Saving You, Villain

Chapter 36

Saving You, Villain - Chapter 36 - Intense - Hades House

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5-6 minutes 12.06.2023

Kamian’s gaze remained fixed on my face as he gently traced the glans with the tip of his tongue. Then he pressed his lips deeply and suddenly sucked on it. His eyes widened. A dry sob escaped through his parted lips.

“Does it feel good when I suck?”

“Ah, huff, haa…”

“It’s leaking.”

“Don’t, don’t say, huff, ah!”

I knew he had a wicked personality, but I never expected it to be this intense. Why does he insist on speaking while his mouth is busy? The low vibration collided between my legs, delivering an even more intense pleasure. Kamian knew that well and deliberately did such things.

“It’s frustrating.”

With a subtle flick of his sharp nose against the base, he murmured quietly. I couldn’t retort, only my hips trembled halfway off the bed.

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“If you suck well, I should at least stroke your head.”

Kamian weakly pulled my hand, which was already limp, up to his head. He buried his head below again and rolled the glans with his tongue.

“Ah, ahh! Haa…”

If this continues, my head will be ruined. Tears welled up once again, blurring my vision.

“Don’t you have any compliments?”

What kind of compliments are suddenly being asked for? I had a mouthful of curses I wanted to pour out, but if I didn’t compliment him, it seemed Kamian wouldn’t stop speaking while his mouth was still on me.

“Well, you’re good, [huff], ah… Kamian, [huff].”

I gently moved my hand and caressed his head. Even if Kamian hadn’t sucked on the lollipop with such a loud sound, I wouldn’t have yanked his hair.

Kamian chuckled and grabbed my hips. In an instant, my lower body was lifted upwards.

As the angle became more comfortable for faster movement, he inserted his tongue into the hole. The hot flesh stirred my walls, stealing my essence. Wet sounds filled the heated space.

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“Ah, wait a moment,” I uttered.

Sensitivity heightened with every spot his tongue touched. The rising warmth from below gradually intensified until it completely engulfed me. Unable to overcome the deepening excitement, I emitted uncontrollable moans.

“Ah, ah!”

Not satisfied with only flicking the insides with his firm tongue, a finger delved inward. Deep, deeper. As the long finger touched a place deep within, a sensation akin to toes curling swept over me. I couldn’t make a sound, only parting my lips slightly.

“It’s quite slippery.”

The finger soon expanded into two. While I felt a foreign presence, there was no pain. No, rather than pain, an irresistible stimulation relentlessly shattered me.

“Do you hear the sound?”

“Ah, ah, ah…”

As Kamian rapidly moved his hand, the wet sounds resonated embarrassingly loud.

“This should be enough for me to fit in completely. I’ll push to your favourite area.”

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Kamian gauged the size of the hole and spread his fingers against my walls. Then, firmly grasping my buttocks, he thrust his hand even deeper. I convulsed, shaking my waist and crying out loudly. It didn’t take long before everything before my eyes flashed black and flipped back to white.

The finger that had penetrated withdrew smoothly, followed by a long kiss on the convulsing thighs. The tongue would naturally be soaked, but it also descended upon the lips of my thighs and knees.

I sprawled across the bed. As I took rough breaths in the aftermath, a dense shadow loomed over my body. Then, something much larger and blunter than fingers pressed against me.


The intense climax hadn’t fully subsided, so my body remained extremely sensitive. Even the slightest contact caused me to ascend once again.


She gasped and called out to him. Kamian, his lips smeared with a transparent liquid, wore an intensely provocative expression. Using his thumb, he wiped the liquid around his mouth, as if savouring something delightful, before greedily sucking it in.

Then he extended his arm and gently caressed the corner of my eye with the back of his hand, a tender touch so unexpectedly affectionate that it was hard to believe it belonged to the same person who was forcing something sinister below.

“Spread your legs wider.”

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There was a fervent breath mingled in his voice. As I revealed more of my inner thigh, the rounded tip of my glans slowly opened.

“Ugh, ah… Oh.”

Although I had vaguely anticipated that consuming his member wouldn’t be an easy task, my preparations seemed futile as I was overwhelmed by its staggering size.

“Liv, relax your grip.”

“Insane… Ah! This isn’t something you can just relax, oh… Haah!”

To endure the sensation of him forcefully entering, I bit down on my lower lip. In response, Kamian inserted his own finger into my crevice. I clenched my jaw with all my might, no matter what I was biting, and applied pressure to my chin.

“Mmm, ugh!”

“Oh… It’s so tight.”

“Just… Wait, just a moment…!”

“Liv, release your grip. My phallus might snap.”

The scorching pillar filled my inner walls completely. I could feel every swollen vein pulsating. Would this penetration ever come to an end? No matter how much I endured, no matter how much I resisted, the phallus relentlessly pressed against my entire inner barrier.

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