S-Class Except Me

Chapter 58

Lee Yoonkyung whispered urgently to Jung Jinho.

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“How did the reporters know about this place?”


“Has the tail been caught?”


“Where? There was no one until yesterday.”


At that time, a parcel box piled up on one side of the living room came into Lee Yoonkyung’s eyes.


“Could it be because of the courier?”


Haeun, who was eating potato chips, rolled her eyes. She opened the door when she saw that no one was outside. 


A strange silence fell in the living room. Just then, the doorbell rang again and the door rang.


“Are you there!”


The family kept their mouths shut as if they had promised. A loud voice came from outside.


“Wow, that’s strange. I’m sure I got a report that they saw Hunter Jung Haeun here this morning.” 


“I hope it’s not bullshit.” 


“No, it’s a little suspicious. A pension near the gate? It looks just right to hide.”


“And look at the National Weather Service article here. Two earthquakes of unknown cause occurred. There were also people who said that lightning fell from the dry sky. One hundred percent.”


It’s an emergency.


Jung Eunwoo, who was lying on the floor, jumped up. Jung Sehyun also put the book he was reading on the sofa and packed his clothes.


“Let’s go back.”


“Noona, hurry up.”


Haeun nodded and followed Jung Eunwoo and Jung Sehyun.


Then, for the target of coverage, even the S-Class Hunters cried, and the reporters with animal senses felt the presence and shouted. 


“I’m Park Sangmin from the Sewol Ilbo! Isn’t Jung Haeun Hunter here by any chance!” 


“Please have an interview! I’m Kim Ikhyun of Everyday Sports!” 


“Hunter Jung Haeun!” 


Hiik. Don’t call. It’s scary.


Jung Eunwoo hurriedly took the car key. He had to flee to the second shelter he had booked just in case.


There was a small back door next to the kitchen in this pension. And Jung Eunwoo’s car was parked right behind the pension.


Leaving all their luggage behind, the family hurriedly headed for the back door. Jung Sehyun suddenly opened the back door. 




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“H, Hunter Jung Haeun!” 


A reporter who was snooping around the parked car from behind spotted Haeun and shouted in a shrill voice. The reporters gathered in front of the pension heard the reporter’s cry and shouted.


“It’s in the back!”


“Come on! Hurry!”


“Hunter Jung Haeeeeun!” 


“Haeun! Hurry!” 


Lee Yoonkyung rushed to the reporter to heal.


He was a reporter in his 40s who stayed up all night for the past few days with the intention of writing his first exclusive article on Jung Haeun, a Korean treasure and EX-Class Awakener. How much did the bald manager yell at him for not performing well?


This time, he had the venom to catch the jackpot and press down on the bridge of the manager’s nose—.




Lee Yoonkyung’s 100% pure heal melted away the tension.


Haeun shouted as she jumped over the reporter who was falling down with a strange sound.




Her mother said she shouldn’t have jumped over people’s heads. 


Jung Eunwoo kicked open the door. The reporters who came running shouted when they saw this.


“Hunter Jung Haeun!” 


“Hey, everything is here! Exclusive! It’s a scoop!”


“Jung Haeun-nim! I would like an interview please!!”




Haeun hurriedly got into the car. Jung Sehyun followed, and Jung Jinho also got into the car.


Just before the car door closed, a chubby hand snapped in.




“Hunter Jung Jinho! Your daughter has awakened to EX-Class! How do you feel right now!”


There were no horror movies. The reporters seemed like they would jump right into an S-Class dungeon for a jackpot. They were full of smoke and their eyes were burning with the desire to get a scoop. 


Jung Jinho shouted to the children.


“Everyone, run away!”


“Hey, dump the car! Get off now!”


Jung Haeun and Jung Sehyun quickly got out of the car at Jung Eunwoo’s cry. Jung Jinho grabbed the reporter who was trying to follow him. Four of the six reporters remained.

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The children who survived thanks to the sacrifice of their mother and father ran madly toward the mountain behind them.


“Jung Haeun-ssi! Interview please!”


“Is it a parrot? They just say the same things.”


“Ouch! Where the hell did they know that we came here!” 


Jung Eunwoo got very nervous and jumped over a large rock with his long legs. Haeun’s heart was stabbed as she ran with her brown hair waving.


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ says it is all Haeun’s fault.]


‘I, I’m just guilty of moving the courier! And there was no one outside!’


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ whispers that the courier driver returned briefly.]




Haeun staggered in surprise. Fortunately, she didn’t fall.


‘Why didn’t you tell me that!’


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ answered that it was because he felt like Haeun would postpone the campaign for 1,000,000 years if she didn’t get caught.]


