S-Class Except Me

Chapter 74

Haeun held her breath.

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The man in the front flicked his finger.


The circular entrance began to revolve around the opponent like a universe. The slow movement gradually picked up speed, and the boundaries became ambiguous, as if all the spaces had merged into one.


There was a flash of light between them. The flashing yellow light was torn to shreds and dispersed into countless spaces.




Suddenly, an explosion sounded like it would tear her ears apart.


[SYSTEM: You have killed the skeleton!]


[SYSTEM: You have killed a low-level demon!]


[SYSTEM: You have killed the skeleton at the same time!]


Haeun leaned down, holding onto the shaking tree.


The explosion wasn’t just in the garden. The screams of monsters could be heard, along with explosions in the garden and throughout the mansion. It was so amazing that the system window was continuously updated without the slightest delay. 


The lucky skeletons who barely survived were flustered and confused. However, an oval portal immediately appeared above the skeleton’s head. The bones that were bulging like kneading clay exploded. There was no abnormality, and the skeleton turned into powder, leaving only traces.


Gulp. Haeun swallowed her saliva without even making a sound.


She doesn’t know how many spaces they are managing.


It was as if the opponent was holding dozens of threads and dancing while adjusting them so that none of them were twisted. It was different from Haeun, whose legs were twisted and fell even with a single thread.


Really everything was instantaneous.




“Be quiet, Noodle. They can hear you.” 


Ever since it woke up, Haeun whispered while holding down Noodle that had been dancing wildly.


As much as she was amazed by the opponent’s skills, she felt anxious at the same time.


Who on earth is that person? 


There was no one stronger than Haeun in this world. 


It wasn’t just bragging, and it was the truth. Jung Haeun was the only person who was ranked No. 1 in the world on the system and, above all, was judged to be EX-class.


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However, watching her opponent’s movements, she thought she could lose. The others around are not easy too.


Could it be that there were others besides me?




The wind went away, and the opponent stepped on a pile of bones and stood on it. Yeah, the floating portals looked hideous. It was like beasts who showed their teeth and urged them to give up their prey.


There are no more living monsters in this space.


The opponent laughed. Tak, the fingers snapped and jumped.




The open spaces disappeared in an instant. The space that had been compressed to the limit exploded at the same time, causing a chain reaction.


The sharp waves spreading in all directions aimed at Haeun’s neck, who was hiding. Surprised by the magic trying to slit her throat, Haeun hurriedly raised her hand. A golden haze drew a long line. 




The long, jagged dimensions engulfed the flying magic, which collided and exploded. In the aftermath, Haeun was thrown from the tree.




Haeun, who had rolled on the floor, jumped up. Her forehead was stinging, but she didn’t have time to check it. She gets goosebumps all over. An instinctive sense warned Haeun.


She got caught!


“Damn it.”


Haeun hurriedly grabbed Noodle tightly so as not to miss it. The opponent who discovered Haeun’s existence was rushing towards Haeun at full speed.


The hair on her head stood out from the terrifying energy.


Haeun’s mind was filled with the fear that she might die for the first time.


The opponent is close.


Haeun raised her magic with all her might.


At that moment, a system window came to mind.


[SYSTEM: The owner of the belongings, the demon Nebiros, refuses to watch any more.]


Right before the pouring golden mana reached Haeun, Haeun’s body twisted mercilessly. As the space distorted, the blazing sunlight moved away, and the light that had been shining in front of Haeun’s eyes also disappeared.




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The portrait that Haeun removed the red cloth burned, leaving only the frame.


A dark and gloomy interior caught her eye. The sound of heavy raindrops pounding on the window rang irregularly.


It’s back again.




Haeun collapsed on her spot in an instant and let out the breath she had been holding back. She rubbed her head in a hurry. She could feel that death had permeated and disappeared right before her eyes.


A cold sweat flowed and she got goosebumps at the same time.


It was because Ha-eun had never felt that her life was in danger in her entire life since she was chosen by the Constellation and awakened.


At the same time, the words of the Constellation that had been blocked entered into Haeun’s head like a flood.


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ asks Haeun why she’s suddenly standing still and if she’s okay.]


