Saving You, Villain

Chapter 34

Saving You, Villain - Chapter 34 - Melting - Hades House

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5-6 minutes 12.06.2023

Only after Kamian forcefully sucked my flesh to the point where it made an obscene sound did he finally raise his head. My saliva-drenched throat felt dry and tight.

He looked at my throat, now tinged with a vivid blush, with sharp eyes. His dilated pupils, consumed by desire, moved flexibly, lingering at the edge of his chin before he licked his lips and met my gaze.

“You’re desperate to know where to put that…,”

His l**tful gaze alone aroused me. It was due to the rush of blood, after all. Well, it couldn’t be helped. I pressed my thumb firmly against the hand that had been digging into me. The tingling pain that emanated from my index finger brought a sense of relief.

“Is it like this?”


I chewed the inside of my lips thoughtfully. I didn’t resist as his large hands undressed me. Instead, I assisted him by raising my hips.

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“Well then, why don’t you take matters into your own hands?” I whispered.


He unbuttoned his pants and pulled my hand towards him. My palm was filled with a substantial presence. I was not unfamiliar with this sensation, but it was more disconcerting than lying naked before him. Understandably so, for it was larger than when I had mistaken it for a bear figurine. For a moment, I wondered if it was human. Ah, right, a demon. I nodded in confirmation. However, the problem was that I, who had to accommodate this, was human. I felt myself growing tense once again.

“Are you going to put it in the hole?”

“…It won’t fit.”

The scorching object that touched my palm pulsated with intensity. Kamian held my hand and slowly caressed the d*ck. His chest swelled and deflated as he exhaled softly.

“Don’t make a weak sound.”

“It’s not a weak sound… Ah!”

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Kamian released my hand and discarded his pants entirely. His firm palm glided smoothly over my slender waistline, gently pressing against my tailbone. Everywhere his hand passed, sparks ignited. His large grip tightly encompassed my trembling chest.


My rounded breasts crumpled in his long, elegant hand. As he suddenly exerted force, my nipples and breast flesh protruded between his fingers. Kamian openly admired the malleable breasts beneath his hand. The sound of my suffering escaped not only from the stimulation originating from my chest but also from his gaze.

“Enough, ah, look…”

“Your skin must be so delicate if handprints remain on your breasts.”

“Ah… be, be gentle… just a little.”

“When you push, push as you please, and when you suck, suck as you please. Shall we try putting a phallus between them and see what happens?”

He whispered into her ear, his voice filled with excitement, piercing her senses. His hot tongue licked her entire earlobe, nibbling on it until it became sore. As she absorbed the sensation, it felt as if she was inhaling it deeply.

“Ouch, it hurts.”

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“You shouldn’t be hurting so soon.”

He spoke with a worried tone, then teasingly flicked his erect nipple. The intense pleasure made her dizzy. Her waist trembled so sweetly, as if it were shivering a little away from the bed. In haste, I grabbed his hand, overlapping our palms.

I could feel his tense hand moving subtly beneath my palm.

“Ah… ouch, wait a moment.”

“Leave it. Do you know how beautiful you look in my hands?”

His raw, unreserved voice echoed in her ear, filling her with a tingling sensation.

“We haven’t done anything yet, so it’s too soon for this.”

“Ah? Huh, what, what should we do, ahh…”

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As if to show it through actions rather than words, he firmly pressed his nipple. A moan was swallowed into his mouth. Kamian tilted his head slightly and pushed his tongue deep into the recesses of her open mouth. Not content with just stealing her moans, he greedily sucked up the saliva, teasing her tongue by pulling it out until the root, almost lewdly.

“Open your mouth wide as I thrust my tongue into your throat.”

He growled fiercely. My lips, bereft of their senses, parted slightly, and I could feel the saliva that had clung to the corners of my mouth trickling down my cheeks. Kamian wiped the saliva off with his broad tongue and pushed it into my mouth. Then, he pushed his literal tongue deep into my wide-open mouth. I couldn’t help but close my eyes tightly at the sloppy and disorderly act that couldn’t be called a kiss.

It was an act that didn’t suit Kamian, who had taken such gentle care of my body.

“Ooh, um… Ah, hah!”

I had to open my mouth wider to breathe, and Kamian took advantage of the opportunity to kiss me even deeper. The saliva that had just flowed had a cute, lingering feeling as it uncontrollably dribbled down my jaw.

“Um, hah, oh… Kam… Kamian…”

Not only my mouth but even my brain felt like it was melting. My heart pounded heavily, and it felt like my lungs were about to burst from the lack of air. When the pain and pleasure flooded in simultaneously, my body convulsed as if in a seizure. I pushed the bedsheet away with the soles of my feet and tapped Kamian’s shoulder with my hand. Tears welled up from the unbearable sensation. Just as the cry was about to erupt, Kamian fell back with an awkward sound.

I gasped for breath, my chest heaving. But the respite was only temporary.

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