S-Class Except Me

Chapter 86

It is different from previous contracts, which were only paper. It is an A-Class contract. 

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“Please read the contents carefully. But the decision is yours.”


The amount was also much higher. She flipped through the contract and read the contents. Here’s a summary of what was written in fine print.


No external disclosure. And give up the body.


To be precise, it was a clause that the risk was entirely at the guild members, but that’s it, isn’t it?


In addition, the cost of the enormous awakening request was added. The Zenith Guild paid the initial cost, and then the guild members paid it off by attacking Dungeon.


‘This… If I fail to reawaken, I’ll just be a slave.’


Haeun frowned at the explicit provision. Park Sucheol said kindly.


“If you’re scared, you can stop right now.”


“Please don’t underestimate my will.”


Haeun signed the contract on purpose while pretending to be emotional. It’s an A-Class contract anyway, so it doesn’t affect Haeun. Jung Sehyun, an S-Class awakened person, was also the same, so the signing was quickly completed. 


Park Sucheol’s mouth went up as if it would tear.


Tak, he said as he took the contract.


“Welcome. I will help you both physically and mentally so that both of you can soar together with our Zenith Guild.”


“Thank you, guild leader.”


“You don’t drink coffee at all. Is it didn’t suit your taste?”


“I  can’t do anything else when I talk about important things.”


After saying that, Jung Sehyun took a sip of the mixed coffee in a paper cup and drank it. Somehow, the gaze seemed to tell her to drink, too, so Haeun followed him. 




Haeun wrinkled her nose. This tastes strange. Didn’t they burn something?


She glanced at Jung Sehyun, but the other person was calm.


“Then, could you wait a moment? Let me introduce you to our team leader Lee, who will guide you.”


Park Sucheol left the room with the accounting staff. As the two disappeared, Haeun quickly whispered to Jung Sehyun.

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“What is it, Sehyun-ah? This coffee tastes weird. I think it’s like something burned.”


“Something burns? I think it might be sleeping pills for awakened people or something like that.”


“What? Can I eat it?”


“It’s alright. It doesn’t work for us anyway. They wouldn’t even think it would be high-ranker.”


Haeun looked down at the half-left coffee. She should drink a little, but she drinks half of it. 


“Where are they trying to take us if they gave us sleeping pills?”


“Right. He just wrote a slave contract. Maybe that’s where I saw it. I’ll follow him, but Noona?” 


“I won’t go without you! But didn’t we come today to steal data?” 


“I don’t think there will be anything here anyway. But thanks to Noona, I can go to the scene right away.” 


Jung Sehyun seemed to have already made up his mind. Haeun crossed her arms disapprovingly.


“But still, it’s like giving sleeping pills and kidnapping them right away.”


“Because many of the people who come this far are already at the bottom. I’m sure they’re making this suggestion only to people who have no one to look for, and who wouldn’t be surprised if they disappeared.”


“It is the worst.”


“That’s why we have to deal with it.”


As they chatted, she felt a large number of people outside the door. It seems like they’re trying to be quiet, but it wasn’t to the extent that the S-Class and EX-Class wouldn’t notice them.


Are they trying to catch them and looking to their base? Haeun, who was about to ask Jung Sehyun what to do, paused. 




Jung Sehyun, who had been talking to Haeun until just a moment ago, was faint. He is closing his eyes and drooping on the sofa. He said that sleeping pills definitely wouldn’t work!


Suddenly, the door opened.




At first glance, the men who entered the office carrying suspicious items were puzzled when they saw Haeun awake. Haeun was also surprised. What should she do? 


At that time, Jung Sehyun, who was drooping, opened his mouth.

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‘Noona, pretend to pass out!’


“Y, yeah.” 


He wasn’t really fainting, he was just pretending to be fainting. Haeun, who understood the situation, put the back of her hand on her forehead. 


“Why am I so sleepy all of a sudden? A, ah, I can’t…” 


Then, with fierce acting, she fell back.




Very slightly, she could hear Jung Sehyun laughing. This is real.


The people who had been standing on the threshold came into the office only then. Haeun felt someone waving their hand right in front of her face. It seemed like he was trying to make sure she was asleep. 


After a while, a person opened his mouth.


“I was surprised. Did she take the medicine late?”


This is Park Sucheol. You punk, you dared to feed me something strange. Haeun pretended to be asleep while holding back from wanting to open her eyes and grab him by the collar.