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ belatedly notices Haeun’s abnormal condition]


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ is very flustered to find out he is not communicating with the contractor.]


Her head felt like it was about to explode from an overload at the sudden voices. Haeun muttered painfully as she grabbed her hair.


“Stop, I can hear you now, so stop talking.”


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ jumps in surprise at Haeun’s response.]


[He cries because he worried she could finally hear his words.]


[He asked Haeun why she suddenly didn’t hear his voice, saying that he thought the contract was going to end like this.]


“I don’t know either.”


Haeun answered with a hoarse voice and shook her head. Her heart was still beating like crazy. Her tense body couldn’t stand the change and shook so much that it hurt.


She almost died for sure.


Then, a voice came from behind Haeun.


“I’ve never put a human in my collection.”


Haeun turned her head in surprise. The dark red-skinned demon floated in the air.




The burned portrait reappeared in Nebiros’ hand, rolled up. Haeun hesitated and stood up from her seat.


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The demon with the portrait in his arms folded his wings and came down to the floor.




The demon with curved goat horns was dressed like a medieval aristocrat. As for the upper part, he wore a shirt and vest with richly decorated lace on the chest, and as the lower part, he wore tights-type pants.


The demon, who even wore pointy shoes that towered high toward the sky, was different from the other low-level demons she had encountered so far.


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ tells Haeun to hurry up and prepare, and that guy is the demon Nebiros, the owner of this dungeon.]


Damn it. There’s still no strength in her body. The moment the opponent rushed at Haeun, it seemed that the magic that remained in her body had been scraped off and burned.


She would have lived thanks to that, but now, well, thanks to him, she will die.


Haeun took the dagger first.




However, as soon as Haeun took out the dagger, all the rest of the parts were crushed into powder except for the handle. It was the aftermath of the explosion in the record.


Haeun looked surprised and frustrated at the same time.


“I’m in trouble.”


Dad made this item for her!


It was an item that he made overnight for several days with the conviction that his beloved daughter’s first weapon must have been made by himself.


But that item! Haeun! Jung Jinho will probably faint with foam in his mouth if he finds out that she has turned it into scrap metal with only one dungeon outing.




Noodle hiding behind Haeun’s back stuck out its head. Noodles flicked its tongue at Nebiros.


Nebiros, who discovered the Noodle’s presence, narrowed his eyes. He lazily brushed his scanty beard, which he tied with his ribbon.


“It’s interesting.”




Haeun, who was wiping away tears while praying for the dagger’s soul, spoke to him to pass the time.


Fortunately, Nebiros acted as Haeun intended.


“I remember every creature I encountered. In particular, there is no one who is more knowledgeable about animals and plants than me.”


“Wow, really? That’s amazing.”

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“By the way, the snake is a strange being. It’s definitely something I know, but it’s in a different shape. Where did you get it?”


“I got it from another dungeon. Do you know <90th Night>?”


“I don’t know.”


“I got it there.”


To be precise, Haeun directly from the beginning, but she omitted such a trivial point.


For a moment, the eyes seemed to be searching. And soon Nebiros let out his interesting snort.


“I understand. It must have been received from the Constellation.”


Haeun opened her eyes wide in surprise. There was an unexpected word coming out.


“Noodle, the Constellation gave it?”


“It’s like energy.”




The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ has never given Noodle to Haeun.


Therefore, according to Nebiros, it is clear that another being approached Haeun. Although Haeun didn’t notice this.


It was a topic that Haeun, who had always been curious about the existence of a Constellation, had no choice but to respond to.


“Tell me!”


A strange light appeared in Nebiros’ eyes.


“If you give me a gift that will satisfy me, I will answer your questions.”


And at that moment, a system window came in front of Haeun.


[SYSTEM: An additional special quest is in progress.]


[Nebiros, an elegant and dignified demon, enjoys a grand dinner. He is interested in you and is considering inviting you to dinner.


However, a person without dignity doesn’t deserve his favor, so he wants to check your dignity before inviting you to dinner.


Prepare a gift that will pass Nebiros’s standards.


Reward: An invitation to dinner by Nebiros. An answer to a question.


Failure: I despise you for not being classy. Devil Nebi Ross’ hostility increased by 200%]

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