S-Class Except Me

Chapter 85

“Okay. Seo Dojoon-ssi you also have an attack schedule starting today, right? Are you going in now?”

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– Yes. It will take about a week to complete the attack. I’m sorry to leave you all of a sudden.


“It can’t be helped. And I heard it was a schedule that had been scheduled before.


– Yes. However, I will try to proceed with the attack as quickly as possible. I can’t contact you from inside the dungeon, so I’ll call you back after I’m back.


“Yes. Be careful.”


I heard a low laugh over my phone for a moment.


– Haeun-ssi, too.


A short phone call was cut off after the remark.


Haeun-ssi, too.


Haeun-ssi, too.


Haeun-ssi, too.


Haeun, whose fever rose for no reason at the last voice of Seo Dojoon that lingered in her ears, cooled her cheek with the back of her hand. It’s not a big deal, but her cheeks were hot. It tickles like a butterfly flying in the stomach.


Seeing Haeun’s unusual reaction, Jung Sehyun narrowed his eyes.


“What is it, Noona?”




Take it well and say spam. Jung Sehyun twisted his lips at the insincere lie.


“It was Hunter Seo Dojoon. But what’s wrong with the phone call?”


“What do you mean?”


“Just like lovers do… Are you two dating? You said no before.”


“It is not?”


Haeun pretended to be innocent.


The contract relationship between the two was not yet disclosed. This is because, starting today, Seo Dojoon will be away for a week due to dungeon raids.


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She’s trying to do what they already decided to do, but she can’t announce her romantic relationship alone. When Seo Dojoon returns, they will make an official announcement then.


However, despite Haeun’s denial, Jung Sehyun didn’t appear to believe it. Jung Sehyun stared at Haeun’s face. Haeun secretly avoided his gaze at the burdensome gaze.


“I’m going to get a hole in my face, Sehyun-ah.”


“Is it really not true? Really? Can you swear by looking me in the eye?”


I can’t swear when I look into your eyes. Haeun shut her mouth. It was an exercise of the right to remain silent.


Jung Sehyun sighed at Haeun’s stubbornness. Judging from the reaction, it seemed like they were really dating.


It was an unpleasant ending for Jung Sehyun, who had kept Ahyeon’s guild leader in check from the beginning. 


Although Seo Dojoon is a strong hunter, he is not as strong as Haeun, right? In Sehyun’s opinion, his older sister had to meet a man stronger than her or at least equal to her.  To the point where he can nod his head and understand it.


“First, I got it.” 


However, even if he questioned Haeun here, nothing could be gained from her as her younger brother, so Sehyun quietly withdrew.


“It wouldn’t be if it weren’t for Noona. Rather than that, let’s go. We will be late for the appointment.”


“Ah, okay.” 


Haeun, who was relieved, smiled brightly.


But Haeun didn’t know. The fact that Jung Sehyun was quickly sending a message somewhere without Haeun’s knowledge.


And the fact that the message that flew to someone would cause a huge aftermath and return to Haeun.


* * *


The sweet scent of cheap coffee rises.


Haeun looked inside the office. She can see a few wooden tables, a bookcase with a few books in it, and a clock that is about five minutes slow.


Next to it, there is a table with a basket containing coffee mix, and on the floor, there is a flowerpot planted with Sansevieria like a loner. The plant was half dead and wilted, so it must have been a while since they didn’t water it. 


‘That’s a really easy plant to grow.’


It is an office that really gives off the feeling that it has only an assortment.


“Hahaha. Cheolsu and Younghee. It’s a very Korean name. Both of you are from the Kim family!”

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Park Sucheol, the guild leader of the Zenith Guild, burst into laughter after checking their resume. It seems that the person himself doesn’t know if his name is reversed to be Cheolsu. 


“Welcome! Wasn’t it difficult to come? Our guild is a little far away, right?”


“That’s not true. I’m on my way to join a great guild, and there’s no way it’s difficult.” 


“Maybe it’s because the beach is right in front of me, so it feels like the lump in my heart is being pierced.”


“Hahaha, you have a lot of expression. That’s right. That’s why I built a guild building here.”


Park Sucheol laughed loudly. If she looks at it like this, it looks like an ordinary neighborhood man.


Hwang Soomin’s opinion is that that person could be the president who mediates illegal awakenings and collects commissions. The guild is a means to avoid the eyes of suspicion.


Really, she can’t judge a person by their appearance.


Inducing artificial awakening is illegal under the Non-Awakened Protection Act. In the first place, there is no such thing as an accurate awakening method, and it is only natural to push people to death and hope that good luck will occur.


Haeun said as she looked around the empty office except for Park Sucheol and a woman who appeared to be an accounting employee.


“Where have all the other guild members gone?”


