Saving You, Villain

Chapter 20

“We must have a volunteer militia in our town as well. The curfew hasn’t even been lifted, yet they’re installing a gang of thugs.”

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“Where is it written that we must choose without reaching an agreement? Your impudence knows no bounds.”

In truth, there was nothing to say even if Kamian took both sculptures since he had worked tirelessly on them alone. However, knowing he wasn’t the kind of person to be deceitful or petty, I purposely acted more brazenly.

Instead of taking the bear from Kamian’s hand, I handed him a bird. As I folded each finger around it, I heard a faint sound of laughter escaping.

“I might join the militia after graduating from the academy.”

“But there must be some financial gain in being part of the militia.”

“To wake up and be robbed of one’s belongings, one must have a sense of injustice to work without payment.”

I comforted Kamian by patting his back.

“When you become an admirable member of the militia, return this bear sculpture. Stay strong until then.”

As the bear sculpture nestled in his hand, a tune involuntarily hummed from his lips. I took one step forward, and Kamian followed behind me. Underneath the elongated evening twilight, maple leaves rustled and gently fell.

Conversations about living a peaceful daily life and naturally envisioning the future left a tender ache in my heart. I am not truly ‘Liv,’ and Kamian is not an honest country youth. However, at this moment, as Liv and Kamian who were born and raised in this town, and who would continue to live together, we faced each other.

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I hope this play will have a happy ending, although we cannot predict when the final curtain will fall. When we remove our masks and return to our original lives… Even if we feel a bittersweet aftertaste in the intoxication of the lingering emotions, I want to avoid the tragedy of being unable to escape our roles and meet our end.

* * *


Kamian, who had showered and come out before me, was lying stretched out on my bed. In his hands, he held a novel different from the one he had been reading before. His reading speed was remarkably swift. I wondered when he found the time to read while he was busy running around all day. Doesn’t he ever sleep?

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“This place helps me concentrate,” he replied.

I scoffed at his words. It was simply an excuse; he had come because he wanted to see me… Wait a minute. I hastily tossed the towel that was wrapped around my head and grasped the desk.

“Where’s my bear?”

“Why are you asking me?”

“Because you were in my room.”

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“It wasn’t me. Don’t suspect me.”

The bear figurine I had placed on the desk near the window had mysteriously disappeared. The actions of the person who had shown interest in the bear and boasted about it while on patrol flashed through my mind. What kind of person thinks of becoming a police officer? Such a thief shouldn’t wear that uniform!

I slumped down next to Kamian.

“Speak some words of comfort,” I said.

“Don’t talk nonsense,” he replied with a touch of sarcasm.

“I’m the one who catches thieves.”

I snatched the book he was reading. Kamian let out a sigh that seemed more like a lament. He then rose to his feet and stared at me with a cold expression.

“A thief?”

“Who says that? Bad habits die hard, even when you’re seventy. I don’t think I can just overlook your mischievous ways.”

“Hey, what are you doing…!”

It was clear that the bear figurine was hidden somewhere on Kamian’s body. If Kamian had asked for the bear figurine, I would have gladly handed it over. But to engage in such a vulgar act… I couldn’t just let it slide.

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I felt his thick forearms and chest, brushing against his abs. Kamian was in a feeble position, unable to do anything against my strength, with his arms raised awkwardly.

“If I find it, be prepared to get a taste of the bear figurine on your head,” I warned.

“Keep your hands off me. I’ll turn my pockets inside out to show you…”

“What’s this?”

Kamian took a deep breath, and I could feel the tension in his stiffened muscles. I caught him red-handed. I tightly gripped what was on his right thigh. It was large and substantial, about the same size as the bear figurine.

“What is this, huh? Are you still going to play dumb?”


Kamian’s ears turned as red as if they were about to burst. He seemed to understand that stealing was a shameful act. After mocking him, he shook something weighty from side to side. Kamian grimaced and twitched in response. His eye area flushed with a pinkish hue.

“Kamian, speak up. Well?”

“…Take your hands off me.”

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“Start by explaining what happened.”

If he showed sincere remorse, I might consider giving him a little leniency. Depending on his actions, I might even simply give the artwork to Kamian.

“Leave, just for a moment…Ugh.”

However, his reaction was peculiar. He seemed to be pondering something, and he also appeared to be in pain. I wondered if the artwork had pricked his skin, so I grabbed it and lifted it up. Then, Kamian jumped up, straightened his back, and grabbed my shoulders. His eyes were slightly moistened with tears.

“Kamian, why did you…”

I felt a squirming sensation in my hand. My entire focus was directed towards my palm. The wooden artwork, which was not supposed to expand on its own, was growing larger and larger in my hand.

No way.

Kamian’s breathing became shallow. By the time he realized it, it was too late.

“What you held and shook… is my flesh”


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