S-Class Except Me

Chapter 73

“Haeun is late.”

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In front of the central stairs going up to the area of the 3rd-floor boss monster demon Nebiros.


Choi Yeojin, who was looking at the harvested items, murmured anxiously.


Half of the entire team had already gathered. Seo Dojoon arrived first, followed by Choi Yeojin and Yoo Jihyun, who returned after completing the raid. They also received a call from Oh Jinyoung and Kwon Joongseo that they would arrive soon.


Haeun is the only one who has no news.


“Shouldn’t we look for her?”


Choi Yeojin carefully asked Seo Dojoon’s opinion.


“What if there’s an accident?”


Seo Dojoon was silent with a troubled face.


Just then, people arrived to bring news to those who had been waiting. The team of Kwon Joongseo and Oh Jinyoung was returning from afar. The two of them were arguing in a loud voice that could be heard from afar.


“No, I told you it’s true? Mister, don’t you believe me?”


“It’s not that I don’t believe you, Jinyoung… It’s common sense, doesn’t it? Does the guild leader have such a temper? Were you just dreaming for a while?”


“It’s true! I saw it clearly with my own eyes! In a place where there are no people, the two of them— huh?”


Oh Jinyoung’s eyes shook in embarrassment when he found Seo Dojoon waiting with arms crossed at the place where everyone was supposed to gather.


In fact, Oh Jinyoung had a lot of complaints about Haeun’s participation in the raid.


Oh Jinyoung’s awakening rank was quite high at A-Class, but he was dissatisfied with his own rank. He first refused to admit that he was only an A-Class.


‘A member of the top guild in Korea, who uses 4 additional stats and 5 skills?’


He thought he should be judged as S-Class.


And, of course, S-Class Hunters need the best items, epic items.


If everything went as planned, he could get an item that fits with his honor this time. Right after that, he was assigned a dungeon that was predicted to contain epic items!


‘Let’s go!’


Looking forward to the day he entered the dungeon, he also named his new weapon. He thought it would be moderately dignified and okay if it were <The Ruler of Flesh and Ruin Trapped in Darkness>.


“We will also have Hunter Jung Haeun accompany us in this raid.”


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However, the plan went awry when Jung Haeun, who is said to be an EX-Class Awakener, suddenly joined the raid.


That wasn’t enough, so the destination was changed to the B-class dungeon <The Mansion of Nebiros> instead of the A-Class dungeon they originally planned to attack.


On the other hand, the A-class dungeon where his lovely partner, <The Ruler of Flesh and Ruin Trapped in Darkness>, and the blood phage will be waiting, will be led by the auxiliary team that they decided to enter together.


It was like a dog chasing a chicken and only staring at the roof.


It was only natural that Oh Jinyoung’s attitude towards Haeun would become crooked.


‘Are you abusing your power because you’re EX?’


In Hunter society, rank was justice and standard. However, Oh Jinyoung thought that the current situation was unfair because he didn’t consider himself to be A-Class.


The inferiority complex about the grade that was sleeping deep inside him began to leak out.


And the moment when Haeun wiped out the monster in Area A.




Oh Jinyoung realized how shabby he was and felt shame at the same time.


How ridiculous he must have looked to that person.


After feeling the difference in Haeun’s overwhelming strength, he couldn’t say that he was a man comparable to an S-Class.


If he had owned an epic item, would he have been able to do it like Haeun? No, he instinctively felt that he couldn’t do that.


Haeun completely destroyed Oh Jinyoung’s bluffing pride that he wore like a protective film.


This served as an opportunity for Oh Jinyoung’s attitude toward Haeun to change more hostilely.


Oh Jinyoung quarreled with each and every one of Haeun’s attitudes. And when Haeun tried to show off her strength, he snatched the opportunity. It was as if he was trying to prove that he was the strongest person here.


The reason he agreed to split up from the second floor was because he wanted to beat Haeun properly to prove his skills and flatten the opponent’s nose.


Therefore, he focused much more than usual, finished his attack quickly, and immediately found Haeun.


However, Haeun was dating the guild leader in a place where people didn’t see her.


Of course, at the time they met, he was surprised to witness the guild leader’s act of deep love, so he apologized and left the scene without even realizing it.


However, Seo Dojoon, who was with Haeun only a few minutes ago, was now with other team members.


“Why is the guild leader here?”

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“What does that mean, Oh Jinyoung?”


Oh Jinyoung rolled his eyes.


Something was off. Oh Jinyoung, who was thinking hard, grasped the situation before long.


‘So it’s Nightmare.’


What was next to Jung Haeun was not the real Seo Dojoon, but a demon who possessed people. Jeong Haeun was possessed by the demon and was foolishly distracted.


Seeing that Nightmare changed into Seo Dojoon’s appearance, it seemed that he dared to like the guild leader on the subject.


When he realized that his opponent had been tricked by something like Nightmare, Oh Jinyoung’s mood suddenly rose vertically. He is better than her, ha.


“Oh Jinyoung, what about Hunter Jung Haeun?”


Oh Jinyoung grinned and said to Yoo Jihyun, who asked about Haeun’s whereabouts.


“I’m not sure, I guess she’s having a good time somewhere.”


“What are you talking about?”


