {Hmm pretty good [Sage Strength] is pretty usefull in combat just have to know when to use becase of the recharge time is pretty long in a fight and my aura increased too System does that mean i can use aura too protect me?}

{System: Yes but only 2 hits!}

Gin:{Well better the nothing i guess.}

"Phone sound"

Roger: Hmm Gin! Go get me more soft bullets in my room for me will you!

Gin: Okey grandpa!

After Gin was out of sight Roger answerd the phone.

???: Hello Roger whats up!? How have you been doing you old fart.

Roger: Hahaha Good to hear from you too my friend im good im still alive aren't i, oh you have to come by sometimes i want to introduce my grandson to you!!

???: You have a grandson!? Congrats then my friend we have to celibrate at a bar sometimes and hit us some bartenders while we are at it!

Roger: Hahaha!! Thats so like you but i guess you diden't call me becase of old times right?

???: Heh... guess i cant fool you.... i need your help Roger.

Roger: What are you saying!! of course i help you! we been pals and drinking companions for ages now Qrow Branwen!!

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