S-Class Except Me

Chapter 49

Seo Dojoon, who moved his body lightly, swung his dagger as if dancing.

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Boom, boom, boom! 


The magic that extended from him split the cracks in the stone statue and destroyed it at once. All of the stone statues that rushed at Seo Dojoon had their heads cut off at the same time and rolled to the floor.




Haeun admired it without realizing it. With a single attack, he defeated the monsters that filled the altar. She wondered if this is what ranking #1 really is.


A hopeful thought came to mind that maybe Hunter Seo Dojoon alone could attack this place.




At that time, the fragmented stone statues made a strange noise and stood up again. Seo Dojoon, who had already seen the statues resurrected once, took his posture without panic.


This time, with thinner black lines, the stone statues were tightly bound without a chance to escape. As the stone statues were connected as one, they interfered with each other’s movements. Seo Dojoon swiftly swung his dagger.




The stone statues turned to powder and disappeared. Seo Dojoon quickly picked up the core that had fallen on the floor. It needs to be stuffed into place before it explodes. He stepped towards the stone statue in the middle of the altar.


“Hunter Seo Dojoon! Be careful!”


“Hunter Jeong Jinho-nim?!”


Red beams of light poured from the dungeon ceiling. Seo Dojoon flexibly avoided the light, but the revived stone statue grabbed his ankle as he jumped into the air. The moment Seo Dojoon was about to swing his sword, the core he had vibrated.


Seo Dojoon hurriedly threw the core away.




A huge echo spread across the walls, and light poured from the ceiling.






Jung Jinho, who pushed Seo Dojoon, grazed the attack instead. Red blood flowed from Jung Jinho’s thigh.


Hidden in the shadows, Haeun shouted urgently and tried to run away, but Jung Jinho shouted first.


“Haeun! Never move from there!”


“Dad! But!”


“Never come out! Because it’s dangerous, ugh.”


Angel statues with broken wings climbed on top of Jung Jinho.


Seo Dojoon swung his dagger and cut off the arms and legs of the statues. But it’s only for a moment, and it comes back soon. Seo Dojoon took Jung Jinho out of the tomb made of piles of stones.


The situation is not good.


Seo Dojoon bit his lower lip. Wasting time here doesn’t help. Fighting without knowing the exact strategy was only wasting precious stamina. 


In addition, Hunter Jung Jinho was also covering him at the moment and injuring his thigh.

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It would be nice to have a healer. Or even another Hunter—.


At the time he thought so, he didn’t see the movement of the central stone statue moving behind him. 




The huge central stone statue, which hadn’t moved so far, hit Seo Dojoon’s head with a huge spear.


Seo Dojoon, who was hit, stumbled and lost his balance. And at the same time, the shadow Seo Dojoon was maintaining shook.




As the shadow created by Seo Dojoon disappeared, Baek Doohan and Baek Soyeon were exposed. The rampaging stone statues rushed at Baek Soyeon.


Baek Doohan jumped in front of his granddaughter as soon as he saw she was in danger. 




Boom—! A huge sound rang out.


Baek Soyeon cried out. She wanted to run right away, but she hated her legs which didn’t move.


A huge cloud of dust covered Baek Soyeon’s face. Obviously, there was a loud noise, and the statues ran toward her and her grandfather, but now no sound was heard. 


“Grandpa, grandpa…!” 


Baek Soyeon cried out desperately.


It reminds her of a hellish scene she saw in a dream long ago.


Baek Doohan was dying coldly in a dark and gloomy dungeon.


Just like today, while covering Baek Soyeon.


When Baek Soyeon had a dream, that dream became a reality unconditionally. She thought everything would be safe after she refused Constellation’s offer and stopped seeing the prophecy.


Eventually, she met Haeun, who came out of her dream and came to this moment.


Baek Soyeon’s chin trembled. Her tears flowed down.


Please, please—.


If there is a God in this world, please save grandfather!


At that moment, a wind blew from somewhere.


The dust that had filled his vision was blown away by the wind. Baek Soyeon raised her head.


“Haeun… Unnie?” 


Haeun stood in front of the fallen Baek Doohan.


And Baek Soyeon realized that Haeun was shaking badly, too.


[The constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ whispers there is no turning back now.]

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‘I know.’


Her heart skipped a beat.


That day, Haeun didn’t know, but she knew now. 


The day Haeun fell into the dungeon for the first time, while using the ability obtained from the constellation, the synchronization rate increased, and the environment of the dungeon changed accordingly. 


And because of the difficulty of the dungeon, which rose instantly, it was difficult for the rescue team to enter from outside.


What could have ended in a minor accident called an E-Class dungeon ended up being the worst gate incident. 


“Why are you the only one who lived! Why!”


Haeun muttered, recalling the emotions of the day.


“If I had stayed still, people wouldn’t have died.”


