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"Rubes, how long are you gonna read that magazine?" Jin said with an annoyed tone.

He and Ruby were currently in the 'From Dust Till Dawn' dust shop in Vale. Jin was completely bored right now as he had nothing to do.

'I didn't come here to watch you read that magazine and satisfy your weapon fetish!' Jin complained inwardly.

He was completely bored right now and wanted to leave, but his sister Ruby doesn't want to yet.

'UGH, She's wearing headphones again! She definitely didn't hear me!'

Jin looks at her with a bored face and then his eyes widened at a realization.

'Wait?! This situation is so familiar....Oh this is where the plot starts!'

Jin couldn't help but squeal in excitement in his mind. After all, he was a reincarnator from Earth who was a decent fan of the franchise RWBY.

As for how he ended up reincarnating in this world, that's for another story.

'OH SHEEIITT! I'm gonna be a part of this! I'm gonna be a part of all this!' Jin yelled in his mind as his facial expression changed. He then walked near to the entrance, and now he was looking at the doors of the shop with anticipation.

'Anytime now!'

He then looked at Ruby again, who was on the corner of the shop, still fixing her attention on the weapons magazine.

'That's It Ruby! Just keep reading! You have all the time in the world!'

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Suddenly his twin spoke out, "Come on, just let me finish this first."

Hearing this, Jin couldn't help his eyes twitching, 'So you did hear me!'

Ruby is a fair skinned young girl with silver eyes and black, neck-length hair that had some dark red parts, especially at the tips that was cut in a asymmetrical style. Her hair color was entirely similar to Jin.

She wears a long sleeved think black blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves, a black waist concher with red lacing up the front, and a black skirt with a red trim. She also wears a pair of thick black stockings and black combat boots with red laces and red trim around the top and red soles.

Her outfit was topped by a red hooded clock that was fastened to her shoulder by cross-shaped pins. Her emblem appears as a large silver brooch and is pinned to a black belt that was slung around her hips on an angle, which also had a bullet pouch attached.

'Any minute now...'

Jin was still waiting for the bad guys to come in the shop as he kept looking at the entrance with a crazy smile on his face.

1 Minute has passed.

'Any minute now.....'

2 Minutes.....

5 Minutes.....

10 Minutes.....

20 Minutes.....

30 Minutes.....

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'JESUS CHRIST! When are they gonna come here!.....And how is Rubes still not finished reading that magazine!' Jin yelled inwardly as he was getting impatient.

'Ok, patience is a virtue. Just a few more minutes...or hours.....please god not hours....."

Jin just decided to wait it out by listening to some music, so he putted his headset back on and went back to the corner with Ruby.

'One of them is gonna come here anyway, so I'll just wait here.'

By the way he was listening to Bohemian Rhapsody.

Just as Jin went back to his place, Roman Torchwick and his four henchman was walking down an alley-way.

They all stopped as Roman magically re-ignites his cigar just by looking at it. He then grins as he continued on walking down the street, frightening some citizens because of the way he was walking (lul), and their suspicious attire, as if they were some gangsters or the mafia.

They make their way towards the dust shop where the twins were staying.

Roman's henchmen opens the door and they all enter the shop. They were all looking at the Dust that was displayed in front of them, then Roman steps forward while flicking his cigar.

"Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a Dust shop open this late." After his words, one of the henchmen points a gun at the shopkeeper.

"P-please! Just take my Lien and leave!" Said the frightened shopkeeper.

"Shhh, Shhh, Shhh. Calm down, we're not here for your money....Grab the Dust."

Following that order, a henchman opens a case and removes the cylinders, which the group uses to extract Dust from the container tubes on the walls.

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The group was going in with their robbery smoothly, until a random henchman saw two teenagers at the corner of the store, not paying attention to their surroundings and was just listening to music.

The twins failed to notice about the robbery in the shop. Until.....


"Alright kids! Put your hands up where I can see em!"

"Ah!" Jin heard a sword being unsheathed and he spoke out in surprise.

He looks at the source of the sound and he thought out.


Jin removed his headset and formed a creepy smile on his face that would definitely give anyone the creeps if people saw it.

The henchman felt the chills when he saw the boy smile creepily, but he manned up and went to the boy to threaten him again, but he was now nervous.

"H-h-ey! You got a d-death wish or somethin?"

Jin's smile got wider, which just made it creepier to the henchman, he then poked Ruby with his elbow.

Ruby looked at him and she also removed her headset, "What?" she asked.

"Look at that guy." Jin pointed at the guy in front of him. Ruby then looks at guy in a suit, and was wearing red sunglasses with a red sword on his hand.

'What's that weirdo doing? Oh wait...'

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"I s-said put your hands up in the a-air!" The henchman threatened again, even though he was creeped out on Jin's smile.

The twins just looked at each other before looking back at the man.

"Are you...robbing us?" Ruby asked.

"YEES!" The henchman said.

Jin suddenly grabbed the man's sword and bended it until the blade broke, causing the man to scream in fright with an 'EEEKKK' accompanied with a loud 'TING' as the sword broke.

Ruby then did a flying kick to the man's gut, which sent the poor guy flying.

Another henchman notices it and approaches the twins with a gun in hand.


Just as the man said this, Jin did a roundhouse kick which also sends the man flying.

*CRASH* (Insert, Glass being broken SFX)

The man flew into the shop glass window and breaking it, with the twins following behind.

Jin had a dark smile on his handsome face and looked at the mans fingers, "Who the hell were you pointing that gun at huh?!"

Jin then proceeded to step on the man's four fingers, which produced a chilling cracking sound.



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