S-Class Except Me

Chapter 50

The dungeon raid is over. The party trapped in this space finally succeeded in escaping to the outside.

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The dungeon they entered occurred far from the Haniel Expo. The distance alone was hundreds of kilometers away.


It turned out that this dungeon was a place where hunters were preparing to attack because it was predicted that a monster flood would occur soon.


But today, just before entering the dungeon, the number of dungeon participants suddenly filled up, making it impossible to enter the dungeon. They were forced to surround the gate in a sudden change of situation and prepare for a possible situation.


And the alarm for completing the attack.




In addition, the window that any Awakener would have seen.


「E, EX…?」


「The S-class dungeon is gone!! Oh my!! Contact headquarters immediately!」


「By any chance, are you Hunter Jung Haeun?!」


「How did you get inside? More than that, EX….! 」


The surprising fact that Haeun, who came out of the dungeon, was that EX-class Awakener was known to the world.


Jung Jinho, who was shocked at first by the news of Haeun’s EX-Class awakening, was speechless but came to his senses only after they got out of the dungeon and were safe. He staggered and hugged Haeun tightly.


“Haeun-ah! my daughter….” 


Jung Jinho’s body trembled as he hugged Haeun tightly.


“Haeun, I only thought you were hurt… Why did you do such a dangerous thing?”




“I’m glad you’re safe.”


It was Jung Jinho who felt more relieved that Haeun was safe than the fact that she had awakened to EX-Class. 


Feeling her shoulders slightly damp, Haeun hugged her father tightly.


And R.


Awakening Broker Rick, who had set Haeun and her party into a trap, disappeared without a trace.


She doesn’t know if he escaped the dungeon by tricking everyone or if he moved from inside the dungeon, but since Haeun destroyed all the dungeons, if he were alive, he would have escaped from the dungeon.


Haeun vowed that she would never let him go alive if she ever saw him again.


Baek Soyeon, who fainted from the shock, was immediately taken to the hospital along with the injured Baek Doohan and Jung Jinho.


And today, a day later, Haeun heard that Baek Soyeon had regained her senses.


Haeun visited Baek Soyeon’s hospital room.


「Haeun Unnie!」

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Baek Soyeon, who found Haeun, struggled to get up from her seat. The doctors put the excited Baek Soyeon back on the bed.


Haeun approached Baek Soyeon. Soyeon’s face was completely in half.


「Are you okay?」


「Unnie, Unnie… Grandpa…」


「Your Grandfather is fine too. You too. Me too.」


Baek Soyeon finally burst into tears at Haeun’s words.


When Baek Soyeon opened her eyes, the first person she saw was Baek Doohan, so she already knew Baek Doohan was safe.


However, it felt like everything was over only when Haeun told her he was okay.


Baek Soyeon, who was crying sadly, was patted on the back by Haeun. 


「Unnie, hugh, I’m sorry. It’s not that I actually hated Unnie.」




「But in that dream… In the dream of Grandfather’s death, Unnie came out together…」


It was the first time Haeun had heard of it. Baek Soyeon cried sadly and confessed to the extent that the listeners were even sadder.


「If Unnie is with me, I’m afraid that Grandfather will really die like that dream. Everything I saw became real. So, so…」


「No one died.」


Haeun said firmly.


「There are some people who are slightly injured, but no one dies. So you don’t have to be afraid.」


「Hiiks, Unnie.」


「Soyeon, you saw it, too, right? I’m going to break everything.」


Haeun deliberately smiled mischievously.


「If someone bothers you, tell me. I’ll punish them too.」




「Soyeon’s four legs…」


Haeun looked at Baek Soyeon’s legs.


The still unmoving legs must have been because Baek Soyeon still didn’t accept the Constellation offering her a contract.


Originally, Haeun was planning to recommend Baek Soyeon to sign a contract with the constellation in order to find out the secrets related to the system. 


However, the restrictions that had been holding Haeun were gone.

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Haeun recalled the conversation she had with the constellation last night.


‘Why didn’t the numbers change in the dungeon?’


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ declares today as the anniversary of Haeun’s awakening, saying that this day has finally arrived.] 


‘Did you do something? Is that why the system didn’t work?’


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ declares to Haeun that she is very strong and will give her anything she wants.]


‘I’m free now, right? Huh? Give me an answer.’


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ is shouting that it’s not time to do this, but to have a celebration party]


‘Are you listening to me?’


It was a fruitless conversation.


She looked back at the situation at the time but couldn’t find out the exact reason.


It could have been the special influence of the S-Class dungeon, or Noodles had some influence because Noodle reacted when Haeun tried to use her power. 


However, Noodles is also still asleep, so she can’t ask anything. 


In any case, the most important thing here was the fact that even if the Constellation gave restrictions, there was a possibility to break the bondage and become free. 


If so, wouldn’t Baek Soyeon be free to act as she pleases? 