[The constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ says it’s not Haeun’s fault.]


“It happened because that damn number went up.”


Haeun paused for a moment and asked one last time.


“You won’t tell me what that window is until the end, right?”


The Constellation doesn’t answer. Haeun let out a laugh as if she knew that. 


She might be able to take a step back from this and reorganize the display and find a strategy. However, both Seo Dojoon and Jung Jinho were already injured.


If Haeun doesn’t come out to the end and her father dies, Haeun will never be able to forgive herself.


[SYSTEM: Current synchronization rate 21.13%]


Haeun bit her lip.


How high will the number rise? She hopes she can hold out until she gets her father, Soyeon, and Baek Doohan out of the dungeon.


“Ha, eun-ah…?” 


Jung Jinho, who had collapsed in a corner, was startled.


Haeun, who should have been in a safe place, stood still on one side of the altar, unaware she was exposed to danger. And around Haeun, numerous stone statues are approaching as if possessed by something.


“Haeun-ah, come on, blood, ugh…!” 


Jung Jinho, whose wound burst, cried out.


It was then.


A deep golden haze gently rose around Haeun. It was a warm energy that she could feel affection for just by looking at it.


The golden light swirled around Haeun and the altar where they stood gently like a fish swimming in a pond. They clumped together and eventually became solid.


Haeun drew her hand from top to bottom.


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A huge golden light split in half, forming a huge hole between the broken pieces.


Seo Dojoon, who was following Haeun’s movements with his eyes, was shocked. There was another world between the great gold that he couldn’t grasp.


“The ones that are destroyed and the ones that are created anew.”


Haeun mumbled.


“Let’s see who wins.”


Boom, boom, boom! 


A golden waterfall poured through the gap.


It was so intense and strong that it couldn’t even be compared to the light that attacked Rick, the first intruder at the altar. A huge halo of light blocked the people’s vision, making it look like they were lost in space.


[SYSTEM: Synchronization number increases.]


[SYSTEM: Synchronization number increases.]


[SYSTEM: Synchronization number increases.]


[SYSTEM: WARNING! The number is rising abnormally.]


A system window appeared frighteningly quickly in front of Haeun’s eyes. Haeun painfully bit her lower lip.




The dungeon vibrated greatly. Haeun is reacting terribly at the same time as using her ability. Haeun needed to see the end first before the rating was raised to the point where it was difficult to solve. 


The bracelet on Haeun’s wrist trembled.


The halo of light split into dozens of branches.


Boom, boom, boom! 


The ground rumbled. It was as if time had stopped, sped back, and headed into the future. 


When people barely open their eyes like that.






[SYSTEM: Angel’s Silence (S) doesn’t respond to attacks. Unable to identify system.]


Blue error windows rose frantically in front of the awakeners.


The altar was badly broken, and the stone monsters they had to attack were gone without a trace.


The stone statue in the middle of the altar, with several cores barely stuck in place, was completely shattered and rolled on the floor. It was no longer resurrected.


Seo Dojoon opened his mouth in astonishment.


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“What on earth is this….”


Tak. Haeun fell to the floor and took a deep breath. After confirming Jung Jinho was safe, Haeun’s eyes immediately turned to the synchronization window.


Haeun widened her eyes.


[SYSTEM: Current synchronization rate 21.13%]


The numbers haven’t changed at all.


It was a number that changed right away, even if a very small force, like a sneeze, was used. But now there is no change. 


The flow of energy that had been swimming through the dungeon also stopped. She didn’t feel that the dungeon level would increase or this place would collapse.


Thump, thump, thump.


Haeun’s heart raced. A golden haze rose beside her.


The system window is still silent. It didn’t move as if it were completely broken.


The reason is unknown, but the shackles that tormented Haeun disappeared.


In an instant, she felt a huge amount of joy all over her body.


Then an alarm appeared in front of Haeun, who was soaked in her unexpected joy.


[SYSTEM: Dungeon Angel’s Silence (S) doesn’t respond.] 


[SYSTEM: Acknowledge the attacker’s dungeon clearing. Grasping the attacker’s contribution to Angel’s Silence (S)]


[SYSTEM: Attacker Jung Haeun (EX) achieved an impossible achievement! 


Impossible Achievement! Attacker Jung Haeun (EX) completely destroyed Dungeon Angel’s Silence (S).]


[SYSTEM: Attacker Jung Haeun (EX) receiving reward!]


[SYSTEM: The ranking changes.]




Jung Jinho looked back at Haeun with a surprised face.


And next to him is Seo Dojoon, the former No. 1 ranked player in Korea.




[SYSTEM: Republic of Korea No. 1 Jung Haeun (EX)]






[The constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ says congratulations on Haeun’s debut that finally came true!!]


Haeun smiled brightly.


At this moment, Haeun must be the happiest person in the world.

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