Her teeth trembled at the feeling of betrayal. Why is he telling her that she can trust him?


Hng. She wants to cry. 


As she climbed the mountain made of trails, she came across a fork in the road. Jung Sehyun breathed out and suggested. 


“Noona, Hyung. Let’s part way here.” 


“I have to get in the car to run away, so hide for a while and come back down!”


“Where are you going to see me?”


“See you in front of the separate collection point over there.”


Haeun nodded her head. I’m the master of hiding again. Even if I am like this, I am a person who has been hiding the fact of awakening for six years.


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ mumbles not to be proud of things like that.]


‘Get lost.’


So the three of them dispersed. 


Haeun recklessly climbed the mountain. The target is so deep that she can’t even see the hem of Haeun’s clothes.


As a result, Haeun achieved her goal. But—.


“Where is this?” 


Haeun looked around. All the same trees are densely packed. The reporters who had been chasing after Haeun were nowhere to be seen. 


The problem is that she can’t even see the exit from this mountain. The sun is even setting before she knows it.

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Moreover, this mountain was a mountain with a gate. Her parents say it’s okay because it’s closed now, but all the residents who lived nearby said it was ominous and moved out. 


Haeun also had to go down the mountain quickly. Haeun, who had already experienced a closed gate exploding, knew that this mountain wasn’t entirely safe. 


“Mom and Dad will be fine.”


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ says that the two of them are also S-Class.]


Well, as first-generation hunters, they were the Hunter couple who had already gone through all sorts of hardships. Haeun shook her head, trying to shake off her worries.


Srrrk. The leaves that still remained after the year were trampled on Haeun’s feet, making a breaking sound.


At the end of summer, when the sun went down, it got gradually colder in the mountains in the late evening. There is also a growling sound from the stomach—.


Ha, how did my life turn out this way?


Obviously she was living a life of sucking honey.


Then, a rustling sound was heard nearby. Haeun quickly turned around and looked around. There was nothing in the dark mountain.


“What, what is it?”


She got goosebumps. Surely it’s not a wild animal, right? She heard that wild boars sometimes appear in the mountains.


And at that moment, a small bolt of lightning struck Haeun in front of her.




Haeun was frightened and stepped back. For a moment the ground shook. Haeun, who immediately checked what had fallen in front of her, exclaimed nervously.


“Jung Eunwoo, are you crazy!” 


“Oh, was it you?”


Jung Eunwoo appeared from behind the tree, rustling. Haeun sighed and got angry.


“Are you going to kill me?”


“Sorry. I thought it was a boar.”


Is he really talking about a wild boar or just making fun of her? Haeun slowly opened her eyes and shot at him. 


“More than that! Are you thinking of using your abilities here? Are you going to tell the reporters where we are?”


“Because you surprised me! I thought something came out!”


“What are you going to do if an S-Class is surprised by something like that!”


“Tsk, what do you want me to do when I’m surprised!”


The brother and sister were tired because they had been complaining for a long time. Today was too spectacular to fight for a long time.


“Oh, Hyung. Noona.” 


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As if a magnet had stuck to the three of them, even Jung Sehyun appeared in front of Haeun and Eunwoo. Compared to Haeun and Jung Eunwoo, who seemed to have suffered a lot, Jung Sehyun was clean.  


Yeah. If it was Sehyun, he would know the way down. Haeun asked hopefully.


“Are you here to save us?”


“No. I’m lost, too.”




Haeun sat down. How could her family be all strays!


Jung Eunwoo dragged Ha-eun.


“Wake up, pig. You’ll have to go down.”


“Aren’t you losing your way?”


“Even so, we must unconditionally find an exit on our own and go down.”




Jung Eunwoo laughed at Haeun’s question.


“If you want to make your first broadcast appearance not at a government press conference, but at a rescue site, stay as it is. <EX-Class Awakener Jung Haeun. She’s in distress on a hill in Gyeonggi-do>. You’ll kill the headline once.”


In an instant, she got goosebumps. Haeun jumped up.


“Let’s go.” 


However, at the same time as Haeun moved,


“H, huh?” 


The ground supporting the three of them shook and began to collapse with a huge hole.


The starting point of the hole was obviously where Jung Eunwoo struck the lightning.


It can’t be… again? 


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ shouts Ding Dong Daeng]


“Aaargh! Jung Eunwoo!”


It doesn’t help anyway!!!


With Haeun’s shouting, the three fell sharply into the darkness.


There was nothing to calm down. It was just inside the dungeon in an instant. Haeun looked up at the ceiling of the dungeon in vain.


The dim light gradually disappears.




The dungeon that swallowed the three people closed the entrance with a roar. 

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