「Soyeon-ah, do you want to make a promise with Unnie?」


「What kind of…?」


「Even if it seems like someone is trying to do something bad to you, don’t be afraid to bump into them. Maybe it’s nothing more than what you’re afraid of.」


This is also what Haeun promised herself when she was young.


「If you’re scared, call me. I’ll solve it.」


「Haeun Unnie…」


「Well, I can manage it somehow. Is there no way?」


Baek Soyeon burst into tears. Haeun comforted Baek Soyeon for a while.


“Miss Jung Haeun.” 


As Baek Soyeon, exhausted from crying, fell asleep, Baek Doohan approached Haeun. Haeun was a little nervous.


Because Baek Doohan has always been hostile to Haeun. Although there was a good reason.


“I’m sorry for all this time.”


However, Baek Doohan bowed 90 degrees to Haeun. Haeun’s eyes widened.


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“I will never forget the grace that saved my life and my granddaughter’s life.”


He stared at her with a serious face.


“If you have anything to ask me, feel free to tell me. I will help you as far as I can.”


“Ah, thank you….” 


“I’m the one who’s thankful.”


Baek Doohan smiled softly at Haeun for the first time. Haeun felt her heart melt down somewhere because it was a face he had only shown to his granddaughter.


“Well, what are you going to do next? About Soyeon’s father.”


The person who pushed Baek Soyeon into the dungeon is none other than Baek Soyeon’s father, Brian Nelson. He said it was to fix Baek Soyeon’s disability, but that didn’t mean his actions could be forgiven.


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ says if it weren’t for Haeun, Baek Soyeon and Baek Doohan would have died in that dungeon.]


Baek Doohan let out a deep sigh. He said, rubbing his forehead with the tips of his fingers.


“I’m going to recommend Miyeon to get a divorce.”




“Yeah. Of course, because he doesn’t deserve to be a father. And I will no longer see him with my granddaughter. I thought he would put her in danger again.” 


Baek Doohan had a very angry expression. 


Even though Haeun understood his feelings, she felt sorry. It was because she had felt the presence of people hesitantly moving outside the door from earlier.


‘Wouldn’t it be nosy if I intervened?’


Haeun hesitated and decided to say just one word.


“I think Soyeon has to make a decision that will make her the happiest.”


Then she turned around and slid open the sliding door.


Brian, who had been leaning against her door and overhearing Haeun and Baek Doohan’s conversation, stumbled inside when the door suddenly opened. Baek Doohan’s eyes narrowed.






He avoided Baek Doohan’s gaze with an embarrassed face. Even so, he glanced at Baek Soyeon’s sleeping face.


From now on, the outsider has to leave, which is a matter for the family to solve. After brushing Baek Soyeon’s hair once, Haeun came out of the hospital room.


There was one more person standing outside the hospital room.


“Seo Dojoon-ssi.” 


In fact, the person who was injured the most in this dungeon was Seo Dojoon. Still, the treatment was over, but now he was free to dress. 


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Seo Dojoon, who approached Haeun, opened his mouth.


“Jung Haeun-nim.” 


“Jung Haeun-nim…?”


Haeun tilted her head at the sudden change of title.


What does it mean by Jung Haeun-nim? 


Haeun, who observed Seo Dojoon closely, soon realized that he was waiting for her answer with a very polite attitude.


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ nods, saying it should be.]


[He is glad that Haeun is being treated properly now.]


It was awkward to use the word ‘nim’ as an honorific suddenly, but Haeun didn’t bother to point out that.


Considering the hunter Seo Dojoon that Haeun had seen so far, he seemed to insist on using an honorific title even if Haeun told him to speak normally.


‘Ah, do whatever you want.’


In the midst of the fact that she is already EX-Class, does it matter whether Seo Dojoon calls Haeun ‘Haeun-ssi’ or ‘Haeun-nim’?


Haeun, who gave up halfway, came to have an understanding of the Pacific Ocean.


“May I ask when you are going back to Korea?”


But maybe this is too extreme. Haeun scratched her cheek, feeling her body shrink slightly.


“I don’t know. I think Dad will decide.”


“We’d better get back as soon as possible.”




Seo Dojoon showed Haeun his cell phone.


What appeared on the screen was a news site in English. Haeun’s eyebrows moved up and down when she saw that the voting results were posted along with a graph.


“Hunter Jung is an American hero. Korea cannot give Hunter Jung Haeun as much preferential treatment as the United States. The United States should provide citizenship to Hunter Chung. 97% in favor…?”


After reading the article, Haeun opened her mouth.


What citizenship suddenly? And why am I an American hero?


“What nonsense is this?”


“Since you awakened in America, they claim you to be an American Hunter.”


“Oh my…”


“And it’s also America’s plan that they shouldn’t miss Jung Haeun-nim.”


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ rings a fanfare to congratulate Haeun on becoming a popular star]

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