S-Class Except Me

Chapter 59

There was silence between the three siblings.

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The person who broke the silence was Jung Sehyun. 


“Hyung, this is because of Hyung.” 


Jung Eunwoo got angry.


“Do you want to die? Why is this because of me?”


“You struck a thunderbolt earlier. Didn’t you hear from mom that there’s a gate on this mountain? It seems that the use of the ability earlier was the starting point. It’s a starting point, Hyung. starting point.” 


“Why do you say ‘point’ quietly?” 


“Anyway, because of Hyung’s careless behavior, we all ended up in a dungeon.” 


“That’s right! Why are you using your abilities unnecessarily? Are you a fool?” 


Haeun sided with Jung Sehyun and attacked Jung Eunwoo. Jung Eunwoo, driven into a corner, opened his mouth and eventually scratched his head and exclaimed annoyedly.


“I got it! It’s my fault! Satisfied?” 


“Hyung. You owe us one.”


“Yay. What should I rip off?”


“Children of thieves… So how are we going to get out of here?”


Haeun looked through the system.


[SYSTEM: The grade of the dungeon is E-Class.] 


“It’s an E-Class.”


The dungeon system can be viewed by anyone who has awakened. Jung Eunwoo and Jung Sehyun’s expressions brightened when they saw the same alarm. 


If it is E-Class, it is classified as a low-grade dungeon. The two S-rankers, Jung Eunwoo and Jung Sehyun, had a difficulty level that they entered when they happened to go to training for new recruits or to observe.


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ is upset, saying that even low level players will be able to attack this.]


The Constellation is also saying that.


They’ll be able to go back after finishing the attack, right?


* * *


“The next question, Hunter Jung Jinho.”


“Yes. Go ahead.”


“It’s probably your daughter’s first time as a hunter, so it’s even more meaningful. What kind of weapon do you plan to make for Hunter Jung Haeun?” 

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That’s a good question. Next to him, a reporter nodded and held up his pen. On the cell phones displayed side by side in front of Jung Jinho and Lee Yoonkyung, a screen saying that they were recording came up.


“There are rumors going around that Hunter Jung Jinho will make Legendary or higher items. Have you discussed this with the other people waiting for the reservation?”


Jung Jinho laughed.


What discussion? He hasn’t been able to get any contact yet. Rather, to avoid the pouring contact, didn’t they come to a pension that no one knows about in a mountain valley in Gyeonggi-do? 


The reporters, who followed Haeun and the children, returned to Jung Jinho and Lee Yoonkyung before they knew it. Instead of going into the mountains to look for 20-year-olds with a lot of energy who might have run away, it was better to look for their parents. 


And their predictions were right. It was because Jung Jinho and Lee Yoonkyung responded cooperatively to reporters’ questions even for the sake of the children’s safety.


“I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you that yet. This is something that needs to be discussed in advance. I will tell you later at the official announcement venue.”


Even though he often passed with questions he couldn’t answer. 


In any case, the reporters were excited because they were able to write an exclusive article about the one and only EX-class Jung Haeun Awakener.


While answering reporters’ questions, Jung Jinho and Lee Yoonkyung occasionally glanced toward the mountain where the three siblings had fled. 


Suddenly, the day got very dark. They just hoped that the children had safely escaped to the next pension while they were tying up reporters.


It was then. What they felt was the flow of energy splitting into something.


“Then, what will be the schedule for the future—” 




Jung Jinho interrupted the reporter. And at the same time, the ground shook and there was a short bang. Confused reporters looked around.




“Is it an earthquake?”


It was an intensity that even non-Awakened people could feel. There seemed to be aftershocks for a while, but they soon subsided. Relieved reporters let out a sigh of relief when the earthquake did not continue.


Tring— triing- triiing.


At that time, a safety text message appeared on the cell phone that was lined up side by side for recording.


[Ministry of Dungeon Management and Safety] August 29, 19:39 A dungeon break occurred in Cheolmasan, Jinjeop-eup, Namyangju-si, Gyeonggi-do. Dungeon rating currently being checked. Residents should evacuate immediately to the nearest shelter.




“If it’s Cheolmasan, isn’t it here?”


The reporters who checked the contents of the text were agitated. Lee Yoonkyung jumped up from her seat and looked toward the mountain where the children had disappeared. 




* * *


“Hyung, Noona.” 


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“Don’t you feel like we’re always going around the same place?”


Jung Sehyun pointed to the pile of stones in the corner and said. It was a trace of Jung Eunwoo sweeping away monsters that suddenly popped out earlier. Haeun frowned at Jung Sehyun’s question.


“That’s true.”


Jung Sehyun checked the system once again.


[SYSTEM: View the entered dungeon information.]


[Maximum number of people allowed to enter Maze (E): 3/200


Feature: Labyrinth


Clear condition: Find the way out. 


Reward: Commemorative Stone for Successful Escape (E)


Failure: No penalty]


It is a light dungeon with no special rewards or penalties. If it’s a dungeon like this, even if they throw in a freshly awakened E-Class Hunter, it will come back alive.


