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*Video Recording Starts*

The footage shows a house and a boy that was around 14 to 15 years old. It seems that he was in the backyard of his home.

He has a black hair with dark red streaks at the tips, his hair was spiked at the back of his head. (Authors Note: Jin Kazama hairstyle)

The boy had a lean but muscular body that almost had no extra fat and was a very nice body for a male. His body was definitely pleasing to the eyes for women.

Coupled with his incredibly handsome facial features and silver eyes that can make women stare at him in mere sight.

He was around 5'5 feet tall and was wearing a Black Faux Leather Long Trench Coat whose insides were colored dark red over a black long sleeve button-up shirt with red lightning designs and reddish black pants with a dark red belt and black shoes.

(Authors Note: Jin Kazama Player 2 Outfit in Tekken 6 but slightly different, look it up to get a good image of his clothes.)

"Recording.....Everything good droid?" The boy asked.

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"Beep boop beeeeeep." The machine that was recording the boy, just made some beeping noises that made the boy give it a thumbs up.

"Nice! Ok, this is the first footage of my video journal and its Wednesday. Anyway, I'm Jin Rose, brother of Ruby Rose, who is my twin sister and Yang Xiao Long, who is my big sister." Jin said as he introduced himself before taking a deep breath.

"Anyway I'm recording this for shits and giggles or to have some few laughs and lols on whoever watches this. And also to waste time for myself when I have some free time." Jin said with a small smile on his face.

"Well anyway, there's some things you can't know about me.....or at least for now. But it might get revealed in the future cause I'm gonna continue on this video journal daily, if its possible."

"All I can say is that I had a fun but unique childhood. Different fron any average children that come from hunter families and such." Jin said with a small chuckle.

"Well....I'm not like my sister's or my family aside from my twins face of course. I'm not sure if there are any other people like me out there that could relate to me cause I'm one of a kind." Jin stated with a small smile, but there was a tinge of arrogance in that smile.

"Most people can only have one semblance but there are also rare cases that others can have two or three. But never in history that somebody had seven semblances." Jin said while having a 'humble' voice which contradicted to his arrogant smile.

"By the way I'm not bragging, just sharing ok."

"Now you might be thinking, 'Is this guy kidding?' or 'Is this guy retarded?'. Well good Sir's and Maam's, hold on to your scrolls cause I'm about to show ya that I'm the real deal." Jin said as he prepares himself by stretching his hands out.

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But before he was going to show off one of his semblances, Jin started speaking out stuff again.

"Oh and, uh, I discovered these powers of mine because of some encounters in the past that made me unlock my ability one after another. Which I won't reveal for now. So if you want to find out more then you will have to keep watching my future videos and click like and hit the subscribe butt.....Oh wait there's no Youtube in this world, lul." Jin said as he awkwardly scratches his head because of a slip of a tongue.

"Anyway my semblances are, [Electrokinesis], [Flash], [Shock Absorbtion], [Hyper Concentration], [Aura Steal], [Gravity], and the last I won't tell the last one until my later videos since my last semblance is very dangerous and-...." As Jin was in the middle of his talk, he was cut off when another voice was heard.


"UGH!" The boy helplessly groans.

"K Fine." Jin said lowly as he looked at the house.

"COMING RUBES!" Jin yelled back before facing back to the camera.

"Welp, sorry folks, I'm gonna have to end it early for now, I'll show you guys my abilities in my later vids. I gotta hang out with Ruby in Town."

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Jin grabbed the camera to do a close-up to himself,

"I'm Jin Rose, signing off."

"What are you doing? Pfffffttttt!!!" Ruby's voice was heard from behind and a little chuckle could be heard from her.

Jin was startled and jumped with an "EEEKKKK" and he almost dropped the camera.

"For christ sake, don't do that!"

"Pfffffttttttt, seriously? Your blogging? HAHAHAHAHAHA." Ruby said as she laughed her ass off of her brothers antics.

"SHUT UP!! Don't judge me! It's a video journal!" Jin barked at his sister, which just made her chuckle.

"Whatever you say lil bro. Oh OH! GIMME GIMME!" Ruby approached Jin as she reached for the camera.

"NO WAY! I'm the main protagonist here!" Jin barked again as he reached his camera up to the air.

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"CMON! It wouldn't hurt to add me in there!" Ruby then jumps and also reaches out her hand to grab the camera.

The scene then takes us to the twins that was fighting over who gets to hold the camera, but in the end, Ruby won the bout.

"Its mine!" Ruby blurted out loud as she helds out the camera with a victory pose.

Meanwhile Jin was cast out to the side as he silently lamented,

"Ugh! I lost even though I'm taller than you!" He said inwardly.

Ruby then helds the camera to face her, her beautiful appearance showed facial features and hair color similar to that of Jin, she was like the female version of him.

"Hello there! I'm Ruby Rose and that guy right there is my little brother, Jin!"

"You always say that I'm the LITTLE brother! Even though I'm taller! You shorty!"

"I'm 2 minutes older than you!"

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