“Boss, can we move?”


“Yeah. You have the boat today, right?”


Boat? Haeun pricked up her ears.


“Yes, there are quite a few things to move.”


“All right. Carry it together. The medicine doesn’t seem to work well, so be careful not to wake them up.” 




Someone picked up Haeun and put it on his shoulder. Since she couldn’t hear Jung Sehyun’s movements, Haeun held her breath and let her opponent move. 


* * *




Jung Eunwoo frowned as he took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. The last remaining cigarette fell to the floor. He couldn’t pick it up quickly and smoke it, so he had to get it fondant in muddy water. 


“Tsk, it’s sail.”

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Jung Eunwoo scratched his head like a magpie house. The last mast is said not to yield to his father.


He asked his subordinate, who was by his side.


“Hey, don’t you have a cigarette?”


“It’s been five years since I quit smoking, team leader.”


“What about you?”


“I am a non-smoker.”


“Do you want mine, team leader?”


“Get lost, who’s smoking that bland thing.”


Nicotine addict Jung Eunwoo got nervous. Then, an employee gave serious advice.


“If I don’t have this, what kind of pleasure will I live with?”


“You work out. You’re losing your muscles.”


“Jinsoo-ssi, the team leader is exercising to smoke.”


“Wow, really? Then, how much do you usually exercise?”




Jung Eunwoo waved his hand as if telling them to be quiet. Realizing that Jung Eunwoo wasn’t in a good mood, the team members stopped chatting, and each went to work. 


In fact, it wasn’t even the time to play like this. It was because they had to do a total check for the last time as they would go into an S-Class dungeon raid soon. 


Today’s raid was planned to be carried out in cooperation with the Dungeon Management and Safety Department and the Ahyeon Guild. It was decided because it was classified as a high-risk dungeon.


Since there weren’t many S-class hunters in Korea, there were cases where, inevitably, they were recruited from various groups for the attack. 


Jung Eunwoo glanced at Seo Dojoon, who was with the members of the Ahyeon Guild. The top of the table was even today.


He suddenly felt unpleasant.


Reason? There’s no such thing. He just doesn’t like the damn Seo Dojoon.


He didn’t like that he couldn’t do it properly when he entrusted the request, and he didn’t like that he dared to set up a guild and do activities alone. If he had entered the government post, a perfect hierarchy would have been established under him, but now the genealogy is twisted.

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He doesn’t like it when he gets involved with his younger sister Jung Haeun and becomes the center of rumors. A few days ago, there was even a rumor going around that the two were dating.


It is an unacceptable story that the likes of Seo Dojoon dare to bother his younger sister. No matter how much his younger sister looked like a ferocious orangutan, it was still not for Seo Dojoon.


Jung Haeun needed to meet a man who was a little nicer, sincere, polite, and a good drinker anyway. 


Jung Eunwoo fiddled with his empty fingers. He just needs one, only one.


“Oppa, please quit it. Huh? You smell like cigarettes. What’s so good about it that you’re smoking like that?”


Haeun, who was nagging, suddenly came to mind. Every time he looked for a cigarette, Haeun would openly show her dislike.


Jung Eunwoo exhaled. Yeah, he doesn’t think it would be bad to try cutting it off at this point.


Although he feels bad seeing Seo Dojoon today, and there is a feeling of pressure that he will soon enter the S-class dungeon raid, and he has to live with Seo Dojoon in the dungeon for about a week, but the whole family, including Jung Haeun, wants him to stop smoking, so he will try it.


“Team leader, I think the briefing will begin soon.”




However, the moment Jung Eunwoo checks his phone for the last time before entering the command center, all his resolve collapses.


Hyung. Noona is really dating Seo Dojoon. [2:28 PM]




Jung Eunwoo shouted. The people around him turned to Jung Eunwoo in surprise. They wondered if there was any serious problem with the gate they were going to enter.


Jeong Eunwoo, who was holding the cell phone, trembled slightly. He typed fast.


[PM 2:35] Don’t lie.


It’s true [2:36 PM]


He called her earlier. [2:36 PM]


Jung Eunwoo grabbed the back of his neck. What about my sister and that guy?


A fire lit up in his eyes. Tendons sprouted from the hand holding his phone.


“Haha. That’s what the two are like.”


He expected that the week-long raid activities with Seo Dojoon would be very fun.

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