The only problem is that Dungeon’s characteristic was a maze—.


“I think we’ve lost our way.”


It’s just that the three siblings of the Jung family didn’t have any talent for finding their way. 


Dungeon raids were usually conducted in teams, so there was no such thing as getting lost.


Haeun’s expression became serious. The Constellation was still whispering to Haeun.


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ asks why she keeps going around the same place to kill time.]


She thought he was just saying it, but they were really lost?


In that sense, this dungeon was much more difficult than the S-Class dungeons she experienced in the US. 


Are the levels of the monsters popping out of nowhere high? Absolutely not. Monsters that live in E-Class dungeons are E-Class at best. According to Jung Eunwoo, it was a level where he could fly even with the wind of his nose. It actually was. 




Jung Eunwoo asked, burning the monster that pops out without getting tired with lightning.


“Is there any item to find the way? Didn’t Dad make one the other day? It’s shaped like a compass.”


“The guild leader lent it to me for a while.”


“Oh, my.”


“The exit is… of course not?”

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Haeun and Jung Eunwoo nodded their heads at the same time. Jung Sehyun shrugged as if he knew it would happen.


“Hmm. What then? If we keep moving like this, I think we’ll only go around the same place.” 


“My legs are a little sore now…” 


“Hey, Jung Haeun. Why don’t you just wipe it out?” 


She heard that the S-Class dungeon in the U.S. also escaped by destroying it in that way. It was an ignorant method, but one thing was certain that they could get out.


“Shall we?”


Haeun smiled and raised her head. Jung Eunwoo and Jung Sehyun looked at Haeun with slightly anticipated faces. They wonder how powerful EX’s power will be.


Around Haeun, who took a deep breath, golden orbs began to form one by one. Haeun’s energy, rising like a soap bubble, took over the space in an instant.




“Oh, the dungeon vibrates.”




“…Doesn’t it vibrate a little too much?”


The trembling earth created an ominous feeling. Goosebumps appeared all over Jung Eunwoo and Jung Sehyun. They feel a chill in the back.


It looked like Haeun was trying to pour enough water to fill a big swimming pool when all she really needed was a paper cup of water. 


Then the paper cup will be filled with water.


However, that paper cup will also break.


And here, those who become the fate of the paper cup are Jung Eunwoo and Jung Sehyun. 


“Hey hey hey. Stop, stop.” 


Feeling ominous, Jung Eunwoo grabbed Haeun’s hand. Then, fortunately, the energy that filled the space died down calmly. Haeun raised her eyebrows.


“Why? You told me to.”


“We will all be swept away. It’s only an E-Class, so what kind of power do you use that much?” 


“You don’t have to do this much to break it.”


“Hey. Do it half and half.” 


Haeun clicked her tongue at Jung Eunwoo’s criticism and focused again.


It must be powerful enough to nullify this space at once, but not excessively.


It’s easy to beat and pour, but she has never tried making fine adjustments. 


Eventually, a mistake was made.

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The condensed energy exploded and scratched Haeun’s hand. Haeun stopped using her powers and Jung Sehyun ran to Haeun.


“Noona! Are you okay?” 


“Hey, you’re bleeding!”


Jung Eunwoo was surprised to see red blood flowing on the back of Haeun’s hand.


“Give me your hand, Noona.”


Jung Sehyun took a handkerchief out of his pocket and pressed it on the back of Haeun’s hand, putting pressure on her wound. It must have been deeply cut, and the handkerchief was immediately stained with red blood. Jung Eunwoo frowned.


“Crazy. Aren’t you hurt?” 


“Blood keeps flowing. We have to leave soon. Let’s ask mom to cure it.” 


“If you’re inexperienced in control, you can talk. If you do it wrong, you will be in big trouble. You are making the mistake that rookies do.”


“Noona only awakened quickly, she has almost no actual attack experience.”


Jung Sehyun was right. This was due to lack of experience. 


Looking back, Haeun only knew how to break things, but she didn’t know how to use her abilities effectively. No one has ever taught her about this power, and she has never used it before. 


Jung Eunwoo looked down at Haeun with an expression like a trainer contemplating how to roll a member who registered for PT.


“We have a long way to go.”




Somehow feeling resentful, Haeun pouted.


She came back to the starting point with only a useless injury. The three put their heads together and pondered. How do they get out now?


It’s a maze-type dungeon, so they just have to find a way. They just need to find a way—.


No one is there to help them find their way.


As if the capacity of the dungeon was 200, it would have been over quickly if there were so many people that could look around everywhere. 




At that moment, a good idea popped into her head. Haeun quickly turned to Jung Sehyun. 






Jung Sehyun replied as if he had been waiting. 


Sehyun’s ability is mental magic including brainwashing. And even though there are only three of them, there are many monsters who will do the work for the three of them. 


“Our Sehyunie, shall we measure your abilities today?”

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