“I say she’s having a really fun time. Maybe it’s because she’s an EX-Class. Rather, why don’t we just ignore that person and go up to the 3rd floor by ourselves?”


Oh Jinyoung, who thought this was an opportunity when Haeun wasn’t around, suddenly suggested it.


“Let’s clear this dungeon quickly. Rooting is all ruined, so there’s no need to keep wasting time here. Hurry up and join the dungeon we originally planned to go to…”


It was then.




Suddenly, the building in the dungeon rang loudly.


The people who had been gathering freely became alert for a moment.


The vibration lasted short and ended quickly. However, it was safe to say that there was no possibility that an unusual phenomenon in the dungeon would lead to a good thing, so everyone’s faces hardened.


Seo Dojoon stepped forward.


“Hunter Oh Jinyoung.”


Oh Jinyoung, who had been fiddling around as if he had a motor in his mouth, stood up at a word from Seo Dojoon.


“Did you see Haeun-ssi?”

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“W, why do you ask me that? I don’t know.”


“Hunter Oh Jinyoung, I don’t say it twice.”


In an instant, the atmosphere turned cold. Choi Yeojin, who was worried about Haeun, Yoo Jihyun, who took out her sword at the sudden earthquake, and Kwon Joongseo, who was hurriedly trying to pack his things, all stopped moving.


And Oh Jinyoung, who was pointed out by Seo Dojoon, was nervous and broke into a cold sweat.


“Hunter Oh Jinyoung?”


“A, actually…”


Overwhelmed by the momentum, Oh Jinyoung eventually confessed that he had seen Haeun captured by the Nightmare.


He couldn’t bear to say that it was Seo Dojoon who became the Nightmare. However, Kwon Joongseo, who had been listening to Oh Jinyoung’s story the whole time, noticed the situation and swallowed the embarrassment.


Seo Dojoon let out a short laugh.


“So, did you just pass by after watching it?”


“W, we decided to split up and take care of ourselves…”


“I also told everyone to cooperate together when a dangerous situation occurs.”


Oh Jinyoung closed his mouth at Seo Dojoon’s criticism.


Seo Dojoon was also aware that Oh Jinyoung was secretly picking a fight with Haeun. However, the problem was that it was difficult to point out because it was at the level of gently touching the face, so it was difficult to deal with it at the level of paying more attention.


The guild leader is trying to recruit Haeun to the Ahyeon guild, but his team member, not anyone else, is interfering. This wasn’t the day he planned.


At his feet, black magic power flowed like a shadow in the sunset. The other guild members who were watching gulped their saliva, not even thinking about interfering.


Seo Dojoon gloomily groaned.


“So you didn’t do anything wrong?”


“It’s E, EX-Class, so there’s nothing to worry about! And the fact that we finally came to the B-Class dungeon today was because that person wanted to come. Then, of course, she should know how to do it by herself…”


“Didn’t I ask for your consent first in the first place? I think I definitely gave you a choice. If you don’t want to participate in this dungeon attack, you can skip it.”


There would be no guild members who would openly oppose the fact that the guild leader was inviting a special hunter.


However, once he decided to follow it, he had to follow it without hesitation until the end. Not being so uncooperative.


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“An earthquake occurred in <The Mansion of Nebiros>, which shouldn’t have happened.”


There was a bitter smile on his expressionless face. At the same time, the black magic that was hovering at his feet turned toward Oh Jinyoung.




Oh Jinyoung was swallowed up by magical power like an endless swamp. Oh Jinyoung’s face turned white.


The elongated mana was like a gigantic snake with its mouth wide open. Oh Jinyoung, who had become a shivering herbivore, grabbed him by the neck and gasped for breath.


Choi Yeojin urgently stopped Seo Dojoon.


“Guild leader! Please stop it!”


“Get out of the way, Choi Yeojin-ssi.”


“It’s Jinyoung’s fault, but let’s find Haeun first!”


As if mentioning Haeun had an effect. Seo Dojoon let go of Oh Jinyoung.


Oh Jinyoung, who barely escaped from the suffocating black space, shed tears while trembling. He didn’t even think to raise his head. It seemed that if his eyes met, he would be consumed by his deep magical powers again.


Seo Dojoon, who had been acting like a pushover in front of Haeun, disappeared, and Seo Dojoon, the former No. 1 ranking and Ahyeon Guild leader, looked down at Oh Jinyoung.


Seo Dojoon said coldly.


“The attack must be carried out as a team. If you don’t cooperate with each other, no matter how low the level of the dungeon, you will not be able to escape safely. Jinyoung, you aren’t even a beginner who has just started raiding, and don’t have the experience to know that, so why are you acting foolishly?”


“I, I was wrong.”


“Of course, Ha-eun is neither a member of Ahyeon’s guild nor a member of your team. However, since she decided to join us in this raid, we had to act like a team. But I don’t know how to interpret this disappointing situation.”


Everyone held their breath at the insidious rising spirit of S-Class.


The weak bow their heads before the strong. That was the absolute rule of the Hunter world.


In the first place, Haeun, who was an EX-Class but behaved like a dull person, was an unusual case.


“Find Hunter Jung Haeun. Right now.”




Everyone ran out at the same time as if they were united.


Seo Dojoon frowned as he saw guild members stretching out in all directions. The overflowing magic shook ominously as if to represent his mood.

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