Saving You, Villain

Chapter 19

With narrowed eyes and a grave expression, Kamian let out a weary sigh. Then, with a noticeably relaxed face, he firmly adjusted my clothes.

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“What is there to worry about?”

“You’re extraordinary, that’s what.”

“Don’t act all surprised when you already know. I’m genuinely startled.”

“Don’t play innocent now, of all times.”

I pushed Kamian aside and stepped outside. The air was chilly, but the wind wasn’t too strong to withstand.

“Need a hand?”

Kamian quickly caught up beside me, pointing to her own back.

“Where are we going?”

“To Mr. Holt’s place.”

“What? It’s nearby.”

As we walked, our long strides matched each other’s.

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“I’ll be inside the house when we arrive.”

“And you?”

“I have to help with chopping firewood. It stirs up a lot of dust, which isn’t good for my lungs. So, don’t come near.”


Although I wanted to stay by Kamian’s side, I restrained myself upon hearing the mention of the detrimental effects on my lungs. Winter seemed to exacerbate my occasional coughing fits. Even a small cold could pose a significant challenge to my body, so I had to be cautious about everything.

“If you think it’ll be boring, you can go back now.”

“No, it’s exercise and a walk combined. It’s also interesting to chat with Aunt Nella.”

Holt’s household was a diverse neighbourhood where people frequently came and went. It wasn’t the most comfortable place, but on free weekends, it would suddenly come to mind. As soon as we arrived at Holt’s, Kamian disappeared with Holt, and I enjoyed the warm honey tea offered by Nella.

“…Can you imagine how surprised Kamian must have been when he carried you all the way to our house at such a young age?”

“I feel like I’ve heard this story at least ten times.”

“Well, then let’s make it the eleventh telling. Kamian was drenched in rain while you had multiple layers of clothing protecting you.”

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“So, I didn’t get a single drop of rain on me, but my clothes were soaked with cold sweat?”

“That’s right. On top of that, Debra and Jex were attending a relative’s wedding that day. How fl**tered must Kamian have been while you were burning up with fever? But she remained calm, without shedding a tear.”

“Wow… That kid is truly something.”

“It was fortunate we had fever-reducing medicine at home. Ah, just thinking about it still makes my heart race.”

I mechanically responded with a vague nod. Hearing the same story over ten times about an incident from when I was nine years old was undoubtedly tedious and tiresome.

My tea cup was more than halfway empty, while Nella’s cup remained untouched since I first poured it. I hadn’t taken a single sip due to the stifling praise from Kamian.

“So, Liv, when are you two getting married?”

Whenever I meet my neighbours, I no longer find their repeated inquiries significant enough to merit attention.

“We are friends. We aren’t married.”

“Oh my, what kind of friendship is it when both you and Kamian are practically dying for each other?”

Her words struck me a little. It is true that Kamian likes me, but I do not reciprocate those feelings. I harbour tender emotions for Kamian, but they do not extend to love. And I must never allow myself to fall in love with Kamian.

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“It’s a misunderstanding.”

Nella clicked her tongue disapprovingly.

“Don’t let your guard down. What if Kamian moves on to someone else?”

“Well, that would be a blessing. I would genuinely offer my heartfelt congratulations.”

“You’re uttering nonsense you don’t mean.”

“Please don’t belittle my sincerity. I mean it.”

A hearty laughter danced upon my furrowed face. Nella nodded, as if understanding, but her expression didn’t betray any belief in my words. She can think as she pleases.

I gulped down a mouthful of sweet tea.

As the tea settled, Kamian returned as the sun began to set. Their sleeves were folded up to their elbows, as if unaffected by the chill. Their robust, muscular forearms stood out prominently.

“Let’s go.”


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Before I could even grab my coat, Kamian was already holding it out for me to wear comfortably. They are quick. They swiftly put their arms through each sleeve and meticulously straightened the front.

“Now, each takes one of these.”

Holt emerged and handed carved wooden figures of a bird and a bear to Kamian. True to Holt’s craftsmanship, the bear’s teeth and the bird’s wings were exquisitely detailed, leaving one in awe.

“Can we really take these with us?”

“Compared to what you’ve done for us, this is nothing.”

I stared at the carvings with wide-open eyes. What should I choose? The bird is impressive, but I feel the bear exudes more grandeur. If I place it in front of my window, it might even scare away ghosts. Once I made up my mind, the bear vanished before my eyes.

…That rascal?

Kamian held the wooden figure in one hand and expressed gratitude to Holt. I reluctantly accepted the bird.

I refrained from arguing with Holt about whether this was better or that was better, as it seemed impolite.

And when Holt’s house was nearly out of sight, I flicked my fingers toward Kamian.

“Give me the bear.”

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