Saving You, Villain

Chapter 18

Thinking that the bottom of the bear sculpture was too uneven, it wouldn’t even be able to stand alone and would fall on the desk. If it leaned its back slightly against the wall, it might settle into a stable position.

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But here, believing for even a moment that Camian’s c*ck was a sculpture without even looking for it properly—this was one hundred percent my fault.

And I hadn’t even tried to apologize to Camian yet. After hearing Camian pleasuring himself, seeing his face became several times more embarrassing. Just by looking at his side profile, my face became so hot that I couldn’t even say a word, let alone an apology.

Camian also only spoke the bare minimum with me and did not talk about anything else. While carrying me on his broad back to the academy, not a single word was exchanged between us.

It felt like we were very conscious of each other, but outwardly we were treating each other like strangers. No, was I the only one being overly conscious of it?

The strange atmosphere continued even after we arrived at the academy. Camian didn’t take my seat, and I didn’t intend to sit next to him either. He sat in a position where I could barely see the back of his head. Have we ever sat apart like this? I slowly searched my memory, but nothing came to mind.

“Did you guys fight?”

Tessa asked as if it was a big deal. I shrugged my chin and fixed my gaze on Camian’s black-clad back.

“It wasn’t a fight…”

Because I did something to him that I shouldn’t have done to him.

“It looks like you had a fight.”

“…I’m telling you it is not.”

“It’s harvest season in your village these days right, so isn’t it the busiest time? Don’t focus on other places for nothing, just replenish your stamina and help out with work.”

“He’s doing well on his own.”

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“Is Camian the one who started the fight?”

“…There’s nothing for us to fight about.”

As if Tessa already knew all about it, she clucked her tongue. She assumed without knowing the exact circumstances. I know it is true that I made a huge mistake towards Camian, but it was a bit unfair for Tessa to treat me like this.

You don’t know, but this guy you think is great could actually throw this academy into hell if he wanted to. To look at me as if I was criticized for having touched his d*ck just once… Ugh. It’s all pointless talk.

Putting the future aside, looking at the facts that happened, it was me, not Camian, who did the unscrupulous molestation and didn’t even apologize.

“Don’t dilly dally and apologize.”

Tessa pointed to Camian with her chin. Before I knew it, the other students suddenly gathered around him, forming a noisy group. What are you talking about? Those students, who were babbling one word at a time, were watching Camian with a look in their eyes rather than trying to strike a conversation.

Clear in their eyes was a strong desire to get to know him. I wondered what kind of expression Camian had between them. I stared intently at the guy’s back, imagining him having a nonchalant look.

“Don’t stare and just apologize.”

“…I didn’t mean to.”

“Honestly, where can you find a friend like Camian? Even if he’s a childhood friend, carrying all your textbooks, taking care of your homework every time you collapse, and running to the doctor carrying you every time you collapse is something that you wouldn’t normally do without sincerity. If you hadn’t been angry because you and Camian weren’t in a relationship, I would have believed you so.”

The words praising Camian were not very impressive because I had listened to them until my ears were worn out. Why are you praising that bastard for me? However, there was one annoying part. I turned my head to face Tessa.

“When was I ever angry?”

Tessa let out an exasperated sigh.

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“Don’t you remember? Shortly after we entered school. When the kids asked you if you were going to marry Camian, you cried and shouted no. Then, you passed out. Do you know how surprised I was then?”

As I listened, I vaguely recalled a memory that had been buried in time.

I think it was just around the end of the second sexual encounter with him. At that time, my distrust of Camian was not completely washed away. To the other kids, Camian and I were good targets to tease, thinking that we might fall in love with each other if we accidentally touched each other.

The body belonged to a minor, but the mind possessed was that of an adult, so such a teasing could be taken as a joke.

But apart from being teased, the children’s playful words became a spark, and I feared what would happen if Camian became aware of me as someone who’s more than a contractor. Moreover, it was when I screamed all night in terrible pain, as if a blade cut out the flesh. My whole body and mind could not control the emotions, and I immediately expressed what was rising.

After shouting that I do not have such a relationship with Camian, not long afterward Camian told me that we should go to school separately.

Tessa tapped my forehead with her index finger.

“If you can’t even apologize, you’ll be the one losing.”

“I know. I’ll apologize.”

But just looking at his face, I keep seeing the same thing from yesterday… What should I do with the sound of breathing in heat ringing in my ears? It made my body heat up so much that I couldn’t ignore it easily.

Even though Tessa continued to notice, I couldn’t even say a word to Camian, let alone an apology, until all lectures were over.

Camian, who went out the front door before me, was standing leaning against a wisteria tree. As I got closer to him, Camian turned his back without saying a word and bent his knees. On his angled shoulders, open purple petals were buried like snow. After brushing it off with his hand, I leaned on his body. Without a single word of conversation.

Even business relationships wouldn’t be this rigid.

With every step he took, my body shook with a certain beat. I leaned my cheek against his shoulder and caught the sight of the slow passing scenery. But my mind was in a state of chaos to even feel the atmosphere of nature.

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Looking at the expansive green land, the subtle scent of grass, and the ripe autumn trees, I was reminded that the c*ck that I touched yesterday was like a sculpture of a bear. I can’t believe it either. By this point, an unbelievable grunt lingered under my tongue.

No but, what kind of guy’s thing is so big? It was enough to make me mistake it for a bear sculpture…

Blaming Camian’s extraordinary body for yesterday’s catastrophe would only make him get angry.

So the only way to deal with yesterday’s mishap was to apologize. And now was the right time to do so. This was a moment when I wouldn’t have to look at this guy’s face.

After clenching my dry throat once, I spoke blindly.

“About yesterday,”

“What are you trying to say?”

Just as I was about to say, ‘I’m sorry,’ Camian interrupted me. His sharp tone mercilessly tore the courage I had barely gathered.

The words of an apology that I had briefly thought about evaporated in my head. What should I say? My head was spinning.

“… I, yes, I’m sorry I mistook it for a bear sculpture.”


Camian didn’t answer. I wish he would say it’s okay or if he swore or something, but the guy’s mouth didn’t open until the end. An unbearable embarrassment pulled my nerves taut.

“…But why were you born with something like that?”

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Camian, who was walking at a constant stride, suddenly lost his footing. As his body leaned forward, I instinctively grabbed his neck and hugged him. Camian, who immediately regained his balance, let out an annoyed sigh and started walking again.

“Oh, I’m not saying it’s your fault. If I sounded bad, I apologize for that, too.”


“Since I was little, I have been brainwashed like this, that a man’s thing is a chili pepper, so of course I thought there would be chili pepper in the pants, but I didn’t think there would be a bear sculpture…”


“So I mean, your thing has been blessed among the chili pepper fields. A special grade A.”

Camian finally stopped in his tracks. As he took in a long inhale and let it out after that, I felt his back swell. Even if my apology was wrong, I buried my face in his shoulder, feeling that it was wrong for a long time.

Then I comforted him and whispered softly.

“…You will be loved by a woman. I guarantee it.”

He spoke in a calm voice, who had only listened quietly.

“Do you want me to set you down here?”

The house was right in front of me. It wasn’t too far to walk, but I didn’t want to get off.


“Then shut your mouth.”

…Cheeky. Who dares to shut up to whom? But, having committed a crime, I kept my mouth shut until I went inside the house.

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