Saving You, Villain

Chapter 33

Saving You, Villain - Chapter 33 - Thoughts - Hades House

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6-7 minutes 12.06.2023

Thick and smooth lips nibbled on my lower lip, gently brushing against it before pressing firmly and emitting a soft sound. When his sharp teeth lightly grazed the corner of my mouth and sucked it in, I instinctively grasped his chest.

As enjoyable as the teasing kisses were, my body yearned for more. I craved heightened sensations, causing my fingertips to twitch with anticipation.

“Kamian,” I called out, and he lifted his head to look at me. His lips were slightly swollen from our prolonged kissing. Like a playful game, I firmly pressed his lower lip with my index finger and spoke.

“I want a better feeling than this, right now.”

Under normal circumstances, I would never utter such words. I surprised myself even after speaking to them. Yet, I lacked the skill to resist the overwhelming desire, and I had no intention of retracting my words.

Raising my gaze from his lips, which had been lingering, I met his eyes directly. Even in the darkness, his eyes, unyielding to losing their radiance, were remarkably beautiful. It felt as if I could understand why so many characters in countless stories had been captivated by the devil. With eyes like these, it was more than enough…

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My body lifted lightly, causing my vision to blur. Underneath my head, a familiar and soft sensation greeted me. Kamian pulled a pillow and laid me down, trapping my lower abdomen between his legs, and in one breath, he discarded his clothes.

A well-toned physique was revealed, so well sculpted that it evoked admiration. Although I had seen it before, my attention was stolen by the distinct contours of his abdominal muscles and the firmly defined chest muscles that rose prominently. While appreciating his coolly stretched shoulders and boulder-like forearms, Kamian descended his body. He rested his arm against my face without putting any weight on me.

“You always… have that kind of expression when you look at my body.”

With each word he spoke, a subtle vibration could be felt through our gently pressed chests. I found the sensation delightful. I reached out my arm and embraced Kamian’s back, our chests fitting together more snugly.

“What kind of expression is it?”

“A face that makes me want to devour you.”

It was a statement of truth, leaving me with no words. On a day when impulsivity surged within me, I had even considered secretly giving Kamian alcohol and then taking advantage of him. He wouldn’t remember anything the next day anyway. However, in order to live as a human being and not as an animal, I chose to keep my thoughts as mere thoughts.

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I had believed that I had hidden these desires quite well, but apparently not. Everything had been exposed.

“So, I waited.”


“I wondered when I would be able to devour you. I regulated myself so that I wouldn’t disappoint you by losing my muscles, or make you uncomfortable by becoming excessively grotesque.”

I blinked my eyes slowly, unsure of how to respond. I had never come across any media where a man took care of his physique to offer sympathy. Suppressing my pounding heart, I held his neck in my arms. With our lips drawing closer, as if about to kiss, I whispered softly.

“I don’t like you, Kamian.”

“I know.”

His indifferent response pierced my heart, like bitter water turning and seeping into the wounds. To feign ignorance of the pain, I met his lips with mine.

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It was not the tender exchange of our past; rather, it was a fervent and unabashed act driven solely by desire. At least, that was how I perceived it.

I pulled on Kamian’s unyielding lips, forcefully drawing his neck closer to mine. As our lips parted with a soft sigh, I delved inside, exploring deeply with my tongue. The faint taste of tangy blood lingered.

Even in his cautious demeanour, Kamian began to reciprocate, his tongue vigorously pulling and sucking mine. With each angle he eagerly adjusted, our connection deepened. Unlike my own fumbling attempts, Kamian displayed a skillful understanding of my desires and pleasures.

“Um, you, um, first time, right?” he asked, as he teased his tongue into my mouth or spoke the words aloud—it was imperative to ask and see.

Using the tip of my tongue to caress the back of his upper teeth, Kamian, who had been stimulating the rough palate of my mouth, responded while still kissing me.

“You’re my first everything.”

Despite this knowledge, doubts still lingered. Could it be that he had engaged in such acts with another girl from the Academy while I was absent? If so, it wouldn’t matter. In fact, it would put my mind at ease. In other words, he didn’t have to lie about it being my first time just to make a good impression on me.

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However, Kamian’s voice remained steadfast, as if asking why such an obvious question was being posed. Was he sincere? When my brow furrowed slightly, he suddenly grinned. Waves of tranquil laughter washed into my mouth.

“Am I doing well?”

“Is it an exaggerated self-perception? Why ask such a… hmm!”

My collar was pulled down. As the cool air tickled my sensitized nerves, something sinful bit into my neck, drawing blood. My knees trembled slightly, seized by a sudden stimulation.

“Ah… it’s… itchy.”

Rather than thrusting something into my throat like it had been on many occasions, it was a gentle kiss on the scarred area, delicately traced by soft lips and gently licked with the tip of his tongue. I had to feel the strange tickle each time his moist and smooth tongue pressed deeply against my throat. Tilting my head to the left, his hair brushed against my cheek.

“Is it your preference for the inexperienced?”

“Wait, um, don’t, don’t talk about that… out loud. Ah…”

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