“Haha. They’re going to raid. We always have an attack schedule. Everyone is active, so they’re not in the office often.” 


“I see.” 


Maybe there were victims who went through something similar to Baek Soyeon here too. Ha-un quietly clenched her fists. 


“Your home is not Incheon. You came from Gangwon-do, so you came from afar. May I ask why you came to apply for our guild?”


The interview was conducted in earnest. As Jeong Sehyun prepared in advance, he began to tell the story of his difficult life as an F-Class.


“…I can’t hear well in my right ear since I failed to reawaken.”


He even shed tears when talking about the part that caused his disability. Anyone can see that it is the appearance of an F-Class Hunter who has suffered a lot in prenatal battles.


“There have been times when accidents in dungeons almost happened because of this guy’s ears. It’s dangerous because I can’t hear it when they shout to avoid it.”


“Oh my. You must have suffered a lot.”


“I lived my life, but I couldn’t work anymore. Since there is no place to accept me… But does the Zenith Guild really accept even F-Class hunters?”


“Of course. We are open to anyone. It is our guild’s creed that you should get the same opportunities regardless of rank, whether it’s S-Class or F-Class!” 

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Park Sucheol clenched his fists and shouted. He looks like a religious leader who leads believers. Park Sucheol said while holding Jung Sehyun’s hand. 


“Welcome. If you are here, you will be able to make your dream come true. Do you want to succeed as a Hunter? It is possible with our Zenith Guild!”


“Guild leader…! I will only trust and follow the guild leader!”


“Yeah, Cheolsu-ssi! That’s it!” 


The two embraced warmly. In the touching scene, Haeun, as a similar E-Class awakener, secretly wiped away tears and clapped. 


“Then, please sign the membership application form first.”


Haeun sneakily checked the prepared contract.




An exclamation came naturally.


[The Constellation ‘Mutant of the Abyss’ says that Daehan was a fairy after looking at this contract.]


‘I know. I didn’t know that I would think that Daehan Guild was a gentleman for the rest of my life.’ 


The default fee is 40%. It means that almost half of the amount will be taken in the commission’s name. Daehan wasn’t to this extent. Isn’t this a thief?


Park Sucheol greased his tongue and rumbled as if he had noticed their unusual expression.


“As much as we try to give everyone a chance, there are some costs.”


“It’s a sign of the sincerity.”


“Haha. What does Cheolsu-ssi know? As expected, you also have thick bones in the Hunter world. That’s right. It’s a sign of sincerity. That’s why we do our best to give the best to our guild members.”


“I understand.”


“In addition, since we are still a small and medium-sized guild, we inevitably lack capital. Still, that fee is all received to take care of the guild members. You know?”


“Of course.” 


Jung Sehyun smiled and picked up the pen. Just as Sehyun was about to sign, Haeun stopped him. Park Sucheol looked back at Haeun.


“Kim Younghee-ssi?” 


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“Guild Master, I didn’t just come here to join the Zenith Guild.”


Haeun quietly lowered her eyes to catch the mood. She slowly opened her mouth, like someone whispering something that shouldn’t be heard by others. 


“I came after hearing the rumors. Rumor has it that the Zenith Guild works in miracles.”


Saying this really sounded like a fake, but Haeun brazenly laid the iron plate. 


“I am an E-Class Hunter. Even though it’s better than F-Class— I’m sorry Cheolsu-ssi — but that doesn’t mean it’s good. Besides, the president of the company I worked for was a person who hated awakening, so I was fired from a job I was doing well.”


“Phew, do you mean there are still awakening haters in the world these days?”


“That’s what it is… Anyway, I tried to get a job as a hunter after that, but it wasn’t easy to participate because I didn’t have combat skills. I thought then. What if I had a higher grade? I thought how good it would have been if I had awakened as a strong offensive hunter from the beginning.”


Haeun clenched her fists.


“I don’t want to stay in E-Class. I’m tired of being ignored because my grade is low and I don’t have attack skills. I want to be recognized for my existence. I want to prove to the world that I am a useful person.” 


She tried to match the range in moderation, but old feelings got mixed up as she talked. Thanks to that, it became a more appealing cry. 


Jung Sehyun looked at Haeun with a strange face.


Apparently, Haeun always seemed happy and relaxed when she was around her family, so what she was saying now might seem strange to Jung Sehyun. He feels confused.


Haeun continues strongly.


“Guild leader, please give me a chance. If only I could awaken again, I would do anything.”


Park Sucheol looked at Haeun.


“Can you really do anything?”




“It could be dangerous.”


“I came here with determination. Right, Cheolsu-ssi?” 


“Yes, me too. There is no place to accept me anymore. The only person I trust and follow is guild leader Park Sucheol.” 


“If it is your will…” 


At Park Sucheol’s gesture, an employee came with a new contract.

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